Notes from 'The History of The City of Sheffield 1843-1993' Vol. 1: Politics 1 Nov 1843 - Formation elections Ward Vacancies Candidates Votes Cast Attercliffe 3 <10 Brightside 3 <10 Ecclesall 6 40 Nether Hallam 3 <10 Upper Hallam 3 <10 139 Sheffield St. George's 6 41 Sheffield Park 6 ~24 Sheffield St. Peter's 6 ~24 ~2000 Sheffield St. Philip's 6 ~24 42 207 Aldermen 14 6-member wards elect 2 each year 3-member wards elect 1 each year 1844 4 contested wards 1845 6 1846 9 contested wards 1847 9 1848 6 1849 6 ... 1854 8 1858 7 1846 Brightside: Thomas Briggs (Chartist/Democrats) 119/240 by Ecclesall: Isaac Ironside Radical/Socialist/Democrat 397:317 1847 Ecclesall: Ironside+Dem Brightside,'s, St.Phillips, Nether hallam Lib:Attercliffe, Park won vs Dem Dem group total: 9 Nov-1848: Dem contested 6 wards, won 4, total 15 Nov-1449: total 22 1852: total 56 1847 tunout 39% 1849 turnout 54% 1849 Alderman elections 1852 6 uncontested Dem 4 won 1854 8 contested, 7 Dems defeated inc. Ironside in St. Greorg's 1858 7 cobtested's uncontested John Webster Con -> Alderman 1859 3 contested mid-1860s: Con: John Brown 1856, John Webster 1858, William Hutchinson 1858, John Beckett 1858, Thomas Moore Jan-1861 J.D.Leader (Lib) present in 1884 1876 Alderman Bassett (con) present, elected Mayor 1871 Nether Hallam: candiates W.J.Clegg (Lib), xx (Lib) xx (Lib), non-lib non-lib non-lib Brightside: Lib won all seats 1890 Brightside: Con won 1891 Nether Hallam: Clegg (Lib) won 1873 Nether Hallam: Temperence vs Licensed Vicyuallers Association 1877 St Georgs: Temperence vs Licensed Vicyuallers Association 1882 Park: Temperence vs Licensed Vicyuallers Association 1883 Ecclesall: Temperence vs Licensed Vicyuallers Association 1885 Brightside: Temperence vs Licensed Vicyuallers Association 1884 St.Phillips: Radical won 1878 Nether Hallam, Ecclesall, Brightside, StGeorges Con candiates Lib gained four out of five council 32con 25lib 7 no desciptions 1843 formed with 42+14 1871 increased to 48+16 Con Lib LiberalUnionist (Con supporters) Nov Cllr Ald Total Cllr Ald Total Aldermen 1880 1881 25 9 34 23 7 30 1882 25 9 34 23 7 30 1883 ? ? 36 ? ? 28 1884 ? ? 34 ? ? 30 1885 ? ? 33 ? ? 31 1886 ? ? 31 ? ? 29 4 1887 22 8 30 26 4 30 4 1888 ? ? 29 ? ? 30 5 1889 23 7 30 25 5 30 4 Alderman election 1890 ? ? 29 ? ? 31 4 1891 21 9 30 27 4 31 3 1892 22 9 31 26 4 30 3 Con Lib LibLab Labour Other Cllr Ald Total Cllr Ald Total Cllr Ald Total Cllr Ald Total 1892-93 23 13 22 3 3 1893-94 24 13 21 3 3 1894-95 26 13 19 3 3 1895-96 26 13 18 3 4 1896-97 25 13 19 3 4 1897-98 23 13 20 3 6 1898-99 22 10 20 5 5 (2 vacs) 1899-00 24 10 19 6 5 1900-01 25 10 17 6 6 wards redrawn 16x3members+16aldermen 1901-02 21 8 22 7 5 1 1902-03 23 9 20 6 5 1 1903-04 23 9 20 6 4 1 (1 vac) 1904-05 25 9 18 6 5 1 1905-06 21 9 20 6 6 1 1 1906-07 21 9 19 6 5 1 3 1907-08 22 9 18 6 4 1 4 1908-09 26 9 16 6 3 1 3 1909-10 27 8 16 6 2 2 3 1910-11 25 8 17 6 3 2 2 (1 vac) 1911-12 21 8 24 6 2 2 1 1912-13 23 8 23 7 2 1 1913-14 24 8 20 7 2 1 2 1914-15* 24 8 20 7 2 1 2 1915-16* 24 8 20 7 2 1 2 1916-17* 24 8 20 7 2 1 2 1917-18* 24 8 20 7 2 1 2 1918-19* 24 8 20 7 2 1 2 1919-20 18 8 15 7 12 1 Cit Other 1920-21 16 8 14 7 12 1 1 5 handworth added 17x3members+17 aldermen Ind. Ind. Con Con Lib Lib LibLab Labour Citizen Other Cllr Ald Total Cllr Ald Total Cllr Ald Total Cllr Ald Total Cllr Ald Total Cllr Ald 1921-22 1 7 2 8 18 1 23 7 1 1922-23 7 2 8 19 1 25 5 1 1923-24 1 7 3 8 20 2 25 2 1924-25 3 7 3 8 22 2 23 1925-26 3 2 22 2 24 15 1926-27 3 1 29 9 18 7 1 1927-28 * no election during war time Committee chairs: John Beckett (Con) 1865-1869 J.E.Grundy (Con) 1870-1878 John Webster (Con) 1861-1872 John Brown (Con) 1872-1873 Thomas Moore (Con) 1874-1880 Joseph Hallam (Con) 1865-1885 F.T.Mappin (Lib) 1879-1883 W.J.Clegg (Lib) 1881- 1886 Ecclesall: R.E.Leader(Lib) won vs Con 1886 St.Groegrs