ô > NVDEVSW/src 0ô Implement non-volatile memory OSBYTEs with +ô device directly addressed in I/O map. ((ô Command line to switch ON and OFF. 2: <fname$="NVRAM" FÞ mcode% &200 P$BYTEV=&20A:lptr=&A8:OSARGS=&FFDA Zload%=&FFFF0A86 d#NVMREG =&FC38:ô Register select n!NVMDATA=&FC3C:ô Data register x-NVMSIZE=128 :ô Number of NVMEM locations ‚&NVMRAM =14 :ô First ram location Œ: – ã P=0 ¸ 1  P%=load%:O%=mcode% ª[OPT P*3+4 ´.go% ¾FLDX #2 :\ Two vector bytes to check È.switchLp1 Ò LDA BYTEV-1,X:CMP newvec-1,X Ü#BNE switchChk:DEX:BNE switchLp1 æ.switchChk:PHP ð: ú>LDA #1:LDX #lptr:LDY #0:JSR OSARGS :\ ptr=>command line ALDA (lptr),Y:CMP #13:BEQ switchOn :\ NVRAM -> turn on >INY:LDA (lptr),Y:€ #&DF :\ NVRAM î -> turn on >CMP #—"N":BEQ switchOn :\ NVRAM ‡ -> turn off ": ,.switchOff 6>PLP:BEQ switchVector:RTS :\ Already off, exit @ .switchOn J=PLP:BEQ switchExit:CLC :\ Already on, exit T.switchVector ^>LDX #1:PHP:SEI :\ Swap vectors over h.switchLp2 r>LDA oldvec,X:BCS switch2 :\ CS=restore vector |