Title : The Bell Labs UNIX System Original : The Girl from Ipanema Group : ? Author : Brad Needham Intro : (inspired by an attempt to write a UNIX-like OS in Pascal) Song : The Bell Labs UNIX System (to the tune of The Girl from Ipanema) by Brad Needham Clean and swift and small and simple The Bell Lab's UNIX system is published And when they read it Each one who reads it goes "aah". Files it has -- so elementary File names too, that move so gently That when they read it Each one who reads it goes "aah". Oh, but I read it so sadly! So much is lost in translation. How could I code it so badly? And how could they blame it on me? I write in Pascal, not in C. Clean and swift and small and simple The Bell Labs UNIX system is published And when I read mine, I cry Cause it's not in C. it's just not in C. no it's just not in C. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@