From Thu Sep 10 17:37:17 1992 From: Newsgroups: Subject: BASIC V all time bug list Date: 10 Sep 92 16:25:01 GMT . > BugList Bugs that have been mended Date Description of fault 20-Jul-86 WHILE loop was checking the line number to see if it was a token or ENDWHILE or end of line. 06-Aug-86 Nested block IF structures implemented. 07-Aug-86 In the assembler, "LDRB first" and similar failed to read because it trashed the position. 14-Aug-86 In the assembler, LDR Rn,label had the U/D bit sense inverted. 14-Aug-86 In the assembler EQUB, EQUW, EQUD implemented. 14-Aug-86 In the assembler pre indexing writeback implemented. 14-Aug-86 Direct function calls supported in assembler for macros. 15-Aug-86 FNRET did not pull strange things from stack. 15-Aug-86 LOCAL ERROR added as synonym for ON ERROR TO. 15-Aug-86 ENDFN and FNRET process any error status they find on stack. 18-Aug-86 += and -= implemented. 19-Aug-86 Comments in assembler were not spotted before opcode. 19-Aug-86 Assembler listings were wrong for comments and labels only. 19-Aug-86 Assembler listings could not cope with comments including commands e.g. \LOAD IT! 20-Aug-86 Assembler couldn't branch to unaligned addresses. 10-Sep-86 += now works for strings, also. 30-Oct-86 LEFT$(A$) means LEFT$(A$,LENA$-1); RIGHT$(A$) means RIGHT$(A$,1). 18-Nov-86 -chain, -load, -help added to startup. 24-Nov-86 ^ in assembler set wrong bit. 24-Nov-86 MOVEQ dealt with. 24-Nov-86 misc corrections to help messages. 08-Dec-86 O% in assembler incremented. 08-Dec-86 RETURN etc. in direct mode no longer cause address exception. 12-Jan-87 APPEND added. 13-Jan-87 SYS added. 13-Jan-87 line number range extended to 65279. 16-Jan-87 LISTIF OPENIN no longer finds CASE. 16-Jan-87 ; added to SYS. 22-Jan-87 LVAR no longer says RETURN real array. 22-Jan-87 LISTO2 indents IF THEN ELSE ENDIF. 22-Jan-87 RENUMBER 10,65270 doesn't complain. 22-Jan-87 TRACE ON will trace lines whose number is greater than &FE00. 22-Jan-87 SWAP A(),B() etc. now work. 23-Jan-87 CALL with parameters. 29-Jan-87 -quit as a command line option. 29-Jan-87 SAVE with date stamp does "B" option. 02-Feb-87 Assembler accepts ranges in LDM etc. 16-Feb-87 missing parameters allowed in SYS. 19-Feb-87 COLOUR a,p,r,g,b implemented. 23-Feb-87 RECORD, ON ERROR TO, ON ERROR RESTORE eliminated. 05-Mar-87 A$+="JIM" bug introduced when STRACC moved removed. 11-Mar-87 REM as first character in assembler line wasn't printed properly. 11-Mar-87 LDR R0,[R0,-R0] couldn't be assembled. 13-Mar-87 "A"="AB" bug introduced when register names in STNCMP changed. 16-Mar-87 Line too long spotted. 16-Mar-87 "fred"="" bug introduced when register names in STNCMP changed. 16-Mar-87 bug in INSTR two parameter introduced when SPULL used R3. 17-Mar-87 COLOUR a,r,g,b instead of COLOUR a,p,r,g,b. 06-Apr-87 bug in BPUT#handle,""; fixed. 06-Apr-87 OF value changed. 10-Apr-87 ALIGN in assembler fixed. 10-Apr-87 No room message added to string allocation (and about time!) 14-Apr-87 a()+=1 error message fixed - by making it work! 14-Apr-87 refence spelling corrected. 14-Apr-87 Detection of unknown arrays in array operations corrected. 22-Apr-87 PRINT#X,"HELLO" bug due to moving STRACC. 18-May-87 LOCAL a$() etc. didn't recover space used by elements. 11-Aug-87 nested LOCAL A$() got space recovery wrong. 11-Aug-87 didn't call osbyte &da, called &d0, in error handler 11-Aug-87 RND seed was non-word aligned. 