Lunter ED Host Access Opcodes ============================= Gerton Lunter's 'Z80' ZX Spectrum Emulator uses the ED F8 to ED FF opcodes to access the host system ED F8 NOP Ununsed ED F9 BYTECOPY LD A,(DE) from normal memory LD (HL),A to SamRam memory INC E INC H ED FA READMEM Load A with byte in SamRam at (HL) ED FB WRITEMEM If PC<4000, store byte in A in SamRam at (HL) If PC>3FFF, multi-level loader, loads code to HL from last accessed .Z80 or .SLT file, or from a file name xxxxnnn.dat, where xxxx is the last snapshort filename, and nnn is the A register in decimal. If no file found, the user is prompted for a file. ED FC READBYTE Reads byte from RS232 to A Z/CC=no byte waiting, NZ/CS=byte recieved ED FD SENDBYTE Sends A to RS232 ED FE ROMPOKE LD (HL),A writing into ROM ED FF QUIT Exits emulator