> NetBoot/s > Run by Spectrum NetFS after *I AM if relavant option set " 06-Mar-1986: Initial version (: 2A%=0:X%=1:os%=(&FFF4 &FF00)256: os%=6 >&8000:"Running Z80...":ș "OS_GetEnv" A$:"Z80 "+A$,A$," ",1+A$," "))): <$unix%=os%=8:quit%=?&80<>0:?&80=0 F. ON ERROR REPORT:PRINT" at line ";ERL:END P? mcode% &1000:start%=&FFFFF380:name$="NetBoot":ver$="0.10" Z: d P=0 1 nP%=start%:O%=mcode% x[OPT P*3+4 .go% RET:\ Do nothing : L\ If relevant Spectrum NetFS option set, then after a valid *I AM, NetFS J\ does *BootNet (similar to the Master doing *FindLib if *OPT5,1 set). L\ Ideally, NetFS should do the *BootNet command in a manner that ignores L\ any Bad Command errors. After doing *BootNet, the user logon option is \ obeyed. : ] P=0 1 F"*Save ";name$;" ";~mcode%;" ";~O%;" ";~go%&FFFF0000;" "~;start% 7 *SAVE may not yet be available, so call directly: (X%=O%:Y%=X%256:A%=0:$(X%+256)=name$ C!X%=X%+256:X%!2=start%:X%!6=go%&FFFF0000:X%!&A=mcode%:X%!&E=O%  quit%: &FFDD:*Quit "