[img] Spectrum Coding
 MDFS::Software.Spectrum.Coding Search  

TAP file Individual files with
text source files
MCODE1.tap MCODE1 File and filing code
32K RamDisk
Blocked load and save code, blocked *LOAD and *SAVE commands (loading and saving data in blocks data)
Extended microdrive catalog
Relocating RamDisk
MCODE2.tap MCODE2 Assembler, keyboard, misc.
Z80 disassembler (incomplete)
ASCII keyboard support
MCODE3.tap MCODE3 Screen display code
Extended screen driver
Teletext display
Thick character set generator
Display Jet Set Willy screen
  Screen Screen drivers, character output, printout code.
Utils.tap  MegaBasic, Turbo-loader, Switcher, Tokeniser.
  Streams Streams and channels coding.
Toni Baker's Streams & Channels code.

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Last update: 12-Jun-2012