28-Aug-87 OPT 4+ ALIGNments corrected. 01-Sep-87 CLEAR when PAGE changed removed (but not the ROM version). 11-Sep-87 Detection of insufficient space for library. 11-Sep-87 RESTORE and TRACE OFF removeed from low level error handler. 11-Sep-87 SYS x,y TO ;V% allowed. 18-Sep-87 division by power of 2 did not check under/overflow. 24-Sep-87 LOCAL A() destroyed when nested LOCAL A$() fixed. 28-Sep-87 A()=const destroyed by cache mechanism. 08-Dec-87 LOCAL A():DIM A(1,1) messed stack due to bug in DIM re type (also misallocates integer arrays!). 04-Jan-88 LINE INPUT had sense of LINE flag wrong - misbehaved for A,B ans. 05-Jan-88 HIMEM=HIMEM wouldn't work. 08-Feb-88 CREATE was uncallable due to LVBLNK loosing R4. 26-Feb-88 STRACC postion changed for Arthur 2.00. 29-Feb-88 $A="" check for <&8000. 07-Mar-88 50IFTHEN50 unescapeable due to cache. 12-May-88 INPUT#,a$ at end of file gives end of file message. 23-May-88 ATN of a large power of 2 went wrong. 01-Sep-88 WHILE failed in TRACE state due to moving LINE in SLOWMUNG 20-Sep-88 EXP1E-5 bug fixed - epsmin coded as wrong number 17-Nov-88 Fixed TAN1E-5 bug (misread the flow chart in Cody and Waite!) 02-Dec-88 -1^-10 blew up 14-Mar-89 " unlistable token " not terminated by >&7F 15-Jun-89 F1XSUB, F1SUB could return -0 which various xxSTAs can't cope with 17-Jul-89 Difference between IF THENELSE and IF THEN ELSE fixed 18-Aug-89 Cache not being flushed on errors could cause problems with EVAL 12-Oct-89 Problem printing 0 in e mode. 17-Oct-89 INT-(3*2^30) didn't give error 19-Oct-89 BYTESM not reset on -chain or -quit 24-Oct-89 A()=B() messed up 03-Nov-89 Change to ADVAL to return all 32 bits 29-Nov-89 Altered fatal error to 0 only 06-Dec-89 error bit in OPT for ADR didn't work 11-Dec-89 INSTALL was a statement when it should have been a command 11-Dec-89 TRACE TO "printer:" didn't work because of the type setting 17-Jan-90 CRUNCH messed up EOR sample,sample,#1 and AND etc. 19-Jan-90 FIX of maximum negative integer (a very long standing bug) 19-Jan-90 BASIC64 printing -ve numbers rounded in the wrong place 01-Feb-90 BASIC64 fp read inaccurate - changed to E precision 20-Feb-90 LISTO3 indented SUM (due to checking for TESCFN as well as TESCSTMT) 01-Mar-90 RESTORE DATA pulled one too many words off the stack 08-Aug-90 COUNT not cleared on -run, -quit programs 30-May-91 String concatenation via += failed to check maximum length properly. 03-Jun-91 Assembler couldn't do CRUNCH'd BL FNE.... 05-Jun-91 Auto CRUNCH removed from BASIC V (not VI) 10-Jun-91 Bug in printing 1E9-.5 removed from BASIC VI 10-Jun-91 BASIC V AutoCRUNCHes if BASIC$Crunch is defined 10-Jun-91 COUNT not cleared on -chain programs 28-Jun-91 redesigned assembler condition code checking 28-Jun-91 change TRACE so numbers and PROC can be on simultaneously 21-Jan-92 'technical error' - ADVAL gets R2 value wrong - irrelevant on RISC OS 21-Jan-92 1 S cycle removed from INKEY (INTEGZ rather than INTEGY) 27-Jan-92 @% += and -= reimplemented 27-Jan-92 CRUNCH of ) next to ! and ? disallowed 12-Mar-92 10 registers allowed for SYS 12-Mar-92 BBC MOS emulation removed from BASIC VI 23-Mar-92 TEXTLOAD failed to do a NEW before merging the text (code copied from FROMAT into LOADFILEFINAL) 18-Aug-92 floating point comparison of positive numbers with zero exponent against zero returned wrong sign