There has been a recent flousishing in homebrew computer systems such as
the 6502 BenEater and the Z80 RC2014. Naturally, some people will think of
running BBC BASIC on them and think of porting a version of BASIC.

The first point is a step in the wrong direction. If you're building a
home-brew system, the correct thing is not to port BASIC, but to port
the MOS API, and simple drop a pre-existing BASIC binary straight into
the memory map.

The bare minimum your MOS needs to do is:
BRKV, WRCHV:    vectors for BRK and WRCH
BRK:            point &FD/E to error message, jump via BRKV
OSWRCH/WRCHV:   print characters
OSWORD 0:       read input line
OSBYTE &83/&84: read bottom of memory/top of memory
&0000-&005F:    zero page workspace for BASIC
&0400-&07FF:    fixed workspace for BASIC
Enter BASIC at its entry point with A=1

All other API calls can (and must) simply return unchanged until you get
around to implementing them.

Examples: BenBasic80, BenBasicC0

Porting BBC BASIC to new targets

It is fairly easy to target BBC BASIC to a new platform, as BASIC is written to
clearly segragate the language from I/O.

If starting a new platform from scratch, the simplest thing to do is simply drop
in an existing binary and implement the MOS API and memory layous that BASIC uses.
There is no need to change BASIC itself or recreate it.

There are some edge cases where an existing binary many need slight modification,
for instance, the 6510 has two I/O locations in zero page, and 6502 BASIC needs
slight modification to avoid using these.

CPU            API requirements                    Workspace
6502   BASIC2        MOS calls at &FFxx, vectors &02xx   &00-&5F, &0400-&07FF
6510           MOS calls at &FFxx, vectors &02xx   &02-&5F, &0400-&07FF
6809           MOS calls at &FFxx, vectors &02xx   &00-&5F, &0400-&07FF
Z80            MOS calls at &FFxx, vectors &FFxx   within BASIC
PDP11          MOS calls via ENT                   within BASIC
ARM            MOS calls via SWI                   within BASIC

The minimum the API needs to implement is:
* memory layout, PAGE and HIMEM
* BRKV to return errors

All other calls can return unchanged.

6502 series
Basic2 = 8000
HiBasic2 = B800

Example host





The simplest way to implement a new host is to take an existing host for the
CPU and modify it. The best starting point is the Tube host for that CPU.