TreeCopy History ---------------- v1.30 1992 - Can copy all DFS directories. v1.33 03-Mar-1992 - Can copy HADFS files manually if no OSFIND support. v1.42 v1.43 21-Feb-2995 - Rewritten to do multiple files per pass. Preserves directory context. v1.48 17-Sep-1996 - Reads command-line parameters from keyboard buffer, GetEnv or OSGBPB 9, quit passes command to keyboard buffer. v1.49 21-Nov-1996 - Transfer buffer rounded to &xxxx00 bytes long, can also read command line from MCode buffer at &780 v1.49a 21-Nov-1996 v1.49b 13-Aug-1998 - Removed reading command line from keyboard and input buffer. v1.50 14-Aug-1998 - Reads command line from string buffer on 6502 or Z80 instead of keyboard buffer. Error handler starts before user prompts so program can quit. Quit clears string buffer to CHR$13. Reads and writes full info on NFS objects. v1.51 04-Jul-2004 - If source or dest is ADFS, selects with *MOUNT, remounts after Pause. Fixed missing INSTR from FNpath introduced at v1.50 to strip spaces from disk name. v1.52 23-May-2005 - memory bugfix - buffer 256 bytes longer than actually used. v1.55 15-Aug-2006 - -? command option, fx1 set on exit. Startup message displayed after options processed. v1.56 15-Aug-2006 - *Mount on ADFS ensures files left open. Doesn't write NFS info if none read. v1.57 15-Jan-2007 - GetEnv works on ARM CoPro. DFS attrs converted to/from standard form. Standard FNfs, updated GetEnv. v1.58 29-Jun-2009 - Recognises DFS-like non-DFS systems, eg RAMFS. Claims less memory from heap in large memory systems (eg ARM) v1.59 25-Jan-2012 - Full dates copied when present, relocates above BASIC on 6502-Tube Skips files starting with ".". When creating initial output file for OSGBPB uses maximum 4M length, sets initial access to WR/wr. Prepends "@." on files when reading to deal with names like eg "-dash-". Creating directories displays "CDir..." Note: file servers will time out if trying to copy huge files, eg greater than 1M or so. Acorn file servers give error if writing load/exec of directories, so if creating a directory on NetFS only sets attrs. Creating directories on NetFS uses *CDIR name 255. X%/Y% restored after error handler. v1.60 05-Feb-2016 - (F)orce option, Overwrite Y/N/A, source path printed, OSGBPB transfer checks for locked file, -debug option added. v1.60a 10-Feb-2016 - Disk full aborts, all,sub,ex options work. Bug: PROCGBPB Skip/Abort doesn't work. CLOSE# tried to close closed file. v1.60b 12-Feb-2016 - PROCGBPB unlocks DFS files. GBPB Skip/Abort CLOSE only closes dest file. v1.61 12-Feb-2016 - Remove FNpath/FNlibpath usage. Experiment: single-file copying. v1.61a 22-Jun-2016 - Fix reading access from DFS, writing to non-HADFS v1.62 08-Feb-2017 - GetEnv updated to run on ARM BASIC 1.00 with no SYS command. 'Save' and 'Copy' added to progress dialogue. Removed usage of *CDIR name 255 as inconsistant support on servers. v1.63 18-Jan-2018 - Added Update option, only copies files if metadata different. Has to do unbuffered single file copying to work correctly.