Whitby Yards - F

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Falkingbridge Yard

Location:(185)/(186) Church Street
  • OS1893: unnamed, 185/186 Church Street
  • (OS1849,1893) C1891,1901
  • See also: 

    Fawcett Yard

    Location:47/48 Flowergate
  • EP1899: Fawcetts Yard, Flowergate
  • AW1899: Fawcetts Yard, Flowergate
  • OS1852: unnamed, 47/48 Flowergate
  • OS1893: unnamed, 47/48 Flowergate
  • JH1986: unnamed, 46/48 Flowergate
  • (JH) (OS1849,1893) EP1899 AW CSD C1891,1901
  • See also: 

    Fern Cottage (Yard)

    Location:2a/3 Flowergate
  • OS1852: unnamed, 2a/3 Flowergate
  • OS1893: unnamed, 2a/3 Flowergate
  • JH1986: unnamed, 2a/3 Flowergate
  • See also: 

    First Hospital Yard

    Location:rear 11 Middle Hospital Yard/rear 28 Middle Hospital Yard Church Street
  • EP1893: First Hospital Yard, Church Street
  • AW1893: First Hospital Yard, Church Street
  • AW1909: First Hospital Yard, Church Street
  • OS1893: First Hospital Yard, Seamen's Hospital, 45/46 Church Street
  • JH1986: Mardens Place (mislabelled)
  • JH OS1893 EP1893 CS AW1893,1909 C1901
  • See also:Low Hospital Yard, Middle Hospital Yard

    Fisherman's Buildings

    Location: The Cragg
  • CS1934 AW1934
  • See also: 

    Fisherman's Buildings

    Location:The Cragg
  • CS1934: Fishermans Buildings, Cragg
  • AW1934: Fisherman's Buildings, Cragg
  • CS1934 AW1934

  • See also: 

    Fisherman's Warehouse

    Location:Cliff Street
  • JH1986: unnamed, Cliff Street
  • (JH)
  • See also: 

    Fish Ghaut

    Location:144/145 Church Street to 14/15 Market Place
  • EP1837: Fish Ghaut, Church Street
  • CS1837: Fish Ghaut, Church Street
  • CS1899: Fish Ghaut, Church Street
  • CS1934: Fish Ghaut, Church Street
  • AW1837: Fish Ghaut, Sandgate
  • OS1852: Fish Ghaut, 144/145 Church Street to Shambles
  • OS1849 EP1837 CS1837,1899,1934 AW1837

    There is some conflicting evidence for the location of Fish Ghaut.
    144/145 Church Street
    Edward Perry: Church Street 1837.
    Ordnance Survey 1849: what is now Brewster Lane labelled as Fish Ghaut.
    OS map of 1849 shows Fish Ghaut as the name for what is now Brewster Lane,
    running from Church Street through the northern extension of Sandgate/Market
    Place down to the river and to Fish Pier. According to Young the fish market
    was held on Fish Ghaut. The area between the the Sandgate extension and the
    river is considerably larger than Watson's Ghaut and is a more plausible
    location to hold a market.
    The Shambles has since been built on the western end between Sandgate/Market
    Place and the river, pushing the access to the river and pier further north
    towards Argument's Yard. Properties on Brewster Lane are addressed as Market
    3/4 Sandgate
    Alan Whitworth: Sandgate 1837. From c1790 the fish market was held here at
    the top of the steps that ran down to the river. Today the opening is
    blocked up but can be seen clearly between Greenwood's [3] and the former
    Victorian Museum [4].
    George Young: The fish market was held in the passage formerly known as Fish
    Ghaut opposite Ellerby Lane on Sandgate next to Mr Watson's shop.
    Not shown on any map as Fish Ghaut. The consistant evidence of 4 Sandgate
    being Mr Watson's shop supports the name Watson's Ghaut.
  • See also:Queens Hotel Yard

    Fleece Inn Yard

    Location:(184)/(185) Church Street
  • EP1823: Fleece Inn, Church Street
  • EP1823: Fleece Inn, 184 Church Street
  • OS1893: unnamed, 184 PH/185 Church Street
  • (OS1849,1893) C1891,1901
  • See also: 

