BBC OSWORD usage summary ======================== This is a list of OSWORD calls which I am aware of, their parameters and exit conditions. Please send mail to if you have any additions to this list. Note that the OSWORD protocol does not permit passing back values in the A, X, Y, or Status registers for calls other than OSWORD 0. If a call is made to a function that returns values that way, it cannot be guaranteed that they will be returned on all systems. OSWORD calls with numbers greater than &7F should contain the number of parameters to send in the first byte of the parameter block, and the number of parameters to receive in the second byte of the parameter block, inclusive of the first two bytes. Hex Dec Function First appears ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ &00 0 Input line Acorn MOS 1.20 This is called by the BASIC INPUT command. On entry: XY?0..1=>string buffer XY?2 =maximum line length XY?3 =minimum acceptable ASCII value XY?4 =maximum acceptable ASCII value On exit: Y is the line length (excluding CR) Cy=1 if Escape terminated input Note that this is the only OSWORD call that legally returns values in the registers. &01 1 Read system clock Acorn MOS 0.10 This is called by the BASIC TIME function On exit: XY+0..4=current 5-byte system clock value. &02 2 Write system clock Acorn MOS 0.10 This is called by the BASIC TIME command On entry: XY+0..4=new 5-byte system clock value. &03 3 Read interval timer Acorn MOS 0.10 On exit: XY+0..4=current 5-byte interval timer value. &04 4 Write interval timer Acorn MOS 0.10 On entry: XY+0..4=new 5-byte interval timer value. &05 5 Read I/O processor memory Acorn MOS 1.00 On entry: XY!0=address to read from On exit: XY?4=the byte read Some systems recognise screen memory at &FFFExxxx and sideways ROMs at &FFFr8000-&FFFrBFFF. &06 6 Write I/O processor memory Acorn MOS 1.00 On entry: XY!0=address to write to XY?4=byte to be written. Some systems recognise screen memory at &FFFExxxx and sideways ROMs at &FFFr8000-&FFFrBFFF. &07 7 Generate a sound Acorn MOS 0.10 This is called by the BASIC SOUND command. On entry: XY+0..1=channel XY+2..3=amplitude or envelope, XY+4..5=pitch XY+6..7=duration. The channel parameter specifies what device to use to make the sound: &0xxx - internal sound system &1xxx - internal sound system &20xx - Watford Electronics Speech system &FExx - MIDI control &FFxx - BBC Speech system &08 8 Define a sound envelope Acorn MOS 0.10 This is called by the BASIC ENVELOPE command. On entry: XY?0 =envelope number XY?1 =length of each envelope step (b7=auto repeat pitch envelope) XY?2 =change of pitch in step 1 XY?3 =change of pitch in section 2 XY?4 =change of pitch in section 3 XY?5 =number of steps in section 1 XY?6 =number of steps in section 2 XY?7 =number of steps in section 3 XY?8 =change of amplitude per step in attack phase XY?9 =change of amplitude per step in decay phase XY?10=change of amplitude per step in sustain phase XY?11=change of amplitude per step in release phase XY?12=target amplitude at end of attack phase XY?13=target amplitude at the end of the decay phase &09 9 Read screen pixel value Acorn MOS 0.10 This is called by the BASIC POINT function On entry: XY+0..1=X coordinate XY+2..3=Y coordinate On exit: XY?4=pixel value, or &FF if the point was off screen or non-graphics screen mode. &0A 10 Read character definition Acorn MOS 1.00 On entry: XY?0=character On exit: XY+1..8=the character raster data. The results for characters 0..31 and 127 are undefined. With MOS 3.00+ reading characters 0-7 reads the fill patterns defined with VDU 23,0-7. &0B 11 Read palette Acorn MOS 1.20 On entry: XY?0=logical colour On exit: XY?1=physical colour XY?2=red component XY?3=green component XY?4=blue component &0C 12 Write palette Acorn MOS 1.20 On entry: XY?0=logical colour XY?1=physical colour XY?2=red component XY?3=green component XY?4=blue component. &0D 13 Read last two graphics positions Acorn MOS 1.20 On exit: XY+0..1=previous X coordinate XY+2..3=previous Y coordinate XY+4..5=current X coordinate XY+6..7=current Y coordinate. &0E 14 Reads CMOS clock Acorn Master MOS On entry: XY+0=function code 0 - Return clock value as string On exit: XY+0..23=CR-terminated string in form "Day,DD Mon Year.HH:MM:SS". 1 - Return BCD clock value. On exit: XY?0=year (&00-&99) XY?1=month (&01-&12) XY?2=date (&01-&31) XY?3=day of week (&01-&07, Sun-Sat) XY?4=hours (&00-&23) XY?5=minutes (&00-&59) XY?6=seconds (&00-&59). A year value of &80-&99 represents 1980-1999, a value of &00-&79 represents 2000-2079. 2 - Convert BCD to string. On entry: XY+1..7=BCD value On exit: XY+1..25=CR-terminated string &0F 15 Write CMOS clock Acorn Master MOS On entry: XY?0=function code XY+1.. value to use. Functions are: 8 - Set time to value in format "HH:MM:SS" 16 - Set date to value in format "Day,DD Mon Year" 24 - Set time and date to value in format "Day,DD Mon Year.HH:MM:SS" &10 16 Network transmit NFS On entry: XY?0 =control byte with b7 set XY?1 =destination port XY+2..3=destination station XY!4 =buffer start address XY!8 =buffer end address XY!12 =remote address for immediate operations On exit XY?0=zero if transmission failed to start Transmission must be polled with OSBYTE &32 (50). If the destination station is &FFFF, a broadcast will be sent, the eight bytes of data are in the control block at XY+4 to XY+11. If the port number is zero, an immediate operation is transmitted. &11 17 Open or read network receive block NFS XY?0=0 - Open receive block On entry: XY?0 =0 XY?1 must contain &7F XY?2 =port to receive on XY+3..4=station to receive from XY!5 =reception buffer start address XY!9 =reception buffer end address On exit: XY?0=0 if no more space to open blocks, or number of opened reception block. Receive blocks can be 'wild', ie will receive from anyone if the port or station values are set to &00. XY?0<>0 - Read and delete receive block On entry: XY?0=receive block number to read XY!5=receive buffer start address XY!9=receive buffer end address On exit: XY?1 =flag from transmission block XY?2 =port received on XY+3..4=station received from XY!9 =updated to new address of buffer end Unread receive blocks must be deleted with OSBYTE &34 (52). &12 18 Read argument block and restore protection mask NFS On exit: XY+0..1=station number XY+2.. =supplied data. &13 19 Read/Write station infomation NFS On entry: XY+0=function XY+1..