REM >Tube65/src v1.12 REM Source for 6502 Tube Client REM As supplied with External and Internal 6502 CoPro REM REM There are only three differences between the internal REM and external second processor client ROMs REM REM Code copyright Acorn Computer REM Commentary copyright J.G.Harston REM REM 19-Sep-2014 v1.11 JGH: EXECUTE passes RESET/OSCLI flag to entered code, REM doesn't make raw code the current program. REM Control block large enough for OSWORD 14,2. REM PrText calls OSASCI, *GO checks for seperator. REM Added more standard Tube Client entry points. REM 12-Nov-2016 v1.12 JGH: Optimised OSCLI handler. REM REM This source is just small enough to run with 6502 HiBasic : REM Boilerplate: ON ERROR REPORT:PRINT" at line ";ERL:END IF PAGE>&8000:SYS "OS_GetEnv"TOA$:IFLEFT$(A$,5)<>"B6502":OSCLI"B6502"+MID$(A$,INSTR(A$," ")) DEFFNif(A%):IFA%:z%=-1:=opt% ELSE z%=P%:=opt% DEFFNendif:IFz%=-1:=opt% ELSE z%=P%-z%:P%=P%-z%:O%=O%-z%:=opt% DEFFNelse:IFz%=-1:z%=P%:=opt% ELSE z%=P%-z%:P%=P%-z%:O%=O%-z%:z%=-1:=opt% USERV=&200: BRKV=&202:IRQ1V=&204:IRQ2V=&206: CLIV=&208:BYTEV=&20A WORDV=&20C:WRCHV=&20E:RDCHV=&210:FILEV=&212:ARGSV=&214:BGetV=&216 BPutV=&218:GBPBV=&21A:FINDV=&21C: FSCV=&21E:EVNTV=&220 : REM Specify target: ext%=0:int%=1:VER$="1.12" REM TARGET%=ext%:REM External 6502 Second Processor ::::TARGET%=int%:REM Internal 65C102 CoProcessor : REM Target settings: IF TARGET%=int%:fname$="Tube65" IF TARGET%=ext%:fname$="Tube65c" : REM System addresses: ROMSTART%=&F800 :REM Start of ROM code to copy to RAM IOSPACE% =&FEF0 :REM Start of I/O space ERRBUF=&236 :REM Error buffer INPBUF=&236:INPEND=&300 :REM Supervisor string input buffer load%=&F800:DIM mcode% &840 :REM Code start : REM &EE/F = PROG - Current program REM &F0/1 = NUM - hex accumulator REM &F2/3 = MEMTOP - top of memory REM &F4/5 = address of byte transfer address, NMIAddr or TRANS REM &F6/7 = TRANS - Data transfer address REM &F8/9 = String pointer, OSWORD control block REM &FA/B = CTRL - OSFILE, OSGBPB control block, PrText string pointer REM &FC = IRQ A store REM &FD/E => last error REM &FF = Escape flag : FOR opt%=4 TO 7 STEP 3 P%=load%:O%=mcode% [OPT opt% .RESET LDX #&00 .LF802 LDA &FF00,X:STA &FF00,X :\ Copy &FF00-&FFFF to RAM DEX:BNE LF802:LDX #&35 .LF80D LDA LFF80,X:STA USERV,X :\ Set up default vectors DEX:BPL LF80D:TXS :\ and clear stack : LDX #IOSPACE% AND 255 .LF819 LDA &FDFF,X:STA &FDFF,X :\ Copy &FE00-&FEEF to RAM, avoiding DEX:BNE LF819 :\ Tube registers at &FEFx LDY #ROMSTART% AND 255:STY &F8 :\ Point to start of ROM LDA #ROMSTART% DIV 256:STA &F9 .LF82A :\ Copy rest of ROM to RAM LDA (&F8),Y:STA (&F8),Y :\ Copy a page to RAM INY:BNE LF82A :\ Loop for 256 bytes INC &F9:LDA &F9 :\ Inc. address high byte CMP #&FE:BNE LF82A :\ Loop from start of ROM to &FDFF LDX #&10 .LF83B LDA LF859,X:STA &0100,X :\ Copy jump code to &100 DEX:BPL LF83B LDA &EE:STA &F6 :\ Copy PROG at &EE/F to TRANS at &F6/7 LDA &EF:STA &F7 LDA #&00:STA &FF:STA &F2 :\ Clear Escape flag LDA #ROMSTART% DIV 256 :\ Set memtop to start of ROM code STA &F3:JMP &0100 :\ Jump via low memory to page ROM out \ Executed in low memory to page ROM out \ -------------------------------------- .LF859 LDA TubeS1 :\ Check Tube R1 status to page ROM out CLI :\ Enable IRQs to allow data transfers .LF85D JMP LF860 :\ Jump to initilise I/O with banner .LF860 JSR PrText:EQUB 13 :\ Display startup banner OPT FNif(TARGET%=ext%) EQUS "Acorn TUBE 6502 64K" :\ External second processor OPT FNendif OPT FNif(TARGET%=int%) EQUS "Acorn TUBE 65C102 Co-Processor" :\ Internal second processor OPT FNendif EQUB 13:EQUB 13:EQUB 0 JSR OSWRCH :\ Terminate startup sequence, PrText returns A=0 : LDA #CmdPrompt AND 255 :\ Next time RESET is soft entered, banner not STA LF85D+1 :\ printed, Tube RESET sequence not waited for LDA #CmdPrompt DIV 256 STA LF85D+2 JSR WaitByte :\ Wait for Acknowledge, returns flags set from A BPL CmdPrompt :\ If b7 clear, enter command prompt loop CLC:JSR EnterCode :\ If b7 set, execute code, if it returns continue \ Minimal Command prompt \ ====================== .CmdPrompt LDX #&FF:TXS:JSR InitError :\ Claim error handler LDA #CmdPrompt AND 255:STA &EE :\ Make Command Prompt the current program LDA #CmdPrompt DIV 256:STA &EF .CmdOSLoop LDA #ASC"*":JSR OSWRCH :\ Print '*' prompt LDX #LF95D AND 255 LDY #LF95D DIV 256 LDA #&00:JSR OSWORD :\ Read line to INPBUF BCS CmdOSEscape LDX #INPBUF AND 255 LDY #INPBUF DIV 256 :\ Execute command JSR OS_CLI:JMP CmdOSLoop :\ and loop back for another .CmdOSEscape LDA #&7E:JSR OSBYTE :\ Acknowledge Escape state BRK:EQUB 17:EQUS "Escape":BRK : .InitError LDA #ErrorHandler AND 255:STA BRKV+0 :\ Claim error handler LDA #ErrorHandler DIV 256:STA BRKV+1 RTS \ Enter Code pointed to by TRANS at &F6/7 \ ======================================= \ Checks to see if code has a ROM header, and verifies it if it has \ .EnterCode PHP :\ Save RESET/OSCLI flag LDY #&07:LDA (&F6),Y :\ Get copyright offset CLD:CLC:ADC &F6:STA &FD LDA #&00:ADC &F7:STA &FE :\ &FD/E=>copyright message : \ Now check for &00,"(C)" LDY #&00:LDX #3 .EnterCheck LDA (&FD),Y:CMP CheckCopy,X:BNE LF8FA INY:DEX:BPL EnterCheck :\ Check for &00,"(C)" LDY #&06:LDA (&F6),Y :\ (C) exists, get ROM type : AND #&4F:CMP #&40:BCC NotLanguage :\ b6=0, not a language AND #&0D:BNE Not6502Code :\ type<>0 and <>2, not 6502 code .LF8FA \ At this point, X=&FF if header, X=0..3 if raw TXA:ROL A:ROL A:AND #1 :\ A=0 - raw, A=1 - header LDX &F6:LDY &F7:BPL LF904 :\ Entered code<&8000, don't move memtop STX &F2:STY &F3 :\ Set memtop to current program STX &EE:STY &EF :\ Set current program to address entered .LF904 