Whitby Yards - N

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National School Yard

Location:[170]/[171] Church Street
  • EP1828: National School Yard, Church Street
  • AW1828: National School Yard, Church Street
  • next to St. Michael's Church, now demolished
  • OS1852: unnamed, 170/171 Church Street
  • OS1893: National School Yard, 170/171 Church Street
  • OS1849,1893 EP1828 AW1828 CSD C1891
  • See also: 

    Nettleship Yard

    Location:151/152 Church Street
  • CS1934: Nettleship Yard, Church Street
  • AW1934: Nettleship Yard, Church Street
  • OS1852: unnamed, 151/152 Church Street
  • OS1891: unnamed, 151/152 Church Street
  • JH (OS1849,1893) CS1934 AW1934 C1901
  • See also: 

    New Buildings

    Location:ew Buildings
  • CS: New Buildings, 1934?
  • 1: Dryden
  • 2: North
  • 3: Turner
  • CS
  • See also: 

    New Quay

    Location:136/137 Church Street
  • JW
  • See also: 

    Newton's Yard

    Location:60/61 Baxtergate
  • OS1852: unnamed, 60/61 Baxtergate
  • OS1893: unnamed, 60/61 Baxtergate
  • JH1986: unnamed, 60/61 Baxtergate
  • (JH) (1849,1893) SBC2008
  • See also: 

    New Way Ghaut

    Location:136/137 Church Street
  • EP1852: New Way Ghaut, 136 Church Street
  • also noted as New Quay Ghaut
  • CS1837: New Way Ghaut, 136/137 Church Street
  • CS1837: Lane Adjoining The Fox, 136/137 Church Street
  • The lane being the section that runs northwards towards Tate Hill
  • AW1852: New Way Ghaut, Church Street
  • sometimes New Quay Ghaut, also The Lane Behind The Fox
  • AW1909: New Way Ghaut, Church Street
  • OS1852: New Way Ghaut, 136/137 Church Street
  • OS1891: New Way Ghaut, 136/137 Church Street
  • JH1986: new Way Ghaut, 136/137 Church Street
  • JH OS1849,1893 EP1852 CS1837 AW1852,1909 CSD C1891,1901 New Quay JW
  • See also: 

    Nicholson's Yard

    Location:5/6 Sandgate
  • EP1855: Nicholsons Yard, 5 Sandgate
  • CS1899: Nicholsons Yard, Sandgate
  • CS1934: Nicholsons Yard, Sandgate
  • AW1855: Nicholsons Yard, Sandgate
  • SW1855: Nicholson's Yard, 5/6 Sandgate
  • Wm. Ferguson
  • SW1899: Nicholson's Yard, 5/6 Sandgate
  • Frederick Collingwood, M.H.wilson, Frederick Jefferson
  • 5A: Mary Jane Douthwaite
  • SW1934: Nicholson's Yard, 5/6 Sandgate
  • 5B: Adelaide Dale, 5C: Ralph Douthwaite, 5D: Arthur Edwick
  • OS1852: unnamed, 5/6 Sandgate
  • OS1893: unnamed, 5/6 Sandgate
  • JH1986: Nicholsons Yard, 5/6 Sandgate
  • JH (OS1849,1893) EP1855 CS1899,1934 AW1855 C1891,1901
  • See also: 

    Noblett's Buildings

    Location:12/12 Haggersgate
  • EP1899: Noblett(s) Buildings, 12 Haggersgate
  • AW1899: Nobletts(s) Buildings, Haggersgate
  • AW1909: Nobletts(s) Buildings, Haggersgate
  • JH1986: Nobletts Buildings, 12 Haggersgate
  • JH (OS1849,1893) EP1899 AW1899,1909 CSD
  • See also: 

    Noddings Yard

    Location:46a/47 Church Street
  • EP1828: Noddings Yard, Church Street
  • AW1828: Noddings Yard, Church Street
  • EP1828 AW1828 OS1849 JW
  • See also: 

    Nodding's Yard

    Location:46a/47 Church Street
  • EP1828 AW1828 OS1852 JW
  • See also: 

    Noddins Yard

    Location:46a/47 Church Street
  • EP1828: Noddings Yard, Church Street
  • AW1828: Noddings Yard, Church Street
  • EP1828 AW1828 OS1849 JW

    --- check map for spelling
  • See also: 

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