Title : Hark! the Screaming Students Cry Original : Hark! The Herald Angels Sing) Group : ? Author : J. Benson, J. Doll & S. Fraim Intro : Song : Hark! the Screaming Students Cry (to the tune of Hark! The Herald Angels Sing) by J. Benson, J. Doll & S. Fraim Hark! the screaming students cry, "I am failing, why, oh, why?" Boy, this class makes me feel dumb! Where DO they get graders from? How I study, how I strive, Just to get a five point five! Now my program won't compile, I used REPEAT instead of WHILE." Hark! the screaming students cry, "I am failing, why, oh why!" Hark! the screaming students say, "Lord, just get me through this day! Watch me gnash my teeth and frown When I learn the DEC is down. Tests and quizzes make me ill; Of Pascal I've had my fill! One point off for elegance, Why won't they give me a chance!" Hark! the screaming students say, "Lord, just get me through this day!" @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@