PLP :\ Get RESET/OSCLI flag back JMP (&00F6) :\ Enter code with A=raw/header : .CheckCopy EQUS ")C(":EQUB 0 \ \ Any existing error handler will probably have been overwritten \ Set up new error handler before generating an error .NotLanguage JSR InitError :\ Claim error handler BRK:EQUB 249:EQUS "This is not a language":EQUB 0 : .Not6502Code JSR InitError :\ Claim error handler BRK:EQUB 249:EQUS "This is not 6502 code":EQUB 0 : .ErrorHandler LDX #&FF:TXS :\ Clear stack JSR OSNEWL:LDY #&01 .LF94D LDA (&FD),Y:BEQ LF957 :\ Print error string JSR OSWRCH:INY:BNE LF94D .LF957 JSR OSNEWL:JMP CmdPrompt :\ Jump to command prompt \ Control block for command prompt input \ -------------------------------------- .LF95D EQUW INPBUF :\ Input text to INPBUF at &236 EQUB INPEND-INPBUF :\ Size of input buffer EQUB &20:EQUB &FF :\ Min=&20, Max=&FF \ MOS INTERFACE \ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ \ \ OSWRCH - Send character to output stream \ ======================================== \ On entry, A =character \ On exit, A =preserved \ \ Tube data character -- \ .osWRCH BIT TubeS1 :\ Read Tube R1 status NOP:BVC osWRCH :\ Loop until b6 set STA TubeR1:RTS :\ Send character to Tube R1 \ OSRDCH - Wait for character from input stream \ ============================================= \ On exit, A =char, Cy=Escape flag \ \ Tube data &00 -- Carry Char \ .osRDCH LDA #&00:JSR SendCommand :\ Send command &00 - OSRDCH .WaitCarryChar :\ Wait for Carry and A JSR WaitByte:ASL A :\ Wait for carry .WaitByte BIT TubeS2:BPL WaitByte :\ Loop until Tube R2 has data LDA TubeR2 :\ Fetch character .NullReturn RTS \ Skip Spaces \ =========== .SkipSpaces1 INY .SkipSpaces LDA (&F8),Y:CMP #ASC" ":BEQ SkipSpaces1 RTS \ Scan hex \ ======== .ScanHex LDX #&00:STX &F0:STX &F1 :\ Clear hex accumulator .LF98C LDA (&F8),Y :\ Get current character CMP #&30:BCC LF9B1 :\ <'0', exit CMP #&3A:BCC LF9A0 :\ '0'..'9', add to accumulator AND #&DF:SBC #&07:BCC LF9B1:\ Convert letter, if <'A', exit CMP #&40:BCS LF9B1 :\ >'F', exit .LF9A0 ASL A:ASL A:ASL A:ASL A :\ *16 LDX #&03 :\ Prepare to move 3+1 bits .LF9A6 ASL A:ROL &F0:ROL &F1 :\ Move bits into accumulator DEX:BPL LF9A6 :\ Loop for four bits, no overflow check INY:BNE LF98C :\ Move to next character .LF9B1 RTS \ Send string to Tube R2 \ ====================== .SendString STX &F8:STY &F9 :\ Set &F8/9=>string .SendStringF8 LDY #&00 .LF9B8 BIT TubeS2:BVC LF9B8 :\ Wait for Tube R2 free LDA (&F8),Y:STA TubeR2 :\ Send character to Tube R2 INY:CMP #&0D:BNE LF9B8 :\ Loop until sent LDY &F9:RTS :\ Restore Y from &F9 and return \ OSCLI - Execute command \ ======================= \ On entry, XY=>command string \ On exit, XY= preserved \ \ Local *commands \ --------------- .CmdTable EQUS "GO":EQUB &80 EQUS "HELP":EQUB &81 EQUB 0 .osCLI PHA :\ Save A STX &F8:STY &F9 :\ LPTR=>command string LDY #&FF .osCLIlp0 JSR SkipSpaces1 CMP #ASC"*":BEQ osCLIlp0 :\ Skip spaces and stars CMP #ASC"A":BCC osCLI_IO :\ Doesn't start with a letter LDX #&FF:DEY :\ Point to before start of strings .osCLIlp1 TYA:PHA :\ Save start of command line .osCLIlp2 INX:INY :\ Step to next characters LDA CmdTable,X:BMI osCLImatch :\ Check for end of command LDA (&F8),Y CMP #ASC".":BEQ osCLIskip :\ EQ+CS = abbreviated command AND #&DF :\ Force upper case CMP CmdTable,X:BEQ osCLIlp2 :\ Check more characters CLC :\ CC=skip this command .osCLIskip INX LDA CmdTable,X:BPL osCLIskip :\ Step to end of entry BCS osCLIdot :\ CS=abbreviated command .osCLInomatch PLA:TAY :\ Restore line pointer LDA CmdTable+1,X:BNE osCLIlp1 :\ Not at end of table BEQ osCLI_IO :\ End of table, pass to Tube .osCLImatch LDA (&F8),Y CMP #ASC"A":BCS osCLInomatch :\ More letters, check next entry DEY :\ Prepare to skip any spaces .osCLIdot PLA:JSR SkipSpaces1 :\ Drop saved pointer, step past dot, skip spaces LDA CmdTable,X :\ Get command byte CMP #&81:BCC CmdGO :\ &80, jump to *Go :\ Fall through to *Help \ *Help - Display help information \ -------------------------------- .CmdHELP JSR PrText :\ Print help message EQUB 13 OPT FNif(TARGET%=ext%) EQUS "6502 TUBE " :\ External second processor OPT FNendif OPT FNif(TARGET%=int%) EQUS "65C102 TUBE " :\ Internal second processor OPT FNendif EQUS VER$:EQUB 13:EQUB 0 :\ Fall through to pass '*Help' command to Tube \ OSCLI - Send command line to host \ ================================= \ On entry, &F8/9=>command string \ \ Tube data &02 string &0D -- &7F or &80 \ .osCLI_IO LDA #&02:JSR SendCommand :\ Send command &02 - OSCLI JSR SendStringF8 :\ Send command string at &F8/9 .osCLI_Ack JSR WaitByte :\ Wait for acknowledgement, returns flags from A BMI LFA5C :\ Jump if b7=1, code to be entered PLA:RTS :\ Restore A and return \ *GO - call machine code \ ----------------------- .CmdGO JSR ScanHex:JSR SkipSpaces :\ Read hex value and move past spaces CMP #&0D:BNE osCLI_IO :\ More parameters, pass to Tube to deal with LDA &EE:STA &F6 :\ Use current program as default entry address LDA &EF:STA &F7 TXA:BEQ LFA5C :\ If no address given, jump to default address \ BUG - defaults to current TRANS, which will be correct for last language \ started or last *GO, but will also be address of last transient code that \ has *RUN or address of byte after last Tube 256-byte transfer. LDA &F0:STA &F6 :\ Set entry address to *GO address LDA &F1:STA &F7 .LFA5C LDA &EF:PHA:LDA &EE:PHA :\ Save current program SEC:JSR EnterCode :\ SEC=Entering from OSCLI PLA:STA &EE:STA &F2 :\ Restore current program and PLA:STA &EF:STA &F3 :\ set address of top of memory to it PLA:RTS :\ Restore A and return : .CheckAck BEQ osCLI_Ack \ OSBYTE - Byte MOS functions \ =========================== \ On entry, A, X, Y=OSBYTE parameters \ On exit, A preserved \ If A<&80, X=returned value \ If A>&7F, X, Y, Carry=returned values \ .osBYTE CMP #&80:BCS ByteHigh :\ Jump for long OSBYTEs \ \ Tube data &04 X A -- X \ PHA:LDA #&04 .LFA7A BIT TubeS2:BVC LFA7A :\ Wait for Tube R2 free STA TubeR2 :\ Send command &04 - OSBYTELO .LFA82 BIT TubeS2:BVC LFA82 :\ Wait for Tube R2 free STX TubeR2:PLA :\ Send single parameter .LFA8B BIT TubeS2:BVC LFA8B :\ Wait for Tube R2 free STA TubeR2 :\ Send function .LFA93 BIT TubeS2:BPL LFA93 :\ Wait for Tube R2 data present LDX TubeR2:RTS :\ Get return value .ByteHigh CMP #&82:BEQ Byte82 :\ Read memory high word CMP #&83:BEQ Byte83 :\ Read bottom of memory CMP #&84:BEQ Byte84 :\ Read top of memory \ \ Tube data &06 X Y A -- Cy Y X \ PHA:LDA #&06 .LFAAB BIT TubeS2:BVC LFAAB :\ Wait for Tube R2 free STA TubeR2 :\ Send command &06 - OSBYTEHI .LFAB3 BIT TubeS2:BVC LFAB3 :\ Wait for Tube R2 free STX TubeR2 :\ Send parameter 1 .LFABB BIT TubeS2:BVC LFABB :\ Wait for Tube R2 free STY TubeR2 :\ Send parameter 2 PLA .LFAC4 BIT TubeS2:BVC LFAC4 :\ Wait for Tube R2 free STA TubeR2 :\ Send function CMP #&8E:BEQ CheckAck :\ If select language, check to enter code CMP #&9D:BEQ LFAEF :\ Fast return with Fast BPUT PHA :\ Save function .LFAD5 BIT TubeS2:BPL LFAD5 :\ Wait for Tube R2 data present LDA TubeR2:ASL A:PLA :\ Get Carry .LFADF BIT TubeS2:BPL LFADF :\ Wait for Tube R2 data present LDY TubeR2 :\ Get return high byte .LFAE7 BIT TubeS2:BPL LFAE7 :\ Wait for Tube R2 data present LDX TubeR2 :\ Get return low byte .LFAEF RTS .Byte84:LDX &F2:LDY &F3:RTS :\ Read top of memory from &F2/3 .Byte83:LDX #&00:LDY #&08:RTS :\ Read bottom of memory .Byte82:LDX #&00:LDY #&00:RTS :\ Return &0000 as memory high word \ OSWORD - Various functions \ ========================== \ On entry, A =function \ XY=>control block \ .osWORD STX &F8:STY &F9 :\ &F8/9=>control block TAY:BEQ RDLINE :\ OSWORD 0, jump to read line PHA:LDY #&08 .LFB09 BIT TubeS2:BVC LFB09 :\ Loop until Tube R2 free STY TubeR2 :\ Send command &08 - OSWORD .LFB11 BIT TubeS2:BVC LFB11 :\ Loop until Tube R2 free STA TubeR2 :\ Send function TAX:BPL WordSendLow :\ Jump with functions<&80 LDY #&00:LDA (&F8),Y :\ Get send block length from control block TAY:JMP WordSend :\ Jump to send control block .WordSendLow LDY WordLengthsTx-1,X :\ Get send block length from table CPX #&15:BCC WordSend :\ Use this length for OSWORD 1 to &14 LDY #&10 :\ Send 16 bytes for OSWORD &15 to &7F .WordSend BIT TubeS2:BVC WordSend :\ Wait until Tube R2 free STY TubeR2 :\ Send send block length DEY:BMI LFB45 :\ Zero or &81..