ANSI-X3.64/ECMA-48 CSI Select Graphics Rendition Codes ------------------------------------------------------ Parameters to [;....m ANSI CSI sequence +----------+--------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Code | Effect | Note | +----------+--------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 0 | Reset / Normal | all attributes off | | 1 | Bold or increased intensity | | | 2 | Faint (decreased intensity) | Not widely supported. | | 3 | Italic | Not widely supported. Sometimes treated as inverse. | | 4 | Underline | | | 5 | Slow Blink | Less than 150 per minute | | 6 | Rapid Blink | MS-DOS ANSI.SYS; 150+ per minute; not widely supported | | 7 | Reverse video | Swap foreground and background colours | | 8 | Conceal | Not widely supported. | | 9 | Crossed-out | Characters legible, but marked for deletion. Not widely supported. | | 10 | Primary(default) font | | | 11-19 | Alternate font | Select alternate font 'n-10' | | 20 | Fraktur | Hardly ever supported | | 21 | Bold off or Double Underline | Bold off not widely supported; double underline hardly ever supported. | | 22 | Normal colour or intensity | Neither bold nor faint | | 23 | Not italic, not Fraktur | | | 24 | Underline off | Not singly or doubly underlined | | 25 | Blink off | | | 27 | Inverse off | | | 28 | Reveal | Conceal off | | 29 | Not crossed out | | | 30-37 | Set foreground colour | See colour table below | | 38 | Set foreground colour | Next arguments are '5;' or '2;;;', see below | | 39 | Default foreground colour | Implementation defined (according to standard) | | 40-47 | Set background colour | See colour table below | | 48 | Set background colour | Next arguments are '5;' or '2;;;', see below | | 49 | Default background colour | Implementation defined (according to standard) | | 51 | Framed | | | 52 | Encircled | | | 53 | Overlined | | | 54 | Not framed or encircled | | | 55 | Not overlined | | | 60 | Ideogram underline | Hardly ever supported | | 61 | Ideogram double underline | Hardly ever supported | | 62 | Ideogram overline | Hardly ever supported | | 63 | Ideogram double overline | Hardly ever supported | | 64 | Ideogram stress marking | Hardly ever supported | | 65 | Ideogram attributes off | Reset the effects of all of 60-64 | | 90-97 | Set bright foreground colour | aixterm (not in standard) | | 100-107 | Set bright background colour | aixterm (not in standard) | +----------+--------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Colours | | 30 black foreground 40 black background | | 31 red foreground 41 red background | | 32 green foreground 42 green background | | 33 yellow foreground 43 yellow background | | 34 blue foreground 44 blue background | | 35 magenta foreground 45 magenta background | | 36 cyan foreground 46 cyan background | | 37 white foreground 47 white background | | 38 extended foreground colour 48 extended background colour | | 39 default foreground 49 default background | | | | 90 bright black foreground 100 bright black background | | 91 bright red foreground 101 bright red background | | 92 bright green foreground 102 bright green background | | 93 bright yellow foreground 103 bright yellow background | | 94 bright blue foreground 104 bright blue background | | 95 bright magenta foreground 105 bright magenta background | | 96 bright cyan foreground 106 bright cyan background | | 97 bright white foreground 107 bright white background | +----------+--------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+