Whitby Yards - S

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Salton's Yard

Location:(67)/(68) Church Street
  • EP1855: Saltons Yard, Church Street
  • AW1855: Saltons Yard, Church Street
  • EP1855 AW1855 JW
  • See also: 

    Salt Pan Well Steps

    Location:11/12 Church Street
  • EP1828: Salt Pan Well Steps, 12 Church Street
  • a note c.1890 refers to a Salt Pan Well Yard
  • CS1837: Salt Pan Well Steps, 12/13 Church Street
  • CS1899: Salt Pan Well Steps, 12/13 Church Street
  • CS1934: Salt Pan Well Steps, 12/13 Church Street
  • AW1828: Salt Pan Well Steps, Church Street
  • previously Wood Street, also Wood's Quay
  • known in 1890 as Salt Pan Well Yard
  • AW1909: Salt Pan Well Steps, Church Street
  • previously Wood Street, also Wood's Quay
  • known in 1890 as Salt Pan Well Yard
  • OS1893: Salt Pan Well Steps, 11/12 Church Street
  • JH1986: Salt Pan Well Steps, 11/12 Church Street
  • JH OS1893 EP1828 CS1837,1899,1934 AW1828,1909 CSD C1891 JW

  • See also: 

    Salt Pan Well Yard

    Location:11 (12)/12 (13) Church Street
  • C1901
  • See also: 

    Sample's Yard

    Location:15/16 Baxtergate
  • EP1899: Samples Yard, Baxtergate
  • AW1899: Samples Yard, Baxtergate
  • OS1893: unnamed, 15/16 Baxtergate to Goodwill's Yard
  • OS1893: unnamed, 15/16 Baxtergate to Goodwill's Yard
  • JH1986: Samples Yard, 15/16 Baxtergate
  • JH EP1899 AW1899 C1901
  • See also: 

    Sandal Place

    Location:17 (9)/19 (9) Skinner Street
  • OS1852: unnamed, 17/19 Skinner Street to 10/11 Silver Street
  • OS1893: Sandal Place, 17/19 Skinner Street
  • JH1986: unnamed, 17/19 Skinner Street
  • (JH) OS1893 OS1893 C1891,1901 WA
  • See also: 

    Sander's Bank

    Location:92/93 Church Street
  • EP1828: Sanders Yard (Bank), 92 Church Street, 1828
  • EP1828 JW
  • See also: 

    Sander's Yard

    Location:92/93 Church Street
  • EP1828: Sanders Yard (Bank), 92 Church Street
  • CS1934: Sanders Yard, Church Street
  • AW1828: Sanders Yard, Church Street
  • OS1852: unnamed, 92/93 Church Street
  • OS1891: Sander's Yard, 92/93 Church Street
  • JH1986: Sanders Yard, 92/93 Church Street
  • JH (OS1894) OS1893 EP1828 CS1934 AW1828
  • See also: 

    Sayer's Yard

    Location:35/36 Church Street
  • EP1899: Sayers Yard, 35 Church Street
  • CS1899: Sayers Yard, 35/36 Church Street
  • CS1934: Sayers Yard, 35/36 Church Street
  • AW1899: Sayers Yard, Church Street
  • AW1909: Sayers Yard, Church Street
  • JH1986: Sayers Yard, 35/36 Church Street
  • JH (OS1893) EP1828 CS1899,1934 AW1899,1909 C1891,1901 JW CSD
  • See also: 

    Saynor's Yard

    Location:(67)/(68) Church Street
  • C1901
  • See also: 

    Scott's Yard

    Location:24/25 Baxtergate
  • EP1828: Scotts Yard, Baxtergate
  • AW1828: Scotts Yard, Baxtergate
  • EP1828 AW1828 JW
  • See also: 

    Seaman's Hospital

    Location:45/46 Church Street
  • EP1893: Seaman's Hospital, Church Street, 1893
  • First Hospital Yard, Middle Hospital Yard, Low Hospital Yard
  • EP1893
  • See also: 

    Shield's Yard

    Location:2/3 Wellington Road
  • EP1828: Shields Yard, Baxtergate
  • CS1837: Shields Yard and Threadneedle Yard, Baxtergate
  • CS1934: Shields Yard and Threadneedle Yard, Baxtergate
  • AW1828: Shields Yard, Baxtergate
  • associated with Threadneedle Yard
  • AW1909: Shields Yard, Baxtergate
  • associated with Threadneedle Yard
  • OS1852: Shield's Yards, 31 Baxtergate/1 Wellington Road
  • OS1893: unnamed, 1 Wellington Road/Wellington Road
  • OS1849 EP1828 CS1837 AW1828,1909 C1891,1901
  • See also: 