=read or written data Functions are: 0 - Read file server number to XY+1..2 1 - Write file server number from XY+1..2 2 - Read printer server number to XY+1..2 3 - Write printer server number from XY+1..2 4 - Read protection mask to XY?1 5 - Write protection mask from XY?1 6 - Read user environment: XY?1=URD, XY?2=CSD, XY?3=LIB 7 - Write user environment: XY?1=URD, XY?2=CSD, XY?3=LIB 8 - Read local station number to XY?1 9 - Read number of arguments to XY?1 and size of argument block to XY?2 for OSWORD &12 (18) above 10 - Read extended error number to XY?1 additional ANFS calls: 11 - Read channel error occured on to XY?1 12 - Read printer server name to XY+1..XY+6 13 - Write printer server name from XY+1..XY+6 14 - Read space in NetPrint buffer to 15 - Read ANFS timeouts in seconds: XY?1=not listening XY?2=no reply XY?3=machine peek 16 - Write ANFS timeouts in seconds, as above 17 - Translate network number. On exit: XY?1=this net or &00. If XY?3=0, returns XY?3=file server net number. If XY?3=this net, returns XY?3=0. If XY?3<>this net, returns XY?3 unchanged. &14 20 Various NFS/Network functions NFS XY?0=0 - Communicate with fileserver On entry: XY?1=size of rest of block XY?2=0 XY?3=function XY?4=0 XY?5=0 XY?6=0 XY+7... contains rest of infomation On exit: XY?1=updated size of block XY?2=command code, 0 for ok <>0 to continue with another function XY?3=error code, 0 for ok <>0 for error, CR-terminated error string at XY+4 XY+4.. contains returned data. XY?0=1 - Send text string to remote station. On entry: XY+1..2=destination station XY+3... string to send, terminated by CR or &00. The CR also gets sent. XY?0=2 - Generate error on remote machine. On entry: XY+1..2=destination machine. &15 21 Read/Write mouse and pointer infomation Arthur XY?0=0 - Set pointer size, shape and active point On entry: XY?1=shape number (1-4) XY?2=width in bytes (0-8) XY?3=height in pixels (0-32) XY?4=ActiveX in pixels from left XY?5=ActiveY in pixels from top XY!6=>pointer shape data XY?0=1 - Define mouse bounding box On entry: XY+1..2=left coordinate XY+3..4=bottom coordinate XY+5..6=right coordinate XY+7..8=top coordinate XY?0=2 - Set mouse multipliers On entry: XY?1=signed 8-bit X multiplier XY?2=signed 8-bit Y multiplier XY?0=3 - Set mouse position On entry: XY+1..2=X position XY+3..4=Y position. XY?0=4 - Read unbuffered mouse position On exit: XY+1..2=X position XY+3..4=Y position XY?0=5 - Set pointer position On entry: XY+1..2=X position XY+3..4=Y position XY?0=6 - Read pointer position On exit: XY+1..2=X position XY+3..4=Y position &16 22 Set screen base start Arthur On entry: XY?0=screen type XY!1=>screen base If type b0=1, sets the screen used by the VDU drivers, if type b1=1, sets the screen displayed by the hardware. &19 25 Output speech data Watford Speech On entry: XY!0 =address of data XY?4 =flag XY+5..6=length of data If flag is 0 then the address points to a table of byte pairs that are output as though with Speech OSBYTE &19. If flag is &8x then the address points to an ASCII string of words or allophones, terminated with or &00. The string will be spoken as with *TALK If flag is &Cx then the address points to an ASCII string of word or allophones of the length specified in the control block. Calls with flag set to &8x or &Cx, bit 3 of the flag sets the unknown word mode. If flag is &x0 unrecognised words are spoken letter by letter. If flag is &x8 unrecognised words are ignored and the call is passed to the vector at &0230. &20 32 Acorn User Windowing System by Alan Blundell AUWIN Depreciated call as can only pass 4-character string across the Tube. Use OSWORD &202 instead. XY?0=0 - Close all windows XY?0=1 - Close top window XY?0=2 - Release window XY?0=3..9 - Open window type 3..9 On entry: XY?1=left XY?2=bottom XY?3=right XY?4=top XY?5=foreground colour XY?6=background colour XY?7=title bar colour XY?8=title bar background colour XY?9=edge colour XY?10=edge background colour XY+11...=CR-terminated title string &20 32 Transfer data between Tube and I/O memory TubeLink On entry: XY?0=direction 0=Tube to I/O, 1=I/O to Tube XY!1=Tube address XY!5=I/O address XY!9=number of bytes Extended I/O addresses are used. &FFrrxxxx specifies ROM &rr, &FFFExxxx specifies shadow screen memory. &21 33 Execute code in I/O processor TubeLink On entry: XY!0=I/O address XY?4=A register XY?5=X register XY?6=Y register XY?7=P register (only bit 0 significant - Carry flag) XY?8=semaphore byte On exit: If the code has been executed, the semaphore byte is incremented by one. Extended I/O addresses are used. &FFrrxxxx specifies ROM &rr, &FFFExxxx specifies shadow screen memory. Returned register values are returned in control block. &22 34 Read printer buffer information (UtilRAM) &23 35 Write printer buffer information (UtilRAM) &28 40 Read PRISMA information table Prisma On exit: XY?0..1 = PRISMA-3 I/O base address (default is &FCB0) XY?2 = PRISMA-3 ROM version number XY?3 = PRISMA-3 hardware revision level XY?4 = PRISMA-3 private workspace base page XY?5 = Sideways ROM number XY?6 = PRISMA-3 current number of buffer pages &29 41 Read PRISMA pixel value Prisma On entry: XY?0..1 = X coordinate XY?2..3 = Y corrdinate On exit: XY?4 = logical colour of pixel at X,Y XY?5..7 = reserved XY?8 = &FF=pixel outside graphics windows If the *POINT command has been used, then OSWORD 9 (POINT) passes and returns the same information in XY+0 to XY+4. &2A 42 Read PRISMA logical screen size Prisma On exit: XY?0..1 = maximum X coordinate (width-1) XY?2..3 = maximum Y corrdinate (height-1) The size of the logical screen will vary with the parameter set by the *WIDTH command. &2B 43 Read PRISMA colour palette Prisma On entry: XY?0=logical colour On exit: XY?1=physical colour XY?2=red component XY?3=green component XY?4=blue component The palette read is that currently set for definition by the second parameter of the *PALETTE command. &2C 44 Send VDU code direct to PRISMA Prisma On entry: XY?0 = VDU code XY?1.. = VDU sequence parameters This call provides a fast means of sending a whole VDU sequence directly to the PRISMA-3. It is recommended that, where possible, machine code programmers use this entry in preference to using OSWRCH. OSWORD &2C is always directed at the PRISMA-3 and only the PRISMA-3 regardless of the setting of *TEXT or *GRAPHICS. OSWORD &2C can be used without upsetting characters currently in the VDU queue. &2D 45 Read last two PRISMA graphics cursors Prisma On exit: XY+0..1=previous X coordinate XY+2..3=previous Y coordinate XY+4..5=current X coordinate XY+6..7=current Y coordinate. The coordinates are returned with respect to the current graphics origin. &2E 46 Read PRISMA base screen visible origin Prisma On exit: XY+0..1=X coordinate XY+2..3=Y coordinate The coordinates are returned with respect to the current graphics origin. The coordinate returned is the bottom left hand corner of the BASE screen when the LOWER screen is disabled. When enabled, the LOWER screen will cover this point. The BASE screen co-ordinate in the bottom left hand corner of the visible screen will vary with the current zoom factor and with panning and tilting commands. The OSWORD &2E call can be used to return this co-ordinate. &2F 47 Read PRISMA graphics origin Prisma On exit: XY+0..1=X coordinate XY+2..3=Y coordinate &30 48 Read PRISMA interrupt status Prisma On exit: XY?0 = Event 32 enable status XY?1 = Upper screen status XY?2 = Base screen status XY?3 = Lower screen status XY?4 = Window overlay status XY?5 = Roller screen enable status This call returns the current booking status of the various routines executed by the PRISMA-3 on every field sync interrupt. Each byte is returned as zero if the associated routine is not booked, and returned as non-zero if the routine is booked. &31 49 Direct call to PRISMA command Prisma On entry: XY?0 = command XY?1 = number of parameters XY?2.. = command parameters Commands are: XY?0 XY?1 XY?2.. 