Porterhouse Blue ================ Latin English Bene edamus(vivamus?)! Bene bibamus! We eat well! We drink well! Epula(Empulat?) semper concelebramus We are always feasting and celebrating Quod imperat Regina As commanded by the queen Ne faveat Doctrina Against the religious doctrine (Nil impediat Doctrina? Let nothing impede learning) Sed choro sonoro We sing together Dives in omnia Wealth in everything Sed choro sonoro We sing together Dives in omnia Wealth in everything Collegium, Collegium acclamus! We praise the college! Porterhouse, Porterhouse Porterhouse, Porterhouse To live and die in Porterhouse! To live and die in Porterhouse! Dives in omnia! Wealth in everything Dives in omnia! Wealth in everything Allegatoris Selected and sent here Stupratores To be/because we are debauchers Sequimur semper malos mores We always follow bad habits Triennium hoc chorum sum Spending three years Fructum biberit choro sum Enjoying drinking and singing Sed choro sonoro We sing together Dives in omnia Wealth in everything Sed choro sonoro We sing together Dives in omnia Wealth in everything Collegium, Collegium acclamus! We praise the college! Porterhouse, Porterhouse Porterhouse, Porterhouse To live and die in Porterhouse! To live and die in Porterhouse! Dives in omnia! Wealth in everything Dives in omnia! Wealth in everything Porterhouse, Porterhouse Porterhouse, Porterhouse To live and die in Porterhouse! To live and die in Porterhouse! Dives in omnia! Wealth in everything Dives in omnia! Wealth in everything