    Ship Inn Flats

    Location:30/31 Church Street
  • EP1899: Ship Inn Flats, 31 Church Street
  • EP1823: Ship Inn, Church Street
  • EP1823: Ship Inn, 32 Church Street
  • AW1899: Ship Inn Flats, Church Street
  • OS1893: unnamed, 30/31 Church Street
  • JH1986: Ship Inn Flats, 30/31 Church Street
  • JH (OS1893) EP1899 AW1899
  • See also: 

    Silk Dyers Yard

    Location:(77)/(78) Church Street
  • EP1828: Silk Dyers Yard, Church Street
  • AW1828: Silk Dyers Yard, Chuech Street
  • EP1828 JW AW1828
  • See also: 

    Silk Dyer's Yard

    Location:(77)/(78) Church Street
  • EP1828 JW AW1828
  • See also: 

    Simpson's Yard

    Location:9/10 St. Ann's Staith
  • EP1828: Simpsons Yard, St. Ann's Staith
  • AW1828: Simpson's Yard, St. Ann's Staith
  • EP1828 AW1828 JW
  • See also: 

    Smale's Gallery

    Location:[189]/[190] Church Street
  • Smale's Gallery - (196)/[197] rear Smale's Gallery Church Street
  • ================================================================
  • EP1899: Smailes Gallery, 188 Church Street
  • also Smales
  • CS1899: Smales Gallery, 188 Church Street
  • CS1934: Smales Gallery, 188 Church Street
  • AW1828: Smales Gallery/Yard, Church Street
  • AW1909: Smales Gallery/Yard, Church Street
  • OS1893: unnamed, 190-199 Church Street
  • next to Boulby Slip
  • (OS1849,1893) EP1899 CS AW1828,1909 C1891,1901 AW
  • See also: 

    Smale's Low Gallery

    Location:(196)/[197] rear Smale's Gallery Church Street
  • C1901
  • See also: 

    Smale's Yard

    Location:[189]/[190] Church Street
  • EP1828: Smales Yard, Church Street
  • AW1828: Smales Gallery/Yard, Church Street
  • AW1909: Smales Gallery/Yard, Church Street
  • EP1828 AW1828,1909
  • See also: 

    Smith's Yard

    Location:102 (103)/(104) Church Street to 3/4 Church Lane
  • EP1899: Smiths Yard, 104 Church Street
  • CS1899: Smiths Yard, 101/102 Church Street
  • AW1899: Smiths Yard, Church Street
  • OS1852: unnamed, 102 (103)/105 (104) Church Street to (3)/4 Church Lane
  • OS1891: Smith's Yard, 102 (103)/105 (104) Church Street to (3)/4 Church Lane
  • JH1986: Smiths Yard, 103/104 Church Street
  • JH (OS1849) OS1893 EP1899 CS1899 AW1899 CSD C1891,1901

    JH OS1849,1893
  • See also: 

    Snaithe's Yard

    Location:62a/63 Church Street
  • EP1893
  • See also: 

    Snaith's Yard

    Location:62a/63 Church Street
  • EP1893: Snaiths Yard, 62 Church Street
  • CS1899: Snaiths Yard, 62/63 Church Street
  • AW1893: Snaithe's Yard, Church Street
  • OS1852: unnamed, 62/63 Church Street
  • OS1893: Snaith's Yard, 62/63 Church Street
  • JH1986: Snaiths Yard, 62/63 Church Street
  • JH (OS1849) OS1893 EP1893 CS1899 CSD AW1893 C1891,1901
  • See also: 

    Spenceley's Yard

    Location:9/10 St. Ann's Staith
  • OS1852: unnamed, 9/10 St. Ann's Staith
  • OS1893: unnamed, 9/10 St. Ann's Staith
  • JH2008 SBC2008
  • See also: 

    Spring Street

    Location:34 (22)/32 Skinner Street
  • JW
  • See also: 

    Stable Yard

    Location:26/27 Silver Street
  • JH1986: Stable Yard, 26/27 Silver Street
  • OS1893, Smallwood Livery Stables
  • See also: 