0 *BLANK 0 1 2 *CENTRE 2 3 *COLOUR 1 4 *DOWN 1 5 *FIELD 0 6 *GENLOCK 0 or 1 7 8 *GOPT 1 or 2 9 *GRAPHICS 0 or 1 10 11 *GTV 1 or 2 12 *INIT 0 13 *LEFT 1 14 *OVERLAY 1 or 2 15 *PALETTE 1 or 2 16 *POINT 0 or 1 17 *PROFF 0 18 *RIGHT 1 19 *ROLLER 0 or 1 20 *ROTATE 1 21 *SPLIT 1 22 *TEXT 0 or 1 23 *TZOOM 1 or 2 24 *UNBLANK 0 25 *UP 1 26 *VKEY 1 27 *WIDTH 1 28 *WINDOW 1 29 *ZOOM 1 to 4 30 31 *FGRAB 1 or 2 32 *HOLD 1 33 *LEVEL 1 or 2 34 *LPHASE 1 35 *BUFFER 1 128 Extend or re-allocate working buffer XY?1=buffer address high byte in I/O memory XY?2=number of pages 129 Define pixel translation table XY?1..2=translation table address in I/O memory This call provides a fast interface to all of the PRISMA-3 *commands, except the *CONFIGURE, *GSAVE and *GLOAD commands which require string parameters. Errors are generated in the same way as the *commands. The count at XY?1 is the number of parameters passed to the call, not the number of bytes passed. A 16-bit parameter is passed in two bytes but is counted as one parameter. For instance, *ZOOM 5 is passed as 29,1,5,0. &32 50 Read position of PRISMA-3 roller screen Prisma On entry: XY?0 = screen number 0: Upper screen 1: Base screen 2: Lower screen 3: Window overlay (source area) On exit: XY?0 = screen number XY?1..2 = X coordinate XY?3..4 = Y coordinate This call returns the top left hand coordinate visible on each of the four screen areas. This call will only return correct results when programmed with widths of 2048 or 4096. &33 51 Read/Write PRISMA overlay or nonvolatile memory Prisma On entry: XY?0 = command 0=Read overlay 1=Write overlay 2=Read nonvolatile memory 3=Write nonvolatile memory XY?1 = Overlay/NVM page for definition XY?2 = Overlay/NVM address XY?3 = Number of bytes to transfer (1-12) XY?4..15 = Data The nonvolatile memory is organised as 32 pages of 256 bytes. The page allocation is as follows: 0-15 Default overlay definitions 0-15 16 Default standard resolution palette - Red 17 Default standard resolution palette - Green 18 Default standard resolution palette - Blue 19 Default standard resolution palette, normal BBC parameter 20 Default high resolution palette - Red 21 Default high resolution palette - Green 22 Default high resolution palette - Blue 23 Default high resolution palette, normal BBC parameter 24-25 Reserved 25-27 User applications 28-31 System use &36 54 Stop Press Routines Stop Press &40 64 Read mouse pointer and button state AMX Super Art On exit: XY+0..1=graphics X coordinate XY+2..3=graphics Y coordinate XY?4 =text X coordinate XY?5 =text Y coordinate XY?6 =button state (~&80=cancel, ~&40=move, ~&20=execute) &41 65 Miscellaneous graphics commands AMX Super Art On entry: XY?0=command number XY+1.. contains the arguments. Commands are: 0 - Draw patterned block On entry: XY+1 =pattern number XY+2..3= left X coordinate XY+4..5=bottom Y coordinate XY+6..7= right X coordinate XY+8..9=top Y coordinate 1 - Store area of screen On entry: XY!1=destination address XY?5=left text X coordinate XY?6=bottom text Y coordinate XY?7=width in characters XY?8=height in characters. 2 - Restore area of screen On entry: XY!1=source address XY?5=left text X coordinate XY?6=bottom text Y coordinate XY?7=width in characters XY?8=height in characters. 3 - Store area then draw window on screen On entry: XY!1=destination address XY?5=left text X coordinate XY?6=bottom text Y coordinate XY?7=width in characters XY?8=height in characters. 4 - Pull down a menu On entry: XY!1 =data store address XY?5 =left text X coordinate XY?6 =bottom text Y coordinate XY?7 =width in characters XY?8 =height in characters XY!9 =text address XY+13..15=tick and options flags Text is stored as CR-separated strings, terminated by a zero byte. Tick and options flags are split into 12 low-order bits (legal selections) and 12 high order bits (ticks). 5 - Select option from pull down menu On entry: XY?1 =left X coordinate XY?2 =bottom Y coordinate XY?3 =right X coordinate XY?4 =top Y coordinate XY+5..6=illegal options flags On exit: XY?0=the selection number, or 0 if no item was selected. 6 - Shift AMX Art screen On entry: XY?1=X shift XY?2=Y shift. 7 - Set Mouse coordinates On entry: XY+1..2=X coordinate XY+3..4=Y coordinate 8 - Read AMX ROM details On exit: XY?1 =ROM number XY+2..3 =workspace address XY?4 =mouse flag (0=off, &80=on) XY?5 =pointer flag (0=off, &40=on) XY+6..7 =RAM pattern address XY?8 =status flag (b0-b3 keys generated by buttons, b4-b6 button status, b7 mouse movement generates cursor key motion) XY+9..10 =pointer X coordinate XY+11..12=pointer Y coordinate XY+13 =mouse sensitivity flag (b0-b2 X sensitivity, b3-b5 Y sensitivity, b6-b7 device type flag) XY+14 =ROM version number. &42 66 Sideways RAM transfer 1770 DFS/SRAM On entry: XY+0 =function XY!1 =main memory address XY+5..6=data length XY?7 =ROM number &00..&0F or &10..&13 for banks W, X, Y, Z XY+8..9=sideways address The functions are: &00 - Read from absolute address &40 - Read from pseudo-address &80 - Write to absolute address &C0 - Write to pseudo-address &43 67 Load/Save into/from sideways RAM 1770 DFS/SRAM On entry: XY?0 =function as for OSWORD &42 (66) XY+1..2 =>filename in I/O processor XY?3 =ROM number as for OSWORD &42 (66) XY+4..5 =sideways start address XY+6..7 =data length - ignored on LOAD XY+8..9 =buffer address XY+10..11=buffer length. If the buffer address is zero, a default buffer is used in private workspace. If the buffer length is larger than &7FFF, then language workspace from PAGE to HIMEM is used. &44 68 AMX Super Art ROM commands AMX Super Art On entry: XY?0=manufacturer code (0=AMS) XY?1=command number XY?2=number of arguments to the command XY+3... contain the arguments Commands are: 0 - *Buttons off 1 - *Buttons XY+3 2 - *Sensitivity XY+3 [,XY+4] 3 - *Update 4 - *Icon XY+3 [,XY+4, XY+5] 5 - *Desk [XY+3, XY+4] 6 - *Window XY+3, XY+4, XY+5, XY+6 7 - *Pointer XY+3, XY+4 8 - *Loop XY+3 9 - *MovePointer 10 - *ShowPointer 11 - *HidePointer 12 - *MCursor XY+3 (1=on, 0=off) 13 - *Header 14 - *MWindow XY+3, XY+4, XY+5, XY+6 15 - *Pattern XY+3 16 - *Spray 17 - *Device &45 69 Move/Swap memory Aries B32 On entry: XY?0 =function: 0=move, 1=Swap XY+1..2=source start address XY+3 =bank specifier &00 to &0F for sideways ROMs/RAMs and program RAM, &80 to &8F for sideways ROM/RAMs and video RAM XY+4..5=source end address XY+6..7=destination address XY?8 =destination bank specifier (as above) On exit: XY?9=return code: 0 = ok 1 = overlapping areas for swap 2 = end before start 3 = destination end >&FFFF 4 = no RAM in bank 13 or 14. &45 69 Digitise picture RHE On entry: Control block ignored &46 70 Allocated to BBC soft, probably unused. &47 71 PrettyPrint text output SPROW On entry: XY!0 =>null terminated string to print XY!4 =>dictionary to use or 0 for default dictionary XY!8 =>special string XY?12=memory flag for string, &00=RAM, &80+ROM=ROM XY?13=memory flag for dictionary, &00=RAM, &80+ROM=ROM XY?14=memory flag for special