Mapping =VDU(n) (SWI OS_ReadVduVariables) to OSBYTE 160 and @vdu% ================================================================= =VDU(n) Parameter OSBYTE 160 @vdu% offset -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 128 &80 Graphics LHC (ic) 0 &00 129 &81 Graphics Bottom (ic) 2 &02 130 &82 Graphics RHC (ic) 4 &04 131 &83 Graphics Top (ic) 6 &06 132 &84 Text LHC 8 &08 AND 255 @vdu%!24 DIV @vdu%!216 133 &85 Text Bottom 9 &09 AND 255 @vdu%!36 DIV @vdu%!220 134 &86 Text RHC 10 &0A AND 255 @vdu%!28 DIV @vdu%!216 135 &87 Text Top 11 &0B AND 255 @vdu%!32 DIV @vdu%!220 136 &88 Origin X (ec) 12 &0C @vdu%!0 137 &89 Origin Y (ec) 14 &0E @vdu%!4 138 &8A Current graphics X (ex) 16 &10 @vdu%!8 139 &8B Current graphics Y (ex) 18 &12 @vdu%!12 140 &8C Old graphics X (ic) 141 &8D Old graphics Y (ic) 142 &8E Previous graphics X (ic) 20 &14 @vdu%!16 143 &8F Previous graphics Y (ic) 22 &16 @vdu%!20 144 &90 Current graphics X (ic) 36 &24 145 &91 Current graphics Y (ic) 38 &26 146 &92 New graphics point X (ic) 147 &93 New graphics point Y (ic) 148 &94 VDU Screen Start 77 &4D AND &FF00 149 &95 Display Screen Start 77 &4D AND &FF00 150 &96 Screen Size 83 &53 AND &FF00 151 &97 Foreground GCOL action 91 &5B AND 255 @vdu%?64 152 &98 Background GCOL action 92 &5C AND 255 @vdu%?66 153 &99 Foreground GCOL 89 &59 AND 255 @vdu%?65 154 &9A Background GCOL 90 &5A AND 255 @vdu%?67 155 &9B Foreground COLOUR 87 &57 AND 255 @vdu%?70 156 &9C Background COLOUR 88 &58 AND 255 @vdu%?71 157 &9D Foreground graphics tint 158 &9E Background graphics tint 159 &9F Foreground text tint 160 &A0 Background text tint 161 &A1 Maximum mode number 162 &A2 VDU 5 character width 163 &A3 VDU 5 character height 164 &A4 VDU 5 character X spacing 165 &A5 VDU 5 character Y spacing 166 &A6 Draw jump vector 167 &A7 VDU 4 character width 168 &A8 VDU 4 character height 169 &A9 VDU 4 character X spacing 170 &AA VDU 4 character Y spacing 171 &AB Colour block address 172 &AC VIDC speed 173 &AD 174 &AE 175 &AF 0 &00 Mode flags 1 &01 Text Width-1 2 &02 Text Height-1 3 &03 Colours-1 96 &60 AND 255 @vdu%?73 4 &04 XEig 5 &05 YEig 6 &06 LineLength 7 &07 ScreenSize 8 &08 YShift 9 &09 LOG bits per pixel 10 &0A LOG bits per character 11 &0B XPixels-1 12 &0C YPixels-1 Text X+Text Y 24 &18 Text Y+next 25 &19 Text window width in bytes 76 &4C Start of screen memory DIV 256 76 &4E Bytes per character 79 &4F Address of top of screen 80 &50 Bytes per character row 82 &52 Screen Size DIV 256+Mode 84 &54 Mode 85 &55 Memory map type 86 &56 Jump vector 93 &5D Previous cursor start position 95 &5F Pixels per byte 97 &61 Left colour mask 98 &62 Right colour mask 99 &63 Text input X 100 &64 Text input Y 101 &65 Teletext output cursor 102 &66 Font flags 103 &67