Jet Set Willy Terminology As Explained by Andrew Broad As posted to the JSW&MM Mailing List, 03-Apr-2004 Each room in JSW can have up to eight guardians (horizontal, vertical, arrows or ropes). I call these "guardian-instances" because each one is an instance of a "guardian-class". A regular JSW game can have up to 127 guardian-classes, which are stored in a table separate from the rooms. Each guardian-instance specifies the start-column (if it's a horizontal guardian), column (if it's a vertical guardian or a rope) or row (if it's an arrow), and also specifies the start-sprite (within the sprite-page, which is specified in the guardian-class). Each guardian-instance specifies which guardian-class it is an instance of, and all the other data are specified in the guardian- class. Guardian-class data include which type of guardian it is (HG, VG, rope or arrow), its colour-attribute, its row (if it's a HG), start- row (if it's a VG), start-column (if it's an arrow), path- boundaries, sprite-page and animation-mask. A sprite-page is a 256-byte area of memory which stores the graphics for guardian-classes which use that sprite-page. Any 256-byte area whose start-address is divisible by 256 can be used as a sprite- page, although many such areas are unsafe to edit because they are used for other things (i.e. they can be read as sprite-pages, but must not be overwritten). [snip] -- Dr. Andrew Broad