&FF length, nothing to send .LFB38 BIT TubeS2:BVC LFB38 :\ Wait for Tube R2 free LDA (&F8),Y:STA TubeR2 :\ Send byte from control block DEY:BPL LFB38 :\ Loop for number to be sent .LFB45 TXA:BPL WordRecvLow :\ Jump with functions<&80 LDY #&01:LDA (&F8),Y :\ Get receive block length from control block TAY:JMP WordRecv :\ Jump to receive control block .WordRecvLow LDY WordLengthsRx-1,X :\ Get receive length from table CPX #&15:BCC WordRecv :\ Use this length for OSWORD 1 to &14 LDY #&10 :\ Receive 16 bytes for OSWORD &15 to &7F .WordRecv BIT TubeS2:BVC WordRecv :\ Wait for Tube R2 free STY TubeR2 :\ Send receive block length DEY:BMI LFB71 :\ Zero of &81..&FF length, nothing to receive .LFB64 BIT TubeS2:BPL LFB64 :\ Wait for Tube R2 data present LDA TubeR2:STA (&F8),Y :\ Get byte to control block DEY:BPL LFB64 :\ Loop for number to receive .LFB71 LDY &F9:LDX &F8:PLA :\ Restore registers RTS \ RDLINE - Read a line of text \ ============================ \ On entry, A =0 \ XY=>control block \ On exit, A =undefined \ Y =length of returned string \ Cy=0 ok, Cy=1 Escape \ \ Tube data &0A block -- &FF or &7F string &0D \ .RDLINE LDA #&0A:JSR SendCommand :\ Send command &0A - RDLINE LDY #&04 .LFB7E BIT TubeS2:BVC LFB7E :\ Wait for Tube R2 free LDA (&F8),Y:STA TubeR2 :\ Send control block DEY:CPY #&01:BNE LFB7E :\ Loop for 4, 3, 2 LDA #&07:JSR SendByte :\ Send &07 as address high byte LDA (&F8),Y:PHA :\ Get text buffer address high byte DEY .LFB96 BIT TubeS2:BVC LFB96 :\ Wait for Tube R2 free STY TubeR2 :\ Send &00 as address low byte LDA (&F8),Y:PHA :\ Get text buffer address low byte LDX #&FF:JSR WaitByte :\ Wait for response CMP #&80:BCS RdLineEscape:\ Jump if Escape returned PLA:STA &F8:PLA:STA &F9 :\ Set &F8/9=>text buffer LDY #&00 .RdLineLp BIT TubeS2:BPL RdLineLp :\ Wait for Tube R2 data present LDA TubeR2:STA (&F8),Y :\ Store returned character INY:CMP #&0D:BNE RdLineLp:\ Loop until LDA #&00:DEY:CLC:INX :\ Return A=0, Y=len, X=00, Cy=0 RTS : .RdLineEscape PLA:PLA:LDA #&00 :\ Return A=0, Y=len, X=FF, Cy=1 RTS \ OSARGS - Read info on open file \ =============================== \ On entry, A =function \ X =>data word in zero page \ Y =handle \ On exit, A =returned value \ X preserved \ Y preserved \ \ Tube data &0C handle block function -- result block \ .osARGS PHA:LDA #&0C:JSR SendCommand :\ Send command &0C - OSARGS .LFBD2 BIT TubeS2:BVC LFBD2 :\ Loop until Tube R2 free STY TubeR2 :\ Send handle LDA &03,X:JSR SendByte :\ Send data word LDA &02,X:JSR SendByte LDA &01,X:JSR SendByte LDA &00,X:JSR SendByte PLA:JSR SendByte :\ Send function JSR WaitByte:PHA :\ Get and save result JSR WaitByte:STA &03,X :\ Receive data word JSR WaitByte:STA &02,X JSR WaitByte:STA &01,X JSR WaitByte:STA &00,X PLA:RTS :\ Get result back and return \ OSFIND - Open of Close a file \ ============================= \ On entry, A =function \ Y =handle or XY=>filename \ On exit, A =zero or handle \ \ Tube data &12 function string &0D -- handle \ &12 &00 