Title : Emacs Wizard Original : Pinball Wizard Group : The Who Author : ? Intro : Complete with formatting and all :-) Song : \documentstyle[twocolumn,12pt]{article} \begin{document} \begin{verse} Ever since I was a young boy\\ I've played with each O.S.\\ From Unix down to Kronos \\ I've crashed them I confess\\ But I ain't seen nothing like him\\ Not even in VMS\\ That set-mark and bind kid\\ Sure strokes a mean Emacs. He sits there never blinking\\ Becomes part of the machine\\ Controls with either pinkie\\ A virtual typing stream\\ He optimizes keystrokes\\ Swamps your Microvax\\ That set-mark and bind kid\\ Sure strokes a mean Emacs. He's an Emacs wizard \\ Without a binding list\\ An Emacs wizard \\ s' got such a calloused wrist. How do you think he does it? I don't know!\\ What makes him so good? \newpage He ain't got no distractions\\ He refuses warning bells\\ He heeds no cursor flashing\\ Plays by sense of smell\\ He never needs to undo\\ Knows all of Stallman's hacks\\ That set-mark and bind kid\\ Sure strokes a mean Emacs. I thought I was \\ The keyboard-macro kid\\ But I just handed\\ My Emacs crown to him. Even my usual bindings\\ He prefixed all my best\\ His disciples feed him Coke\\ And he just does the rest\\ He's got super-meta-fingers\\ Never hits the cracks\\ That set-mark and bind kid\\ Sure strokes a mean Emacs. \end{verse} \end{document} @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@