BBC Jet Set Willy II Rooms ========================== | | &01 &60 | &02 &03 &04 &05 &06 &07 ------- &08 | &09 &0A &0B --- &0C --- &0D ------- &0E | &0F &10 &11 &12 &13 &14 &15 &16 | &17 &18 &19 &1A &1B &1C &1D &1E ... &29 &2A | &1F &20 &21 &22 &23 &24 &7E &7C &7F &7D &25 &26 &27 &28 &2B &2C &2D &2E &2F &30 &31 &32 &33 trp &69 &6A &6B --- &6C --- &6D &6E &6F &34 &35 &36 &37 &38 &3D &39 &71 &72 &73 --- &74 --- &75 &70 &3B &3C &3A &00 blank room for falling foot &20 Back Stairway &01 Watch Tower &21 Cold Store &02 Nomen Luni &22 West of Kitchen &03 On the Roof &23 The Kitchen &04 Up on the Battlements &24 Main Stairway &05 We must perform a Quirkafleeg &25 Ballroom West &06 I'm sure I've seen this before &26 Ballroom East &07 Rescue Esmarelda &27 The Hall &08 On top of the house &28 The Front Door &09 Coservatory Roof &29 Out on a limb &0A Under the Roof &2A Tree Top &0B The Attic &2B On a Branch Over the Drive &0C Dr Jones will never believe this &2C Inside the Megatrunk &0D Emergency Generator &2D Cuckoo's Nest &0E Priest's Hole &2E The Bow &0F Above the West Bedroom &2F The Yacht &10 West Wing Roof &30 The Beach &11 Orangery &31 Tool Shed &12 A bit of tree &32 The Wine Cellar &13 Master Bedroom &33 The Forgotten Abbey &14 Top Landing &34 The Security Guard &15 The Bathroom &35 The Drive &16 Halfway up the East Wall &36 At the Foot of the Megatree &17 West Bedroom &37 Under the Megatree &18 West Wing &38 The Bridge &19 Swimming Pool &39 The Off Licence &1A Banyan Tree &3A Entrance to Hades &1B Nightmare Room &3B Under the Drive &1C First Landing &3C Tree Root &1D The Chapel &3D Garden &1E East Wall Base &3E *crash* &1F Back Door &3F *crash* &40-&xx crash &50 &51 &53 &54 &55 &4F Main Lift &50 Photon Tube &51 Main Lift &52 &53 Docking Bay &54 Starship &60 Belfry &69 Willy's Lookout &6A Sky Blue Pink &6B Potty Pot Plant &6C Rigor Mortis &6D Crypt &6E Decapitare &6F Money Bags &70 Highway to Hell &71 Wonga's Spillage Tray &72 Willy's Bird Bath &73 Seedy Hole &74 The Zoo &75 Pit Gear On &7D Butler's Pantry &7C Macaroni Ted &7E Megaron &7F Dumb Waiter