==Econet Ports== While some network services use a specific port to communicate on, clients should perform a [[FindServer]] operation using port &B0 to find the specific server it wants to communicate with, and the use the port number contained in the reply. A server should claim the ports it wants to use from the network system. On RISC OS this is simple, use Econet_AllocatePort. On 8-bit systems, choosing a random number between &10 and &7F at startup will often suffice for server-client communications. Port Allocation ------------------------------------------------------------------------ &00 Immediate Operation &4D MUGINS &54 DigitalServicesTapeStore (old) &90 FileServerReply &91 FileServerDataAck &92 FileServerData &93 Remote &99 FileServerCommand &9A &9B &9C Bridge &9D ResourceLocator &9E PrinterServerEnquiryReply &9F PrinterServerEnquiry &A0 SJ Research *FAST protocol &AF SJ Research Nexus net find reply port - SJVirtualEconet &B0 FindServer &B1 FindServerReply &B2 TeletextServerReply - reply from server to client &B3 TeletextServerCommand - command from client to server &B4 TeletextPageData - page data from server to client &B5 TeletextHeader - header data from server to client &D0 PrinterServerReply &D1 PrinterServerData &D2 TCPIPProtocolSuite - IP over Econet &D3 SIDFrameSlave, FastFS_Control &D4 Scrollarama &D5 Phone &D6 BroadcastControl &D7 BroadcastData &D8 ImpressionLicenceChecker &D9 DigitalServicesSquirrel &DA SIDSecondary, FastFS_Data &DB DigitalServicesSquirrel2 &DC DataDistributionControl, Cambridge Systems Design &DD DataDistributionData, Cambridge Systems Design &DE ClassROM, Oak Solutions &DF PrinterSpoolerCommand, Oak Solutions &E0 DigitalServicesNetGain1, David Faulkner, Digital Services &E1 DigitalServicesNetGain2, David Faulkner, Digital Services &E2 AppFS1, Les Want, AppFS &E3 AppFS2, Les Want, AppFS &E4 AtomWideFaxNet, Martin Coulson / Chris Ross &E5 AtomWidePrintNet, Martin Coulson / Chris Ross &E6 IotaDataPower, Neil Raine, Iota &E7 CDNetServerBroadcast, Ellis Hall, PEP Associates &E8 CDNetServerReplies, Ellis Hall, PEP Associates &E9 ClassFS_Server, Oak Solutions &EA DigitalServicesTapeStore2, New allocation to replace &54 &EB DeveloperSupport, Mark/Jon communication port &EC LLS_Net, Longman Logotron S-Net server ==References== * SJ MDFS Manual, Chapter 10 * [http://www.heyrick.co.uk/econet/rosource/hdreconet.html Hdr.Econet Exported Econet constants] * RISC OS PRM * [https://mdfs.net/System/Teletext/] TServ manual