string, &00=RAM, &80+ROM=ROM &49 73 Integra-B Windows commands Integra-B On entry: XY?0=command number XY+1... contain the arguments Commands are: 0 WMSON Initialise windows 1 WMSOFF Terminate windows 2 MSPTR Mouse/Pointer On/Off 3 AXIS Axis Lock 4 SENS Change mouse sensitivity 5 SHOWP Display pointer on screen with store 6 PLOTP Display pointer on screen 7 HIDEP Remove pointer from screen 8 MOVEP Update pointer on screen 9 AUTOP Select auto pointer update 10 DEFP Define pointer icon and mask 11 SELP Select pointer to display 12 READP Read pointer and mouse buttons 13 SETP Set pointer position 14 LOOP Wait for buttons change, or input char 15 FINDP Read functional location of pointer 16 WOPEN Open window 17 WSEL Select window 18 WCLS Close window 19 WSTO Remove window from screen 20 WRCL Restore window back to screen 21 WPULL Pull window to top 22 WPUSH Push window to bottom 23 WCLR Clear window work area to pattern 24 WHDR Display window header 25 WFTR Display window footer 26 WMOVE Change window position 27 WSIZE Change window size 28 WBARS Display/update scroll bars 29 WSCRL Scroll window work area 30 ICON Display or read an icon 34 MENU Select option from a vertical menu 35 CLRA Clear screen area to pattern 36 INVA Invert screen area 37 MOVEO Move outline 38 SIZEO Size outline &4C 76 Extended communications control TQCOM On entry: XY?0=operation code XY?1=port or protocol number Operations are: 0 - Initialise port for protocol (and claim vectors required, including &0234). 1 - Return null terminated port/protocol text name at XY+2... &4D 77 - &4E 78 Initialise heap DVR On entry: XY+0..1=start address of the heap XY+2..3=size of the heap On exit: XY?0=heap handle. C is set and XY are preserved if the call failed. &4F 79 Claim area from heap DVR XY is a heap handle. On entry: XY+0..1=size of the area to allocate On exit: XY is the address of the block allocated C is set and XY are preserved if the call failed. &50 80 Release area to heap DVR XY is a heap handle. On entry: XY+0..1=address of the area to release On exit: XY are preserved and C is set if the call failed. &50 80 Read Real-Time clock CDFS On exit: XY?0 = seconds 0-59 XY?1 = minutes 0-59 XY?2 = hours 0-23 XY?3 = day of week 1-7, 1=Sunday XY?4 = date of month 1-31 XY?5 = month 1-12 XY?6 = year 00-99 &50 80 512-byte ADFS hard drive access On entry: XY=>OSWORD &72 control block &51 81 Get maximum heap block size DVR XY is a heap handle. On exit: XY+0..1=size of the largest block available. If the call failed, XY are preserved, C is set, and XY+0..1 is set to zero. &51 81 Write Real-Time clock CDFS On entry: XY?0 = seconds 0-59 XY?1 = minutes 0-59 XY?2 = hours 0-23 XY?3 = day of week 1-7, 1=Sunday XY?4 = date of month 1-31 XY?5 = month 1-12 XY?6 = year 00-99 &51 81 HKSET Support SEHK XY?0=reason code 1 - read the news line On entry: XY+1/2=address to read up to 80 characters + On exit: XY+0=result: 0=ok, &FF=signal fault, &FE=no ack from hardware 2 - read a chinese character definition On entry: XY+1/2=address to read 32 bytes XY+5 =&80 for absolute ROM address, &00 for character number XY+6 =byte 0 XY+7 =byte 1 On exit: XY+0=result: 0=ok &FF=no character ROM found &F0=character ROM 0 not found &0F=character ROM 1 not found &E0=number in byte 0 and byte 1 out of range 3 - get bytes from a page in remote memory On entry: XY+1/2 = data address XY+5 = &00 for teletext page, &80 for stock page XY+6 = Handle XY+7 = Start Row (0-24) XY+8 = Start Column (0-79 for stock page, 0-39 for teletext page) XY+9/A = Number of bytes to read 0-&7CF for stock page, 0-&3E7 for teletext page On exit: XY+0=result: 0=ok, &FF=signal fault, &FE=no ack from hardware 4 - test remote hardware On exit: XY+0=result: 0=ok, otherwise a bitmap of the chapters with errors in, b0=error in chapter 1, b7=error in chapter 8. 5 - print stock page to screen or printer On entry: XY+1 = &80=screen only, &C0=screen and printer XY+2 = Handle On exit: XY+0=result: 0=ok, &FF=signal fault, &FE=no ack from hardware &FD=no printer 6 - get new stock/teletext page (slow) On entry: XY+1 = &00 for teletext page, &80 for stock page For a teletext page: XY+2 = Magazine (0-&7) XY+3 = Page Tens (0-&F) XY+4 = Page Units (0-&F) XY+5 = Hours Tens (0-&3) Here and below is XY+6 = Hours Units (0-&F) the Time Extension XY+7 = Minutes Tens (0-&7) Usually fill XY+8 = Minutes Units (0-&F) with zeros For a stock page: XY+2 = LS Byte Stock Code (BCD) XY+3 = MS Byte Stock Code (BCD) eg to get stock 16 XY+2=&16, XY+3=0 Stock pages are numbered 0 to 399 On exit: XY+0=result: &FF=signal fault, &FE=no ack from hardware otherwise, handle to refer to the page in future calls. 0=no more handles. 7 - get new stock/teletext page (fast) On entry: XY+1 = &00 for teletext page, &80 for stock page For a teletext page: XY+2 = Magazine (0-&7) XY+3 = Page Tens (0-&F) XY+4 = Page Units (0-&F) XY+5 = Hours Tens (0-&3) Here and below is XY+6 = Hours Units (0-&F) the Time Extension XY+7 = Minutes Tens (0-&7) Usually fill XY+8 = Minutes Units (0-&F) with zeros For a stock page: XY+2 = LS Byte Stock Code (BCD) XY+3 = MS Byte Stock Code (BCD) eg to get stock 16 XY+2=&16, XY+3=0 Stock pages are numbered 0 to 399 On exit: XY+0=result: &FF=signal fault, &FE=no ack from hardware otherwise, handle to refer to the page in future calls. 0=no more handles. On entry: 8 - enter HKSET in I/O processor &52 82 Initialise file buffer DVR On entry: XY+0..1=a heap handle XY+2 =access flags (&80=writable, &40=readable) XY+3 =file handle, or zero for a memory file On exit: XY is the buffer handle C is set and X contains a failure code if the call failed. Failure codes are: 1 = Memory claim failed 2 = OSGBPB call failed 3 = access failed 4 = EOF detected 5 = Memory release failed (heap corrupt) &52 82 Torch operation &53 83 Torch operation &53 83 Finish with file buffer DVR XY is a buffer handle. On exit: C is set and X contains a failure code if the call failed. All in-memory blocks are written to the file system. &54 84 Flush file buffer DVR XY is a buffer handle. On entry: XY+0=flush code: 0=flush non-modified blocks, not including current block. 1=flush all but current block. 