TRAP UNIX v1 UNIX v2 UNIX v3 UNIX v4 UNIX v5 UNIX v6 UNIX v7 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 rele rele rele indir indir indir indir 1 exit exit exit exit exit exit exit 2 fork fork fork fork fork fork fork 3 read read read read read read read 4 write write write write write write write 5 open open open open open open open 6 close close close close close close close 7 wait wait wait wait wait wait wait 8 create create create create creat creat creat 9 link link link link link link link 10 unlink unlink unlink unlink unlink unlink unlink 11 exec exec exec exec exec exec exec 12 chdir chdir chdir chdir chdir chdir chdir 13 time time time time time time time 14 makdir makdir makdir mknod mknod mknod mknod 15 chmod chmod chmod chmod chmod chmod chmod 16 chown chown chown chown chown chown chown 17 break break break break sbrk sbrk sbrk 18 stat stat stat stat stat stat stat 19 seek seek seek seek seek seek lseek 20 tell tell (tell) - getpid getpid getpid early tell broken 21 mount mount mount mount mount mount mount 22 umount umount umount umount umount umount umount 23 setuid setuid setuid setuid setuid setuid setuid 24 getuid getuid getuid getuid getuid getuid getuid 25 stime stime stime stime stime stime stime 26 quit quit quit - - ptrace ptrace quit moved to signal 27 intr intr intr - - - - intr moved to signal 28 fstat fstat fstat fstat fstat fstat fstat 29 cemt cemt cemt - - - pause cemt moved to signal 30 smdate mdate mdate - smdate smdate utime 31 stty stty stty stty stty stty stty 32 gtty gtty gtty gtty gtty gtty gtty 33 ilgins ilgins ilgins - - - - ilgins moved to signal 34 - hog nice nice nice nice nice 35 - sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep ftime 36 - sync sync sync sync sync sync 37 - kill kill kill kill kill kill 38 - - csw csw switch switch - 39 - - boot - - - setpgrp 40 - - fpe - - - (tell) fpe moved to signal 41 - - dup dup dup dup dup2 42 - - pipe pipe pipe pipe pipe 43 - - time times times times times 44 - - - - prof prof profil 45 - - - - tiu tui - 46 - - - setgid setgid setgid setgid 47 - - - getgid getgid getgid getgid 48 - - - signal signal signal signal 49 - - - - - - (USG) 50 - - - - - - (USG) 51 - - - - - - acct 52 - - - - - - phys 53 - - - - - - lock 54 - - - - - - ioctl 55 - - - - - - (readwrite) (reboot) 56 - - - - - - mpxchan (mpx) 57 - - - - - - (USG) 58 - - - - - - (USG) 59 - - - - - - exece (setinf) 60 - - - - - - umask (getinf) 61 - - - - - - chroot 62 - - - - - - - 63 - - - - - - - a.out v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 v6 v7 0000 &o205 br .+14 &o407 br .+20 or &410 br .+22 0002 sz_text sz_text 0004 sz_symb sz_init 0006 sz_relo sz_uninit 0008 sz_data sz_symb 0010 sz_unused (zero) entry 0012 start of text unused 0014 reloc 0016 start of text 0020 0022 All calls modify R0. Some calls also modify R1. Cy set on exit if error occured and R0=error, otherwise Cy clear. UNIXv0 - PDP7 UNIXv1-v7 - PDP11 UNIX v8 - VAX UNIX v9 - VAX UNIX v10 - VAX UnixV7 -> BSD2.8 BSD 2.8 - BSD 2.9 - PDP11 BSD 2.10 - BSD 2.11 - PDP11 new filesystem structure, added readv() writev() system calls