More CRC Calculations

by Greg Cook

Hello all, I was browsing the source code repository and remembered I had written a fast CRC routine a few years ago. So I thought I would contribute it, as it might come in useful for anyone developing TCP/IP stacks etc.

These routines are entered with the next byte of data in A and the current CRC in zero page memory. For the first byte of data CRCLO and CRCHI should contain $FF, and in the case of CRC8, CRC should contain $00. On exit A is clobbered and the updated CRC is in the zero page locations.

All code below is relocatable. Sizes and execution times listed do not include the final RTS, and code is assumed to be page-aligned.

CRC-16 Calculation in Constant Time, Without Tables.

The following routine implements a CRC-16 cycle in constant time, without tables.

CRCLO   EQU $6          ; current value of CRC
CRCHI   EQU $7          ; not necessarily contiguous

        EOR CRCHI       ; A contained the data
        STA CRCHI       ; XOR it into high byte
        LSR             ; right shift A 4 bits
        LSR             ; to make top of x^12 term
        LSR             ; ($1...)
        TAX             ; save it
        ASL             ; then make top of x^5 term
        EOR CRCLO       ; and XOR that with low byte
        STA CRCLO       ; and save
        TXA             ; restore partial term
        EOR CRCHI       ; and update high byte
        STA CRCHI       ; and save
        ASL             ; left shift three
        ASL             ; the rest of the terms
        ASL             ; have feedback from x^12
        TAX             ; save bottom of x^12
        ASL             ; left shift two more
        ASL             ; watch the carry flag
        EOR CRCHI       ; bottom of x^5 ($..2.)
        TAY             ; save high byte
        TXA             ; fetch temp value
        ROL             ; bottom of x^12, middle of x^5!
        EOR CRCLO       ; finally update low byte
        STA CRCHI       ; then swap high and low bytes
        STY CRCLO

36 bytes, 62 cycles, AXYP clobbered.

Alternative ending:

        EOR CRCHI       ; bottom of x^5 ($..2.)
        STA CRCHI       ; save high byte
        TXA             ; fetch temp value
        ROL             ; bottom of x^12, middle of x^5!
        EOR CRCLO       ; finally update low byte
        LDX CRCHI       ; then swap high and low bytes
        STA CRCHI
        STX CRCLO

39 bytes, 66 cycles, AXP clobbered, Y preserved.

With a starting CRC of $FFFF, the binary string $01 $02 $03 $04 should evaluate to $89C3.

For comparison, a shorter routine can be derived from Paul Guertin's MAKECRCTABLE in the repository:

        LDX #8          ; A contains the data
        EOR CRCHI       ; as we now have the high byte
BITLOOP ASL CRCLO       ; in A, things are the other
        ROL             ; way round from MAKECRCTABLE
        BCC NOADD
        EOR #$10        ; high byte of polynomial
        LDA CRCLO
        EOR #$21        ; low byte of polynomial
        STA CRCLO
        STA CRCHI

24 bytes, 128..256 cycles, AXP clobbered

CRC-8 Calculation in Near-Constant Time, Without Tables.

Here is a CRC-8 routine in near-constant time where memory constraints do not permit tables:

CRC     EQU $6          ; current value of CRC
        EOR CRC         ; A contained the data
        STA CRC         ; XOR it with the byte
        ASL             ; current contents of A will become x^2 term
        BCC UP1         ; if b7 = 1
        EOR #$07        ; then apply polynomial with feedback
UP1     EOR CRC         ; apply x^1
        ASL             ; C contains b7 ^ b6
        BCC UP2
        EOR #$07
UP2     EOR CRC         ; apply unity term
        STA CRC         ; save result

20 bytes, 25..27 cycles, AP clobbered, XY preserved.

With a starting CRC of $00, the binary string $01 $02 $03 $04 should evaluate to $E3.


  1. If the application demands constant time then BCC *+2 ($90 $00) can be inserted at UP1 and UP2: 24 bytes, 31 cycles.
  2. Making a loop from the repeated code is barely worth one's while: 18 bytes, 36..38 cycles, AXP clobbered, Y preserved.

See also Paul Guertin's CRC Calculations for a table-based approach.

Last page update: November 23rd, 2004.