Title : I'm a Programmer Original : The Lumberjack Song Group : Monty Python Author : Thaddeus Beier, Robert Frye, Robert Herndon, William Lindemann, Sarah Elizabeth Miller, and Michael John Intro : Song : I'm a Programmer (to The Lumberjack Song By Monty Python) by Thaddeus Beier, Robert Frye, Robert Herndon, William Lindemann, Sarah Elizabeth Miller, and Michael John Chorus: I'm a programmer and I'm insane. I work all night and I hack all day. I patch up bugs. I write in C On the EE's PDP. On Wednesdays I do COBOL And structured RPG. (Arrgh!) (Chorus) I edit files. I rewind tapes. I dismount RK packs. I exercise the disk drives And kick off all the hacks. (Chorus) I punch mag tape. I bug Jon Day And insult VDV, And if I keep this all up, I'll leave the PDP. (Chorus) I play seawar. I crash the disks And anger Dr. Gore. And sometimes I do programs For Elizier Naddor. (Chorus) I copy disks. I dump to tape. I execute Sys calls. And when the system crashes, I run screaming down the halls. (Chorus) On Friday night when it is late, It loves me best, you know. I stay with the Eleven, And don't go to the shows. (Chorus) When terminals stop working, I stalk out of the door. On Mondays we do PM And process nevermore. (Chorus) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@