Lib, StPihllips Lib (now Lib+Con+Con) 1884 St.Phillps: Con lost to 'Working Man' 1882 small group of 'Working Men' on council Con majority 1883-1901 St.Phills 1898-1901: 5Con+1Other 1902-1919 3Con+0other 1890 Brightside: 1st Con win, others Lib 1901 redrawn, 16 3-member wards 1904 Con gain majority 1905 Con lose majority 1894 Brightside Arthur Neal (Lib) Edwin Richmond (lib) defeated by Con 1911 Lib regain majority 1905-06 R.G.Murray (lab) R.B.Padley (Lab) Brightside, Thomas hemmings (lab) Darnall Alf Barton Lab Brightside 1907-1910 Joseph Pointer Lab Brightside 1908-1911 1908-11 all Labour seats lost 1913 Alfred Short Attercliffe first Lab win 1914 election suspended 1915 election suspended 1916 election suspended 1917 election suspended 1918 election suspended Labour group leader -1922 Cecil henry Wilson, former Lib 1926 Labour majority of 3, after gain of 7 1926 aldermen election: 8 citizens replaced with 8 Labour 1919 Libs lost every seat, Con lost 4/10, to Lab or miscs 1920 'Citizens Association' formed 1919 Labour from 5 to 11 1920 Lab lost 1 1921 Lab 5 gains 1922 Lab 4 gains 1925 Lab 24, Cit 39, Con 3 Lib 2 total 1925 Lab 22, Zit 22 councillors 1926 Lab gain 6 from Cit, total 28/51 include St.Peters, St Phillips, Park 1926 half of aldermen elected for six years, all 8 citizens removed inc. Clegg, Styring, Cattell replaced with 7 Lab + J.G.Greaves (lib) by-election, held all Lab, gained Walkley from Lib total 38/64 1927 Lab gained 3rd Park 1928 Lab gained 3rd St. Phillips from Cit, 3rd Walkley from IndLib Rowlinson lost Walkley, re-elected in Brightside 1929 ward review, 24x3 members 24 aldermen Labour 47 councillors 16 aldrmen, maj. 30 1930s only 1 IndLib remaining 1929 22 Citizen cllr+ald, 9 Con cllr+ald 1930 Municipal Progressive Party formed Ecclesall, Nether Edge clls remained Con, all others became Prog 1930 Lab lost 6 Firth Park, Heeley Moor Owlerton Park -> Prog, Walkley to Ind.Lib Charlesworth maj down from 30 to 18 1931 Lab lost 7 Burngreave FirthPark Heeley Moor Owlerton Park StPhills -> Prog, 1 Walkley -> Ind. Lab 49, Others 47, Mayor Lab Ald Thomas Watkins 1932 Lab lost 2 Crookesmoor Heeley -> Prog Mrs F.Williams (Manor) defected Lab -> Ind.Lab Prog gained Hallam from Ind. Lab 30 Prog 33 Con 6 ILP 1 Lib 1 Ind 1 12 aldermen retiring lab 8 prog 3 lib 1 12 new aldermen lab 3 prog 5 con 2 lib 1 ind 1 progs+etc 55, lab 41 1933 by-elections crookesmoor firthpark walkley -> Labour nov-1933 Lab gain 5 firthpark moor owlerton park stpeters from prog Mrs Williams ILP lost in Manor to Lab lab 50 maj 4 March 1934 Norton Rural District added, first election, 3 Progs, Ald 1 Lab 1934 gain 5 Burngreave FirthPark Moor Owlerton Park from prog, Walkley from Ind. lose 1 Crookesmoor to Prog maj 12 1936 lost 1 St Phillips 1935 maj 14 1936,7,8 lost seats nov-1938 maj 6 1939 no elections 1944 no elections 1945 Lab gain 5 crookesmoor heeley hillsborough stpeters sharrow from Prog lab 44 cllr 15 ald, maj 18 1946 gain 3 crookesmoor heeley sharrow from prog 1 brightside from communist 1947 gained crookesmoor heeley moor sharrow from prog maj 34, raised to maj 36 after alderman elections nov-1948 elections moved to may-1949 feb-1948 Progs replaced with Con-Lib federation 1949 conlib gain 4 crookesmoor hillsborough stpeters sharrow from lab lab maj 28 1950 lab gain st. peters conlib gain sharrow 1951 conlib gain heeley from lab lab maj 36 1954: lab maj 46 apr-1967 extension and redrawn, 2x3 extra members, 2 extra ald may-1967 lab 59/108 down from 71/100 in 1966 may-1968 con maj may-1969 lab maj Lab Con Lib/Dem Other Cllr Cllr Cllr Cllr extension 30*3 1973 69 18 3 1974 * 1975 66 20 4 1976 63 22 5 1977 * 1978 60 24 6 1979 62 22 6 redrawn 29*3 wards 9 1980 60 18 9 1981 * 1982 60 18 9 1983 61 18 7 1 1984 61 18 9 1985 * 1986 64 14 9 1987 65 13 9 1988 66 12 9 1989 * 1990 69 11 7 1991 70 11 6 1992 67 11 9