; FASTPRN4.ASM - Fast character printout ; J.G.Harston, 15 March 1985 ; Print characters directly to screen bypassing ROM calls ; ======================================================= ; A very simple and fast character printout routine. ; Characters are written directly to screen memory without any ROM calls. ; It uses the Spectrum ROM's system variables for the colours, print ; location and character set location, but these can be replaced. ; ; This version: ; prints character at DFCC with colour in ATTRP ; prints block graphics and User Defined Characters ; filters out control codes ; includes wrapper to preserves all registers ; ; Total size: 74 bytes ; +12 bytes to preserve registers ; Speed: 559T per character (CHARS) ; 996T per character (block graphics) ; 593T per character (UDC) ; +10T if print position goes over a screen third boundary ; +111T if registers preserved ; ; WARNINGS: ; There is no check for wrapping past bottom of screen CHARS EQU 23606 ; Address of character set UDC EQU 23675 ; Address of user defined characters DFCC EQU 23684 ; Address in display of current position ATTRP EQU 23693 ; Current colours MEMBOT EQU 23698 ; Workspace ORG &5B00 ; Arbitary start LOAD ; Print out a character ; --------------------- ; On entry, A=character ; On exit, AF/BC/DE/HL corrupted ; PRCHAR CP 32 ; Check for control codes CCF ; The Spectrum colour commands fail if Carry set on exit RET NC ; Exit with control codes, with Carry clear LD DE,(CHARS) ; Get start of font CP 128 JR C,PROUT ; Jump with printable characters LD DE,(UDC) ; Get start of UDCs SUB 144 ; UDCs start at CHR$144 JR NC,PROUT ; Jump with UDCs with A=0-21 ; CHR$128-CHR$143 - block graphics ; -------------------------------- LD B,A ; Pass character to B CALL &0B38 ; Build block graphics matrix LD HL,MEMBOT ; HL=>matrix ; PO_GR1 at &0B38 builds a block graphics character matrix. ; If not using any calls in the ROM at all, insert the following code. ; LD HL,MEMBOT ; Workspace to build matrix ; PUSH HL ; LD D,A ; LD B,2 ;PRGRA1 RR D ; Get b0 or b2 ; SBC A,A ; A=&00 or &FF ; AND &0F ; A=&00 or &0F ; LD E,A ; RR D ; Get b1 or b3 ; SBC A,A ; A=&00 or &FF ; AND &F0 ; A=&00 or &F0 ; OR E ; Merge both nybbles ; LD E,4 ;PRGRA2 LD (HL),A ; Store pixel line ; INC HL ; DEC E ; JR NZ,PRGRA2 ; Loop for four lines ; DJNZ PRGRA1 ; Loop for both halves ; POP HL ; HL=>matrix JR PRMTX ; Jump to print matrix ; Print out a character matrix ; ---------------------------- ; DE=start of character set ; A=character ; PROUT LD H,0 LD L,A ADD HL,HL ADD HL,HL ADD HL,HL ; HL=char*8 ADD HL,DE ; HL=>font for character ; Print matrix ; ------------ ; HL=>8x8 character matrix ; PRMTX LD DE,(DFCC) ; DE=current print position PUSH DE ; Save print position for later LD B,8 ; 8 pixel lines PRMTXLP LD A,(HL) ; Get pixel line LD (DE),A ; Store in screen INC HL ; Step to next character line INC D ; Step to next pixel line DJNZ PRMTXLP ; Loop for 8 pixel lines POP HL ; Get print position back ; Set attribute ; ------------- PUSH HL ; Save print position LD A,H ; Convert to attribute address RRCA RRCA RRCA OR &58 LD H,A LD A,(ATTRP) ; Get current attributes LD (HL),A ; Set screen attribute POP HL ; Get print position back ; Update print position ; ---------------------- INC L ; Increment position JR NZ,PRSAVEP ; Not wrapped past 1/3 screen LD A,H ADD A,8 LD H,A ; Step to next 1/3 of screen PRSAVEP LD (DFCC),HL ; Save print position RET ; Print out a character, preserving all registers ; ----------------------------------------------- ; On entry, A=character ; On exit, All registers preserved ; PRINT PUSH AF ; Save all registers PUSH BC PUSH DE PUSH HL CALL PRCHAR ; Print character POP HL ; Restore all registers POP DE POP BC POP AF RET ; Attach channel 'P' to new printout code ; --------------------------------------- ENTRY LD HL,(23631) ; CHANS LD DE,15 ADD HL,DE ; HL=>'P' output address LD DE,PRCHAR LD (HL),E INC HL LD (HL),D RET DEFW LOAD,ENTRY