Title : Somewhere over the Network Original : Somewhere over the Rainbow Group : (from the Wizard of Oz movie) Author : decvax!duke!unc!bch Intro : Song : Somewhere over the Network by decvax!duke!unc!bch (to the tune of Somewhere over the Rainbow) Somewhere over the network, There waits news. News flies over the network To where? There are no clues. I sit waiting for digests, Can't you see Some small part of my heart leaps when I see uucp. Somewhere across the telephone lines, where Lauren plays and Upstill pines, they're waiting; The crazies who will flame at me on poli-sci and arms-dash-d and ARPA-gating. Somewhere over the network, news flies free, news flies over the network why not, why not to me. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@