&FFF7OSCLI | Execute a command
| &FFF4OSBYTE | Perform general byte-wise function
| &FFF1OSWORD | Perform general function with control block
| &FFEEOSWRCH | Send a character to output stream
| &FFECOSWRCR | Send a carriage return to output stream
| &FFE7OSNEWL | Send a newline sequence to output stream
| &FFE3OSASCI | Send an ascii sequence to output stream
| &FFE0OSRDCH | Wait for character from input stream
| |
| &FFDDOSFILE | Perform actions on whole files
| &FFDAOSARGS | Read or write information on open files and filing systems
| &FFD7OSBGET | Get a single byte from open file
| &FFD4OSBPUT | Put a single byte to open file
| &FFD1OSGBPB | Read or write blocks of data and information
| &FFCEOSFIND | Open or close a file
| FSCV | Filing system control
| |
| &FFC5GSREAD | Read a character from string parser
| &FFC2GSINIT | Initialise general string parser
| &FFBFOSEVEN | Generate an event
| &FFB9OSRDSC | Read a byte with screen and ROM paged in
| &FFB3OSWRSC | Write a byte with screen and ROM paged in
| |
| ErrorMsgs | Error messages
| ErrMsgs.zip | Raw unedited error message dump
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |