Title : SYSTEM CRASH Original : The Monster Mash Group : ? Author : ? Intro : Song : SYSTEM CRASH (to the tune of "The Monster Mash") ------------ I was working in the lab, late one night When my eyes beheld an eerie sight, Some smoke from our VAX began to rise And suddenly, to my surprise... [chorus] (There was a crash) There was a system crash (A mighty crash) I heard the disk heads smash (A system crash) It came down in a flash (There was a crash) A fatal system crash The lab manager then appeared from his room, Said: "I don't want to be a prophet of doom, But we had one like this just the other day Which blew up 4 megs and the SBA" [chorus] The system had just been booted, diagnostics had all run through, When a power fluck made it all run amuck, then SCOTTY and IRVING blew too So we'd lost all our VAXes in less than one night When a VP came in and said: "hey, that's all right, I'll loan you a Venus - here's what to do When you call up Support, tell them Gordon sent you... [chorus] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@