Title : C Hacker in Paradise Original : Cheeseburger in Paradise Group : Jimmy Buffett Author : Ulrika Bornetun Intro : I'm being forced to write X/Motif programs in Ada, need I say more? Song : Tried to amend my low-level habits started learning Ada last fall Writing tasks with conditional rendez-vous calls Raising lots'a exceptions and handling them all But at night I had these wonderful dreams some kind of sensuous treat Not of subtypes or generics or packages but of function pointers and binary trees ( I was a...) C hacker in paradise putting my flags in an integer slice Using K&R to be more precise I'm just a C hacker in paradise Heard about some of our managers they want to do everything with a tool Classes you browse by clicking with the mouse Well it reminds me of some stuff I saw in primary school! But I am not so easy to break; When I'm at work I keep fighting back Not with methods, drag-and-drop or a Hypercard stack But with that miracle language in which I hack! C hacker in paradise writing code that's already optimized putting my flags in an integer slice I'm just a C hacker in paradise I write all my functions with recursion using implicit pointer conversion Back with a longjmp and then a goto Oh, good God almighty which way should I go to be a C hacker in paradise Making all operations bitwise Writing right onto the raw device Yes, I'm a C hacker in paradise I'll be a C hacker in paradise I'm just a C hacker in paradise I write all ... C hacker in paradise .... @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@