2=flush all blocks On exit: C is set and X contains a failure code if the call failed. &55 85 Get bytes from file buffer DVR XY is a buffer handle. On entry: XY+0..1=number of bytes to get XY+2..4=file pointer to the start of the data On exit: XY contains an address at which the data is found, which is guaranteed to stay until another get bytes call or a flush all blocks call. If the call failed, C is set and X contains a failure code. &56 86 Put bytes to file buffer DVR XY is a buffer handle. On entry: XY+0..1=number of bytes to put XY+2..4=file pointer to the data XY+5..6=address of the data On exit: C is set and X contains a failure code if the call failed. If the call failed due to insufficient memory, the file pointer, data address, and number of bytes left are updated to point the the unwritten part. &57 87 Create new binary tree node DVR On entry: XY+0..1=data address XY+2..3=size of the data XY+4..5=heap handle. If the data address is zero, a new node is allocated, but the data is not copied. On exit: XY contains the address of the node C is set if the call failed. &58 88 Insert node into binary tree DVR On entry: XY+0..1=address of the root of the tree XY+2..3=address of a data comparison routine XY+4..5=address of the new node The data comparison routine is called with two addresses on the stack (low bytes first), and should exit with the Z flag set if the data at the addresses compares equal, or the N flag set if the first item is less than the second. On exit: C is set if the node was already in the tree and was not inserted, in which case XY contain the address of the data in the tree. &59 89 Delete node from binary tree DVR On entry: XY+0..1=address of the root of the tree XY+2..3=address of a data comparison routine XY+4..5=address of the node to delete On exit: C is set if the node could not be found in the tree, otherwise XY contain the address of the old node. &5A 90 Find node in binary tree DVR On entry: XY+0..1=address of the root of the tree XY+2..3=address of a data comparison routine XY+4..5=address of the data to find On exit: XY contain the address of the node found C is set if the data was not found. &5A 90 HADFS Sector read/write/access HADFS This can be called by the user to perform an operation, or called by HADFS to access an external drive where a supporting routine should respond. On entry: XY+0..1 must contain &0600 XY!2 =data address XY!6 =sector address with the drive number in the top byte (ie XY?9) XY?10 =number of sectors to transfer XY?11 =call type and returned result code A supporting routine should only claim the call if the call type is <&80, and the drive number is the one supported. Call types to recognise (do NOT call these) are: 1=write 2=read 3=disk size request 4=format 5=bye (ie, dismount - do NOT claim) User call types are: &80=read &81=write Result codes are as for OSWORD &7F (127) plus &FE=Drive not present. If any external support routines leave the call type byte unchanged, HADFS changes it to &FE, Drive not present. HADFS will not clash with DVR as long as HADFS is in a higher priority ROM socket than DVR is. &5B 91 Traverse binary tree DVR On entry: XY+0..1=address of the root of the tree XY+2..3=address of an action routine XY+4 =traversal order flag (0=forward search, &FF=backward). The action routine is called with the address of the current node in XY, and should return with C clear if the traversal is to be continued, or C set of it is to be aborted. &5C 92 Balance binary tree DVR On entry: XY+0..1=address of the root of the tree. The tree is rearranged into a route-balanced tree. &5D 93 Parse option patterns DVR On entry: XY+0..1=address of a pattern list XY+2..3=address of a string list XY+4..5=address of a result list XY?6 =case-sensitivity flag (0=case sensitive, &FF=case insensitive) The pattern and string lists are lists of length-prefixed strings, terminated by a zero byte. The character * in a pattern matches any number of characters, and the character ? matches exactly one character. On exit: The result list contains one entry for each string in the string list. The entry is &FF if no matching pattern was found, or 1--#patterns indicating the pattern matched by the string. In the latter case, a pair of bytes follow for each sequence of * and ?, indicating the start and end indices of the corresponding part of the string. &5E 94 Get string with control character interpretation DVR On entry: XY+0..1=address of a CR-terminated string XY+2..3=destination address (for a length-prefixed string) XY?4 =flags byte (&80=double quoted allowed, &40=single quoting allowed, &20=non-quoted characters allowed, &10=skip preceding space, &8=enable escape character processing. On exit: The address of the source string is updated to indicate the next part of the string to be processed. C is set if the string was malformed. &5F 95 Read/write I/O memory across tube ISMEC Monitor On entry: XY+0 =command: 0=read, 1=write XY+1..4=I/O memory address, b16-b31 ignored XY+5 =byte read or written XY+6 =ROM number or 128 for shadow screen &60 96 Read Videodisk MSN and status byte VFS Same format as ADFS call &70 (112). On exit: XY?0=Master Sequence Number XY?1=status byte: b7=Tube present, b6=Tube claimed by VFS, b5=LVROM controller present, b4=n/u, b3=n/u, b2=*OPT1 flag, b1=Bad Free Space Map, b0=IRQ pending. &61 97 Read free space on VFS disk VFS Same format as ADFS call &71 (113). On exit: XY!0=free space on current disk. &62 98 Access LVROM controller VFS Same format as ADFS call &72 (114). Commands are: &00=Test drive ready &01=Seek track 0 &03=Request status &08=Read sectors &1B=Stop/Start drive; stop if XY?9=0, start if XY?9=1 &C8=Read F-code result from LVDOS &CA=Transmit F-code to LVDOS, XY?9=1, XY!1=>command string, XY!11=string length Results include: &00=Ok &02=Drive door open &03=Media error, eg disk dirty &05=Bad SCSI command &63 99 Read last VFS error number VFS Same format as ADFS call &73 (115). On exit: XY+0..2=sector error occured at XY?2=b5-b7=drive number XY?3 b0-b6=result code as in OSWORD &62 (98), b7=0 if error occured on a channel XY?4=channel number if XY?3 b7=0 &64 100 Read current F-code VFS On exit: XY+0... contains current F-code command string terminated by CR. &6E 110 Read byte from shadow RAM board Watford 32K On entry: XY+0..1=address within RAM board XY?2=bank flag, b0=0 - &0000-&2FFF is main memory b0=1 - &0000-&2FFF is shadow memory b1=0 - &3000-&7FFF is main memory b1=1 - &3000-&7FFF is shadow memory On exit: XY?3=byte read &6F 111 Write byte to shadow RAM board Watford 32K On entry: XY+0..1=address within RAM board XY?2 =bank flag, as for OSWORD &6E XY?3 =byte to be written On exit: XY?3=former contents of memory location. &70 112 Read master sequence number and status byte ADFS On exit: XY?0=Master Sequence Number XY?1=status byte: b7=Tube present, b6=Tube claimed by ADFS, b5=hard drive controller present, b4=n/u, b3=n/u, b2=*OPT1 flag, b1=Bad Free Space Map, b0=IRQ pending. &71 113 Read free space on disc ADFS On exit: XY!0=free space on current disk. &72 114 Read/Write MFM sectors ADFS On entry: XY?0=0 XY!1=address XY?5=command XY?6=drive number in b5-b7, sector b16-b20 in b0-b4 XY?7=sector middle byte XY?8=sector low byte XY?9=number of sectors XY?10=n/u, XY!11=data length if XY?9=0 This is a standard SCSI command block. The drive number in XY?6 is ORed with the current drive. Commands are: (&00=Test drive ready) (&01=Seek track 0) (&03=Request status) &08=Read data &0A=Write data &0B=Seek track (&1B=Stop/Start drive; stop if XY?9=0, start if XY?9=1) On exit: XY?0=result &00=Ok &02=Drive door open &03=Media error, eg disk dirty &05=Bad SCSI command &04=Not ready &40=Write protected &48=CRC error &50=Sector not found &60=Bad command &61=Bad address &63=Volume error &65=Bad drive &6F=Abort &72 114 Direct Cumana Electron DFS disk access CDFS On entry: XY?0=control byte: b0: side select 0,1 b1: drive 1 select b2: drive 2 select b3: 0=double density, 1=single density XY?1=command XY?2=track XY?3=sector XY?4=data XY!5=address XY?9=0 for returned result Commands are: &04=Seek track zero &14=Seek track &50=Step in one track &70=Step out one track &80=Read sector &A0=Write sector b0-b1=step rate 6ms/12ms/20ms/30ms On exit: XY?2=new track XY?3=new sector XY?9=result &00=Ok &73 115 Read information about last error ADFS On exit: XY+0..2=sector error occured at XY?2=b5-b7=drive number XY?3 b0-b6=result code as in OSWORD &72 (114), b7=0 if error occured on a channel XY?4=channel number if XY?3 b7=0 &7A 122 Teletext commands Teletext On entry: XY?0=command. The command is &00..