    Staffordshire Place

    Location:26/27 Flowergate
  • OS1852: unnamed, 26/27 Flowergate
  • EP1899: Staffordshire Place, 26 Flowergate
  • also Old Gas Office Yard
  • CS1899: Staffordshire Place, 26/27 Flowergate
  • CS1934: Staffordshire Place, 26/27 Flowergate
  • AW1899: Staffordshire Place, Flowergate
  • formerly Old Gas Office Yard
  • AW1909: Staffordshire Place, Flowergate
  • formerly Old Gas Office Yard
  • JH1986: Staffordshire Place, 26/27 Flowergate
  • JH EP1899 CS1899,1934 CSD AW1899,1909 C1891,1901
  • See also: 

    Stanley Place

    Location:(43)/44 Church Street
  • EP1899: Stanley Place, Church Street
  • CS1934: Stanley Place, Church Street
  • was Capplemans Yard
  • AW1899, Stanley Place, Church Street
  • JH1986: unnamed, 43/44 Church Street
  • JH EP1899 CS1934 AW1899
  • See also:Cappleman's Yard

    St. Ann's Lane

    Location:50/51 Flowergate to 6/7 St. Ann's Staith
  • EP1852: St. Ann's Lane, 50 Flowergate
  • formerly Helle Lane
  • CS1899: St. Anns Lane, Flowergate
  • AW1852: St. Ann's Lane, Flowergate
  • formerly Helle Lane, also Stocking Lane
  • AW1909: St. Ann's Lane, Flowergate
  • formerly Helle Lane, also Stocking Lane
  • OS1852: St. Ann's Lane, 50/51 Flowergate to 6/7 St. Ann's Staith
  • OS1893: St. Ann's Lane, 50/51 Flowergate to 6/7 St. Ann's Staith
  • EP1852 CS1899 AW OS JH
  • See also:Helle Lane

    St. George's Mews

    Location:14/15 Silver Street
  • OS1893: unnamed, 14/15 Silver Street to Ivy Place
  • JH1986: unnamed, 14/15 Silver Street
  • (OS1893)
  • See also: 

    St. Hilda's Cottages

    Location:200 Church Street
  • EP1899: St. Hilda's Cottages, 200 Church Street
  • AW1899: St. Hildas Cottages, Church Street
  • AW1909: St. Hildas Cottages, Church Street
  • OS1893: St. Hilda's Cottages,
  • opposite (Gaskin's Gallery)
  • OS1893 EP1899 AW C1891,1901
  • See also: 

    St. Hilda's Hall

    Location:10/11 Baxtergate
  • OS1893: unnamed, 10/11 Baxtergate
  • See also: 

    Stocking Lane

    Location:50/51 Flowergate to 6/7 St. Ann's Staith
  • AW: Stocking Lane, St. Ann's Staith/Flowergate
  • AW
  • See also:Helle Lane

    Stockton Walk

    Location:16/17 Flowergate
  • OS1852: unnamed, 16/17 Flowergate
  • AW1890: Stockton Walk, Flowergate
  • (OS1849) AW1890 (demolished)
  • See also:Little Angel Inn Yard

    Stonehouse Gardens

    Location:Back St. Hilda's Terrace
  • AW----: Stonehouse Gardens, Back St. Hilda's Terrace
  • JH1986: Stonehouse Gardens, Back St. Hilda's Terrace
  • See also: 

    Storm's Yard

    Location: Church Street
  • EP1855: Storms Yard, Church Street
  • AW1855: Storms Yard, Church Street
  • EP1855 AW1855
  • See also: 

    Strickland's Yard

    Location:The Cragg, rear of 84/85 Pier Road
  • EP1828: Stricklands Yard, The Cragg
  • AW1828: Stricklands Yard, The Cragg
  • OS1893: unnamed, 7/8 The Cragg
  • OS1893: unnamed, 7/8 The Cragg
  • EP1828 AW1828 C1901

    location inferred from photos and drawings - source?
  • See also: 

    Studley Terrace

    Location:11 Green Lane/1 Church Street
  • EP1899: Studley Terrace, Church Street
  • CS1899: Studley Terrace, beginning of Church Street
  • CS1934: Studley Terrace, beginning of Church Street
  • AW1899: Studley Terrace, Church Street
  • AW1909: Studley Terrace, Church Street
  • OS1893: Studley Terrace, 1 Church Street
  • JH1986: Studley Terrace, 1 Church Street
  • JH OS1893 EP1899 CS1899,1934 AW1899,1909 CSD
  • See also: 

    Swinegate Lane

    Location:Back Lane to The Ropery
  • AW: Swinegate Lame, Church Street
  • See also:Weselden Bank

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