Title : CPU Delight Original : Afternoon Delight Group : ? Author : Sarah Elizabeth Miller Intro : Song : CPU Delight (to Afternoon Delight) by Sarah Elizabeth Miller Started out one morning with a hopeful heart. Sitting down at a terminal all ready to start. My fingers stretching out to hit the terminal keys, Just waiting for the sign that says "login please." Chorus: Words, nybbles, and bytes, CPU delights, CPU delights, CPU delights. Came back later on to run "space-point-bas" Hoping that the system wouldn't want to crash. Found dinner time had passed before I was through, My program taking minutes in the CPU. (Chorus) Be running UNIX when I'm logging on. We'll be running "RIVER" 'til the night is gone. Sunrise's time to run the program called "account," Finding out I've overspent it by a huge amount. But to get the program running is my one delight. So, I'm sitting here typing 'til the morning light. (Chorus) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@