::: Area #24 (Programmers Forum) Message: #7518 (Read 15 times, has 0 replies, 571 bytes) Date : Fri Aug 7 15:33:39 1998 From : Piers (#632) To : Pontus Lurcock (#2091) Subject: Just a Thought... (reply to #7315) PL> For real fun, you could have another PSR bit to control endian-ness, PL> allowing each instruction to be two instructions... The ROM initialisation code in RO3.61+ is cunning - the ARM7500 (FE?) initialises with a 16-bit memory bus, but the ARM710/SA etc initialise with a 32-bit memory bus. So the code is written in such a way to determine which processor it is running on by using cleverly picked instructions which, when mapped against the 16-bit memory bus appear as different instructions to those when they're mapped against the 32-bit memory bus. -