> ConvBas 1.02 M v1.01 22-Jun-2020: Tokenises 'BY', opt%=128 tokenises 'PRIVATE', 'EXIT' - v1.02 16-Sep-2023: Added &18-&1F tokens (: 2Z "Convert between Acorn/6502/6809/PDP11/32K/ARM"'" and Russell/Z80/80x86 BASIC files" <BasConvInit F, ::CloseAll:: "QUIT",>&FFFF): P Z. "Source file: "src$ dR "Source type (Acorn/Russell): "A$:srctype%=(".AaBbRrPpTt",A$,1))+2)/4 n. "Dest. file: "dst$ xR "Dest. type (Acorn/Russell/Text): "A$:dsttype%=(".AaBbRrPpTt",A$,1))+2)/4 . "List options: "opt% 3err%=BasConv(src$,srctype%,dst$,dsttype%,opt%) $ err%=214:"'"src$"' not found" % err%=192:"Can't open '"dst$"'" # err%=127:"Unknown file type" * err%=126:"Conversion not supported"   : I ------------------------------------------------------------------- @ src$=source file, srctype%=source type, 1=Acorn, 2=Russell H dst$=dest. file, dsttype%=dest. type, 1=Acorn, 2=Russell, 3=Text 0 opt%=LISTO options when outputting to text % bit 0: space after line number  bit 1: indent structures 2 bit 2: split lines at ":" (not implemented) "H bit 3: don't list line number (ignored if line destination found) ,9 bit 4: list tokens in lower case (not implemented) 66 bit 5: pause at end of screen (not implemented) @ bit 6: JH bit 7: extension: tokenise PRIVATE, EXIT; 2-byte immediate tokens T Returns 0=Ok, <>0=failure ^$ 126: conversion not supported h 127: unknown file type r- 192: couldn't save to destination file |! 214: source file not found I ------------------------------------------------------------------- /ݤBasConv(src$,srctype%,dst$,dsttype%,opt%) < srctype%<1 srctype%>3 dsttype%<0 dsttype%>3:=127 ) srctype%=3 srctype%=dsttype%:=126 in%=(src$): in%=0:=214 *out%=(dst$): out%=0:#in%:in%=0:=192 UConvert: dsttype%=3: lnum%: opt% 8:opt%=opt% -9:#in%=0:#out%=0:Convert  CloseAll =0 : BasConvInit in%=0:out%=0 ; tkn$(255),line% 3: A%=100 &11F: tkn$(A%255): A%  :  Convert &indent%=0:lnum%=0 0 srctype%=1:A%=#in% : dsttype%=1:#out%,13 D N4 srctype%=1:hi%=rd(255):lo%=rd(0):len%=rd(0) X4 srctype%=2:len%=rd(0):lo%=rd(0):hi%=rd(255) b4L$="":num%=hi%*256+lo%: len%:RdLine:len%=L$+3 l= dsttype%=1:#out%,hi%: hi%<>255:#out%,lo%:#out%,len% v2 dsttype%=2:#out%,len%:#out%,lo%:#out%,hi% " dsttype%=3:WrLine wr(L$)  #in% len%=0 hi%=&FF  :  RdLine  P$=" "  A%=#in%:B$=A%:len%=len%-1 H INSTR(CHR$&7F+CHR$&C7+CHR$&C6+CHR$&C8+CHR$&CC+"B",B$):B$=FNRdByte2 A srctype%=1: A%=&7F (A%>&C5 A%<&CF) A%=66:B$=RdByte2 G srctype%=2: dsttype%=1: A%<32 (A%>=&C6 A%<=&CC):B$=RdByte1 L$=L$+B$: B$<>" ":P$=B$  len%<4 7 dsttype%=2: L$,1)=" "::L$=L$,2): L$,1)<>" "   :  % Translate Russell 1-byte tokens * ݤRdByte1 4? 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