&7F for Advanced Teletext commands, &80..&FF for standard commands: &00 - Read channel, returned to XY?1, 0=BBC1, etc. &01 - Set channel from XY?1, 0=BBC1, etc. &02 - Read record flag. Record in XY?1, returned flag in XY?2: b0=HOLD, b1=received, b2=being updated. &03 - Set record flag, record in XY?1, flag in XY?2 as above. &04 - Read a Page Grabber record. XY?1 contains record. Returns XY?2=magazine, XY?3=BCD page number, XY+4..5=sub-page, XY+6..7=I/O address to store page. &05 - Set a Page Grabber record, entry details as above. &06 - Read number of rows to be captured to XY?1. &07 - Set number of rows to be captured from XY?1. &08 - Read header line status to XY?1: &00=header off, &01=header on with clock, &FF=header on without clock. &09 - Set header line status from XY?1 as above. &0A - Read magazine for header display to XY?1. &FF means all headers. &0B - Set magazine for header display from XY?1 as above. &0C - Switch off teletext interrupts. &0D - Switch on teletext interrupts. &0E - Clear all Page Grabber records. &0F - Read Television Service Data Packet On exit: XY?1=magazine for initial page XY?2=BCD initial page number or &FF if none XY+3..4=initial page sub-code XY+5..6=network group identity XY?7=Time offset from Universal Coordinated Time: b0=1, b1=half hour, b2=1 hour, b3=2 hours, b4=4 hours, b5=8 hours, b6=add/subtract offset, b7=1. XY+8..10=BCD Modified Julian Time hi to lo XY+11..13=BCD Universal Coordinated Time hours, minutes, seconds. &10 - Clear Page Grabber record. &11 - Read Adapter status to XY?1: &00=on and connected, &01=on, no TV signal, &02=off, but connected, &FF=no adapter connected. &12 - Set Subtitle Enable flag On entry: XY?1=&00 to enable, &FF to disable, XY?2=subtitle magazine XY?3=BCD subtitle page. &13 - Set interrupt handling flag from XY?1: &00 to enable, &FF to disable. &14 - Enter Tuning routine. Exited by pressing SPACE. &15 - Return time from TSDP. On exit: XY+1..9="HH:MM:SS" string XY?10=flag, &00=ok, &FF=no time found. &16 - Return date from TSDP. On exit: XY+1..12="DD/MM/YYYY" string XY?12=flag, &00=ok, &FF=no date found. &17 - Check CRC. On entry: XY+1..2=>page data in I/O On exit: XY?3=result, &00=no CRC, &01=CRC ok, &FF=CRC failed. &18 - Download file from teletext. On entry: XY+1..2=>filename in I/O XY!3=load address XY!7=exec address XY?11=magazine number XY?12=BCD page number XY?13=&00 - Load to memory at OSHWM, &01 - Load to file load address XY?14=&00 - Reset default table, &01 Don't reset tables. &19 - De-Ham a byte at XY?1. On exit: XY?2=De-Hammed nybble and result. b0-b3 contain nybble, b4-b7=%1111 - unrecoverable error b4-b7=%0xx1 - recoverable error b4-b7=%x1x1 - single bit error b4-b7=%0xx0 - no error. &1A - Set emulation mode. On entry: XY?1=characters per line to receive, 40 for TFS mode, 42 for TTX mode. The two extra bytes at the beginning contain the magazine and row numbers. &1B - Read emulation mode. On exit: XY?1=characters per line that will be read, 40 for TFS or 42 for TTX. &80 - Reload Last Page. &85 - Fetch Page. On entry: XY?1=page 100s XY?2=page 10s XY?3=page 1s XY?4=subpage 1000s XY?5=subpage 100s XY?6=subpage 10s XY?7=subpage 1s &86 - Chain page. Fetches the next page in a chain. &88 - Head of Chain. Follows the chain around until the head is reached. &89 - Test Arrived. On exit: XY?1=result: &00=last page requested not arrived, &FF=last page requested has arrived. &8A - Unlock Page. When a page has arrived, it becomes locked. This unlocks it and allows further update. &8B - Select Channel. Selects the channel in XY?1 (0-3). &8D - Read TSDP. On exit: XY+1..2=Television Service Data Packet. &8E - DeHam a Byte. The byte at XY?1 is dehamed and returned in XY?1, with flags as for &19 above. &8F - Transfer. The current page is transfered to the address in XY+1..4. &92 - Headers. On entry: XY+1..2=I/O address to display 32-character page header. &93 - What Channel. Returns the currently selected channel in XY?1. &7B 123 Modem comands Prestel Adaptor The Prestel adapter modem can be in one of five states: State 0 - on-hook, speaker off. State 1 - off-hook, speaker on, modem off. State 2 - off-hook, speaker off, modem off, dialing suitable. State 3 - off-hook, speaker on, modem disabled, checking progress. State 4 - off-hook, speaker off, modem enabled, data must be sent at 75 baud and received at 1200 baud. The modem calls are used to step through the five states and to monitor the dialling progress. On entry: XY?0=command: 0 - RESET to state 0. 1 - STEP to next state. Do not use in state 4. 2 - PULSE. Send a dial pulse. Use in state 2. 3 - START-DIGIT. Initialise to send a digit, use in state 2. 4 - END-DIGIT. Terminate dialling a digit, use in state 2. 5 - DCD-CHECK. Exits with result in XY?0: 0 - unpowered or no carrier 1 - powered in state 0, carrier present in state 4. To dial a number, STEP to state 2, for each digit, START-DIGIT, PULSE for the number, END-DIGIT, STEP to state 4. &7B 123 Modem commands COMMAND On entry, XY+0=command as follows: 1 - Read status byte On exit: XY?0: b0=offline/online, b1=XOFF sent, b2=XOFF received, b3=carrier present. 2 - Put byte to modem On entry: XY?1=byte to send 3 - Get byte from mode On exit: XY?0=byte XY?1=255 if valid, 0 if invalid 4 - Put string to modem On entry: XY?1=length XY+2.. contains string 5 - Get string from modem On exit: XY?0=length read XY+1.. contains string 6 - Read from remote computer On entry: XY?1=maximum length XY+2..3=maximum time in centiseconds On exit: XY?0=length of string XY+1.. contains string If RETURN not receieved within the time, a Timout error (103) is generated. &7B 123 Move a block of memory HDFS On entry: XY!0=source address XY!4=length XY!8=destination address Works across Tube and between Tube and I/O memory. &7C 124 Multiple-track single density FDC command HDFS On entry: XY?0 =drive number XY!1 =address XY+5..6=start sector XY+7..8=number of sectors to transfer XY?9 =8271 FDC command as for OSWORD &7F (127) If the drive number is &FF the previously-used drive is used. &7D 125 Read cycle number of disc DFS, HDFS On exit: XY?0=cycle number &7E 126 Read disc (or directory) size DFS, HDFS On exit: XY!0=size of the current disc (or directory for HDFS) in bytes. &7F 127 Single-track single density FDC command DFS, HDFS On entry: XY?0=drive number XY!1=address XY?5=number of parameters in the 8271 FDC command XY?6=8271 FDC command XY+7... command parameters On exit: XY+8+num parameters=result If the drive number is &FF the previously-used drive is used. Some commands are: &4B=Write sectors &53=Read