M7PLOT - Teletext MODE 7 PLOT support ===================================== J.G.Harston - 12-Apr-1994 M7PLOT installs a VDU extension driver to provide PLOT support in MODE 7 using teletext block graphics characters. It supports PLOT commands 0 to 15, called by DRAW and MOVE, and 64 to 71 to plot points. As CLG is not passed to the VDU extension vector, PLOT &80+n,0,0 is used to select the specified graphics colour and clear the screen. Syntax: *M7PLOT (ON|OFF) - defaults to ON PLOT actions supported are: %xxxxxx00 - move %xxxxxx01 - set pixel %xxxxxx10 - invert pixel %xxxxxx11 - unset pixel %xxxxx0xx - relative coordinates %xxxxx1xx - absolute coordinates %xxxx0xxx - include last point %xxxx1xxx - exclude last point %00xxxxxx - draw line %01000xxx - plot point %10000xxx - clear screen with colour The MODE 7 display is a multiple of 10 text columns, so it has 1280 (40*8*4) horizontal logical graphics coordinates, 0 to 1279. MODE 7 characters are 10 raster lines high, so the display has 1000 (25*10*4) vertical graphics coordinates, 0 to 999. Graphics coordinates are -32768 to +32768 with (0,0) to (1279,999) within the visible screen. Due to rounding, off-screen X coordinates are limited to -1408 to +2687 and Y coordinates to -1173 to +2239. This gives just over a whole screen off-screen in all directions.