Title : The Data-comm Song Original : Home on the Range) Group : ? Author : ? Intro : Song : The Data-comm Song (to the tune of Home on the Range) from DEC archives Oh give me a line which stays up all the time and a modem which won't drop a bit And nodes, by the peck, which all run up to spec. And a telephone linemans' tool kit Dee, dee, see em pee (DDCMP) Pee dee pee 10, see pee you (PDP-10, CPU) En ess pee, are jay E (NSP, RJE) En see el, see are see (NCL, CRC) E eye aye, are ess too 30 too (EIA, RS-232) We've now got a net, without any sweat With routing and route-through to boot And, quick as a wink, we've avoided Bisync And distributed we can compute See, see, eye tee tea (CCITT) Ess dee el see, bee ess see (SLDC, BSC) Ess why en, dee el E (SYN, DLE) Ess oh H, E tea bee (SOH, ETB) Ess tee eks, for . too kay H zee (ETX, 4.2kHz) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@