sectors &63=format track &69=Seek track Results returned are: &00=ok &08=Clock error &0A=Late DMA &0C=CRC error in ID &0E=CRC error in data &10=Drive not ready (shouldn't occur) &12=Write protected &14=Track 0 not found &16=Write fault &18=Sector not found &FE=8271 command unknown Some systems extend the drive number to %pxDDddsd. p selects the previously-used drive DD select the drive density: %0x=current density %10=FM %11=MFM ddd select the drive s selects the side. &80 128 IEEE Commands IEEEFS On entry: XY?0=send block length XY?1=receive block length XY+2=IEEE command On exit: XY+2... returned results. &80 128 Springboard DOS INT Springboard On entry: XY?0=24 (send length) XY?1=24 (receive length) XY+2..3 =INT number XY+4..5 =AX XY+6..7 =BX XY+8..9 =CX XY+10..11=DX XY+12..13=SI XY+14..15=DI XY+16..17=DP XY+18..19=ES XY+20..21=FLAGS. On exit: XY+4... returned 80x86 registers. &81 129 Springboard, read address of PC parameter block Spring On entry: XY?0=0 (send length) XY?1=10 (receive length). On exit: returned parameter block address &82 130 Read/Write parameters Cambridge ring &83 131 Data transmission Cambridge ring &84 132 Ring polling Cambridge ring &85 133 Springboard Springboard On entry: XY?0=4 (send length) XY?1=6 (receive length). &86 134 Springboard Springboard On entry: XY?0=6 (send length) XY?1=0 (receive length). &89 137 Read teletext pixel Dump Out 3 The control block is incorrectly defined for the OSWORD protocol, and will work incorrectly if called from a coprocessor. On entry: XY+0..1=X coord 0-1279 XY+2..3=Y coord 0-1024 XY?11 =&FF on first call to check for double height On exit: XY?4 =Pixel colour or &80 if off-screen XY?5 =Y position with character cell XY?6 =foregound colour XY?7 =background colour XY?8 =character column containing pixel XY?9 =character row containing pixel XY?10 =character containing the pixel XY+11..13=double height table XY+12 =attribute: b1=held separated, b2=separated, b3=hold, b4=conceal, b5=double height, b6=graphic, b7=flash XY?15 =current hold character. &8A 138 Set teletext pixel Dump Out 3 The control block is incorrectly defined for the OSWORD protocol, and will work incorrectly if called from a coprocessor. On entry: XY+0..1=X coord 0-1279 XY+2..3=Y coord 0-1024 XY?6=plot number: 69=plot foreground 70=invert 71=plot background b7=1 to force overwriting of text On exit: XY?4 =X position within cell XY?5 =Y position within cell XY?8 =text column containing cell XY?9 =text row containing cell XY?10=character containing the pixel. &90 144 "Service interface - Network" &A0 160 "Isolated word recogniser" &B0 176 GoMMC access & control GoMMC On entry: XY?0 =send length XY?1 =receive length XY?2 =command XY?3 =subcommand XY?4 =&01 XY?5 =&00 XY+6...=data On exit: XY?4 =&00 if call actioned XY?5 =result byte XY+6...=data. Commands in XY?2 are: 1 - Read GoMMC status, subcommand in XY?3 XY?3=&01 - return GoMMC ROM number in XY?6 XY?3=&02 - return MMC card size in XY!6 2 - ?? - Returns data in XY+5 XY+3=&09 - ? XY+3=&0A - ? 3 - Read/Write data to current disk On entry: XY!6 =address XY!10=MMC address XY!14=data length XY?3 =&00 - Read data from current disk XY?3 =&01 - Write data to current disk XY?3 =&40 - Read data from absolute MMC address XY?3 =&41 - Write data to absolute MMC address 4 - Read/Write data to current disk On entry: XY! =address XY!10=MMC address XY!14=data length XY?3 =&00 - Read data from current disk XY?3 =&01 - Write data to current disk &B2 178 Advanced BASIC (BASIC V) support AdvBASIC This call is used to support 6502 BASIC V on the 6502 second processor. On entry: XY?0=send length XY?1=receive length XY?2=command XY+3.. additional information Commands in are: &00 - Read EDIT/ROM values On entry: XY?0=3 (send length) XY?1=3 (receive length) XY?2=0 On exit: XY?0=current EDITO value OR &80 or <&80 if BASIC V not present XY?1 Advanced BAISC ROM number XY?2 HIEDIT/EDIT flag (0 or 2) &01-&7F - Fetch overlay On entry: XY?0=3 (send length) XY?1=128 (receive length) XY?2=overlay number On exit: Overlay 1 to &7F is returned in the control block &80 - Convert SWI string to number On entry: XY?0=4+length of string (send length) XY?1=5 (receive length) XY?2=&80 XY+3=CR-terminated string to match with leading "OS_" removed. On exit: XY!0=SWI number XY?4=reault, &00=matched, &FF=unknown &81 - Convert SWI number to string On entry: XY?0=7 (send length) XY?1=32 (receive length) XY?2=&81 XY!3=SWI number On exit: XY+0.. unterminated SWI string, including starting "OS_" XY?31=string length or >&7F if unknown &82 - HELP On entry: XY?0=128 (send length) XY?1=0 (receive length) XY?2=&82 XY+3..127 should contain a copy of BASIC's workspace from &0000 to &007C. On exit: The call outputs information to OSWRCH. The control block is unchanged. &83 - HELP On entry: XY?0=128 (send length) XY?1=0 (receive length) XY?2=&83 XY+3..127=CR-terminated tokenised string following HELP. On exit: The call accesses the BASHELP file and outputs information to OSWRCH. The control block is unchanged. &84 - HELP . (dot) On entry: XY?0=3 (send length) XY?1=0 (receive length) XY?2=&84 On exit: Similar to &83, except no help string required, and whole help file is output. &85 - CALL or USR in I/O memory On entry: XY?0=11 (send length) XY?1=11 (receive length) XY?2=&85 XY?3=A register XY?4=X register XY?5=Y register XY?6=P register (only Cy valid) XY!7=address On exit: XY!3=AXYP returned from called code. If the address if &FFrrxxxx, then ROM rr will be called, otherwise the current language ROM will be paged in. &86-&FF - reserved. OSWORD &B5 - PRES OSWORD editor calls ------------------------------------- PRES products such as the File Manager and Editor issue this call so other ROMs can provide command options to call them. On entry, XY+0 Output control block length XY+1 Returned control block length XY+2 Command XY+3 Title string of ROM to issue command to, terminated with &00 XY+x Filename string, terminated with &00 Commands: &00 - Returns available OSWORD &B5 commands at XY+2 XY+2 Number of commands XY+3 Command string, &00 XY+x Command string, &00, etc. &01+ - Execute the specified command OSWORD &B5 - PRES Advanced BASIC Editor --------------------------------------- On entry, XY+3 "BASIC Editor & Toolkit", &00 XY+26 Filename string, terminated with &00 Commands: &00 - Returns available OSWORD &B5 commands at XY+2 XY+2 &02,"Load",&00,"Append",&00 &01 - Enters BASIC Editor specifying filename to Load Inserts "L ",filename string, into keyboard buffer, then executes '*BE' &02 - Enters BASIC Editor specifying filename to Append Inserts "A ",filename string, into keyboard buffer, then executes '*BE' OSWORD &B5 - Advanced File Manager ---------------------------------- The PRES Advanced File Manager provides the following OSWORD &B5 command calls: BASIC VIEW VIEWSHEET VIEWSPELL VIEWSTORE WORDWISE EDIT &01 CHAIN LOAD LOAD LOAD LOAD LOAD LOAD &02 LOAD NEW, LOAD LW READ LF LOAD CURSOR &03 *TYPE READ PRINTER U &04 *DUMP NEW, READ PRINTER &05 *LIST READ 1 &06 *RUN PRINT &07 *EXEC PRINTER &BB 187 Read/Write Morley RAMdisk RAMdisc NB: Cannot be called