Title : Not a boolean Original : Blowin' in the wind Group : Bob Dylan Author : Joerg Anslik (janslik@leibniz.GUN.de) Intro : Song : ***************** * NOT A BOOLEAN * ***************** 1. How many code must a man type in Before you can call him a man? How many C must a compiler process Before it can sleep in the RAM? How many times must MS-DOS crash Before it is forever banned? R. The answer, my friend Is not a boolean The answer is not a boolean. 2. How many times must a man read his source Before he can see what is wrong? How many memory must his system have Before he can use 'unsigned long'? How many errors will it take till he knows That there's still some work to be done? R. 3. How many years can a program exist Before it's erased from drive C:\ ? How many years must known bugs exist Before you get an update for free? How many times can a drive move its head And pretend there's no data to read? R. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@