Title : Hello, Solly Original : Hello, Dolly Group : ? Author : Sarah Elizabeth Miller Intro : Song : Hello, Solly (to Hello, Dolly) by Sarah Elizabeth Miller Hello, Solly. Well, hello, Solly. The DEC-10 just threw the monitor away. The tty's, Solly, Went bye-bye, Solly, And the core's been on the floor Most of the last few days. What's even worse, Solly, We've been cursed, Solly, With a memory that is down to just one k. Oh, boohoohoo, Solly, What are we s'posed to do, Solly? Solly, please bring the DEC-10 up to stay!!! The users are, Solly, Quite bizarre, Solly. They all claim the ten is dormant all the time. They should know, Solly, Things get slow, Solly, 'Cause the drives cannot survive Two users on the line. We have no hopes, Solly, For the scopes, Solly, And because of this they all refuse to pay. Oh, gollygee, Solly, What is it gonna be, Solly? Solly, please bring the DEC-10 up to stay!!! @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@