    Flintoft's Gallery

    Location:[172]/[174] Church Street
  • EP1893: Flintofts Gallery, 175 Church Street
  • CS1899: Flintofts Gallery, 173/174 Church Street
  • CS1934: Flintofts Gallery, 173/174 Church Street
  • AW1893: Flintofts Gallery, Church Street
  • AW1909: Flintofts Gallery, Church Street
  • OS1852: unnamed, 173/174 Church Street to 174/175 Church Street
  • OS1893: Flintoft's Gallery, 173/174 Church Street
  • also via 174/175 Church Street
  • JH1986: Flintofts Gallery, 174/175 Church Street
  • JH (OS1849,1893) EP CS1899,1934 AW1893,1909 CSD C1891,1901
  • See also: 

    Forester's Court

    Location:85/86 Church Street
  • EP1893: Foresters Court, 85 Church Street
  • CS1899: Foresters Court, 85/86 Church Street
  • CS1934: Foresters Court, 85/86 Church Street
  • Owner: Royal Antediluvian Order of Foresters
  • AW1893: Foresters Court, Church Street
  • previously Breckons Yard
  • AW1909: Foresters Court, Church Street
  • previously Breckons Yard
  • OS1852: unnamed, 85/86 Church Street
  • OS1891: Foresters' Court, 85/86 Church Street
  • JH1986: Foresters Yard, 85/86 Church Street (indexed as Forresters Yard)
  • JH (OS1849) OS1893 EP CS1899,1934 CSD AW1893,1909 C1891,1901
  • See also: 

    Forrest Yard

  • EP1867: Forrest Yard, location not known
  • AW1867: Forrest Yard, location unknown
  • EP1867 AW1867
  • See also: 

    Forth's Yard

    Location:45/46 Flowergate
  • CSD1901
  • See also: 

    Foster's Yard

    Location: Church Street
  • EP1855: Fosters Yard, Church Street
  • AW1855: fosters Yard, Church Street
  • EP1855 AW1855
  • See also: 

    Foundry Yard

    Location:22/23 Baxtergate
  • EP1828: Foundry Yard, Baxtergate
  • AW1828: Foundry Yard, Baxtergate
  • OS1852: unnamed, 22/23 Baxtergate to Dock End/New Quay Road
  • OS1893: unnamed, 22/23 Baxtergate to Dock End/New Quay Road
  • EP1828 AW1828 OS1849,1893
  • See also:Vipond Lane

    Frank's Terrace

    Location:Back Lane, via Frank's Yard, via 55/56 Church Street
  • JH1986: Franks Terrace, Back Lane, via steps behind Taylersons Terrace, Church Street
  • See also: 

    Frank's Yard

    Location:55 (56)/56 (57) Church Street
  • EP1828: Franks Yard, 56 Church Street
  • CS1899: Franks Yard, 56/57 Church Street
  • CS1934: Franks Yard, 56/57 Church Street
  • AW1828: Franks Yard, Church Street
  • AW1909: Franks Yard, Church Street
  • OS1852: Frank's Yard, 55/56 Church Street
  • OS1893: Frank's Yard, 55/56 Church Street
  • JH1986: unnamed, 55/56 Church Street
  • (JH) OS1849,1893 EP1828 CS1899,1934 AW1828,1909 C1891,1901 JW
  • See also: 

    Freemasons Tavern Yard

    Location:11/12 Baxtergate
  • EP1828: Freemasons Tavern Yard, Baxtergate
  • EP1813: Freemasons Tavern, Baxtergate
  • AW1828: Freemasons Tavern Yard, Baxtergate
  • Freemasons Arms stood next to the Angel Inn
  • EP1828 AW1828 JW
  • See also: 

    Friends Meeting House Yard

    Location:160/161 Church Street to via 7/8 Grape Lane
  • EP1852: Friends Meeting House Yard, 160 Church Street, 1852
  • sometimes referred to as just Meeting House Yard
  • AW1852: Friends Meeting House Yard, Church Street
  • sometimes known as Meeting House Yard
  • OS1852: unnamed, 160/161 Church Street to 7/8 Grape Lane
  • next to Friends' Meeting House
  • OS1891: unnamed, 160/161 Church Street
  • next to Friends' Meeting House
  • JH1986: Friends Meeting House Yard, 160/161 Church Street
  • JH (OS1849,1893) EP1852 AW1852

    The Friends have met on this site since the first Meeting House was built in
    1676 on land bought in 1669. The current building was built in 1813, but
    unfortunately ceased to be used by the Friends in the late 1990s. The
    Friends now meet in the Community Centre on Byland Road.
  • See also: 

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