across the Tube, and cannot transfer across the Tube. On entry: XY?0 = 0 for read, &80 for write XY?1,2 = I/O memory address XY?3,4 = RAMdisk start sector XY?5 = number of 256-byte sectors to transfer On exit, control block unchanged &BB 187 Print screen dump SCDUMP On entry: Control block contents ignored &BE 190 Disassemble data DISS This call disassembles the supplied data to create a single line of disassembly. On entry: XY?0=&10 (send block length) XY?1=&20 (receive block length) XY?2=cpu number XY?3=mask flag (usually zero) XY!4=address the disassembly comes from XY+8... contains the data to be disassembled (usually four bytes) On exit: XY?2=number of bytes disassembled XY?3=result byte XY+4... CR-terminated string with the disassembly in it. The supplied mask flag is inverted and ANDed with the result byte before it is returned. Some cpu codes are: 0=reserved 38=80386 2=6502 44=ARM 6=80x86 48=80486 9=6809 65=65xx series 11=pdp11 68=68000 12=65C12 80=Z80 18=80186 85=8085 28=80286 86=80x86 30=oggin 88=8080 The result flag contains: b7=unrecognised code b6=absolute branch, jump, return, etc., suitable place for a extra blank line in disassembly b5-b0 hold cpu-specific infomation If on entry, XY?0=8, then the the call returns the CPU name in a CR-terminated string at XY+4 onwards. &BF 191 Fetch URI BBCURI Fetches a resource specified by a Uniform Resource Indicator. On entry: XY?0=5+string length (send block length) XY?1=16 (receive block length) XY?2=command XY?3=0, holds returned result XY+4... CR-terminated URI string Commands include: 1=fetch, returns file handle in XY?3 or zero if not found. &C0 192 Transfer data between Eureka memory areas On entry: XY?0=12 (send block length) XY?1=12 (receive block length) XY?2=&FE XY?3=&FF XY?4=&0B Command=data transfer XY?5=subcommand 1=read, 2=write, 3=copy XY?6..7 =source start address XY?8..9 =source end address XY?10..11=destination start address &C8 200 Pass SWI Operation to Host JGH This call passes a SWI to the host to be executed. Values passed can be translated to and from absolute ARM address by setting bits in the translate bytes. On entry: XY?0 =regs*4+8 (send block length) XY?1 =regs*4+8 (the receive block length) XY?2 =bitmap of outgoing register values to translate to ARM absolute addresses, b0=1 - r0, b1=1 - r1, etc., XY?3 =bitmap of incoming register values to translate back to local processor addresses as with XY?2 XY!4 =SWI number XY!8 =r0 value XY!12=r1 value ... continues onwards up to the number specified by XY?0 and XY?1. On exit: XY!4=b0-b3=returned flags, NZCV. [*] If V set in b0, an error number is returned in XY!4 and the CR-terminated error string returned in XY+8 onwards. &FA 250 Data transfer over Tube 80x86 Tube OS On entry: XY?0 =&0D or &0E (send block length) XY?1 =&10 (receive block length) XY!5 =I/O processor address XY+6..7 =80x86 offset address XY+8..9 =80x86 segment address XY+10..11=data length XY?12 =function XY?13 =memory access control if XY?0=&0E. The functions are the same as the Tube values: 0 - write to I/O as single bytes 1 - read from I/O as single bytes 2 - write to I/O as byte pairs 3 - read from I/O as byte pairs 6 - write to I/O as groups of 256 bytes 7 - read from I/O as groups of 256 bytes If the memory access control byte is used, its format is: b0-b3=ROM number b4 =0 use specified ROM, b4=1 use current ROM b5 =0 use main memory, b5=1 use screen memory b6 =1 ignore b5 and use shadow memory b7 unused. &FB 251 WD1770/2 Floppy Disk Control 80x86 DOS The control block is ignored, so for speed, set XY?0=0 and XY?1=0. Commands are sent from the 80x86 via Tube register 2. These are: 0 - Finish 1 - Master FDC command; register 2 sends 4-byte address low to high, R/W command, Write flag, Interrupt mask, number of sectors, FDC command. 2 - BBC B/B+ command; as for command 1. 3 - Claim Tube and NMI. 4 - Release Tube and NMI. 5..&FF - Write byte sent though register2 to &FExx. &FC 252 DOS CRTC Control 80x86 DOS The control block is ignored, so for speed, set XY?0=0 and XY?1=0. Commands are sent from the 80x86 via Tube register 2: b7=0 - program CRTC, command specifies register, next byte sent through register 2 is the CRTC data. &FC - write to mouse port (does nothing) &FD - intercept events &FE - initialise mouse driver &FF - finish. All other commands finish the transaction. &FD 253 - &FE 254 DOS Text output (unimplemented) 80x86 DOS Just returns &FE 254 Z80 SP Disc Read Z80 CP/M &FF 255 DOS fast screen control 80x86 DOS The control block is ignored, so for speed, set XY?0=0 and XY?1=0. Commands are sent from the 80x86 via Tube register 2, first, the address is sent, high byte then low byte. This address is updated for the data sent and wraps round from &7FFF to &4000. If the high byte is &00, no low byte is sent, and the routine finishes. Then the command loop is entered. The command is sent through register 2: &FF - single byte read through register 1 fills the following eight bytes of screen memory. &00 - eight bytes read though register 1 fill following eight bytes of screen memory. Other - loop back to wait for address or termination. &FF 255 Z80 Data transfer over Tube Z80 Tube OS On entry: XY?0 =&0D (send block length) XY?1 =&01 (receive block length) XY!2 =I/O address XY!6 =Z80 address XY+10..11=data length XY?12 =command, 0=read from I/O, 1=write to I/O. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ADFS = Advanced Disc Filing System, Acorn AdvBASIC = Advanced BASIC (BASIC V) AMX = AMX Super Art ROM, Elliot Software for AMS Spring = Springboard ARM development system DISS = Disassembly routines, JGH DFS = Disc Filing System 0.90/1.20, Acorn DVR = 6502 Development ROM, AJCD BBCURI = BBC URI Fetcher, JGH HADFS = Harston Advance Disk Filing System, JGH HDFS = Hierarchical DFS, AJCD HKSET = Hong Kong Stock Exchange Terminal MOS = Machine Operating System 1.20, Acorn NFS = Network Filing System 3.34, Acorn SPROW = Robert Sprowson Systems TQCOM = Tequilacomm, D.A.Sainty TubeLink = TubeLink, Colin Dean GoMMC = GoMMC memory card, John Kortink CDFS = Cumana Electron DFS Update History -------------- 21-Jun-1993: Angus Duggan, initial list of &00-&0F, &4E..&5E, &7D..&7F. 28-Feb-1997: J.G.Harston, Re-edited, added &10-&16, &20, &42, &43, &45, &5A, &60, &62-&64, &70-&73, &7A, &7B, &BE, &FA, &FE, &FF. 04-Oct-1998: J.G.Harston, updated &20, added &51, &89, &8A, &C8, &FB-&FD. 15-May-1999: J.G.Harston, added &47, updated &7D. 03-Oct-2001: J.G.Harston, added &BF. 30-Aug-2003: J.G.Harston, added &20, &21, &45. 07-Aug-2004: J.G.Harston, added &80, &81, &85, &86. 30-Aug-2004: J.G.Harston, added &B0. 24-Sep-2006: J.G.Harston, added &13/11-17, &B2. 12-Jun-2007: J.G.Harston, added details of &B2, reformatted text. 27-Feb-2008: J.G.Harston, added &BB, &50, &51, &72, &80 IEEE. 14-Nov-2010: J.G.Harston, added &BB SCDUMP. 12-Jul-2012: J.G.Harston, details of &5F ISMEC Monitor, &51 HKSET. 20-Oct-2015: J.G.Harston, details of &28-&32 PRISMA calls. 10-Apr-2017: J.G.Harston, details of &49 Integra-B Windows calls. 18-Dec-2015: J.G.Harston, added &C0 Eureka call, &B5 PRES call. &22,&23 UtilRAM calls.