handle -- &7F \ .osFIND PHA:LDA #&12:JSR SendCommand :\ Send command &12 - OSFIND PLA:JSR SendByte :\ Send function CMP #&00:BNE osOPEN :\ If <>0, jump to do OPEN PHA:TYA:JSR SendByte :\ Send handle JSR WaitByte:PLA:RTS :\ Wait for acknowledge, restore regs and return .osOPEN JSR SendString :\ Send pathname JMP WaitByte :\ Wait for and return handle \ OSBGet - Get a byte from open file \ ================================== \ On entry, Y =handle \ On exit, A =byte Read \ Y =preserved \ Cy set if EOF \ \ Tube data &0E handle -- Carry byte \ .osBGET LDA #&0E:JSR SendCommand :\ Send command &0E - OSBGET TYA:JSR SendByte :\ Send handle JMP WaitCarryChar :\ Jump to wait for Carry and byte \ OSBPut - Put a byte to an open file \ =================================== \ On entry, A =byte to write \ Y =handle \ On exit, A =preserved \ Y =preserved \ \ Tube data &10 handle byte -- &7F \ .osBPUT PHA:LDA #&10:JSR SendCommand :\ Send command &10 - OSBPUT TYA:JSR SendByte :\ Send handle PLA:JSR SendByte :\ Send byte PHA:JSR WaitByte:PLA:RTS :\ Wait for acknowledge and return \ Send a byte to Tube R2 \ ====================== .SendCommand .SendByte BIT TubeS2:BVC SendByte :\ Wait for Tube R2 free STA TubeR2:RTS :\ Send byte to Tube R2 \ OSFILE - Operate on whole files \ =============================== \ On entry, A =function \ XY=>control block \ On exit, A =result \ control block updated \ \ Tube data &14 block string function -- result block \ .osFILE STY &FB:STX &FA :\ &FA/B=>control block PHA:LDA #&14:JSR SendCommand :\ Send command &14 - OSFILE LDY #&11 .LFC5F LDA (&FA),Y:JSR SendByte :\ Send control block DEY:CPY #&01:BNE LFC5F :\ Loop for &11..&02 DEY:LDA (&FA),Y:TAX INY:LDA (&FA),Y:TAY :\ Get pathname address to XY JSR SendString :\ Send pathname PLA:JSR SendByte :\ Send function JSR WaitByte:PHA :\ Wait for result LDY #&11 .LFC7E JSR WaitByte:STA (&FA),Y :\ Get control block back DEY:CPY #&01:BNE LFC7E :\ Loop for &11..&02 LDY &FB:LDX &FA :\ Restore registers PLA:RTS :\ Get result and return \ OSGBPB - Multiple byte Read and write \ ===================================== \ On entry, A =function \ XY=>control block \ On exit, A =returned value \ control block updated \ \ Tube data &16 block function -- block Carry result \ .osGBPB STY &FB:STX &FA :\ &FA/B=>control block PHA:LDA #&16:JSR SendCommand :\ Send command &16 - OSGBPB LDY #&0C .LFC9A LDA (&FA),Y:JSR SendByte :\ Send control block DEY:BPL LFC9A :\ Loop for &0C..&00 PLA:JSR SendByte :\ Send function LDY #&0C .LFCA8 JSR WaitByte:STA (&FA),Y :\ Get control block back DEY:BPL LFCA8 :\ Loop for &0C..&00 LDY &FB:LDX &FA :\ Restore registers JMP WaitCarryChar :\ Jump to get Carry and result .Unsupported BRK:EQUB 255:EQUS "Bad":EQUB 0 \ OSWORD control block lengths \ ============================ .WordLengthsTx EQUB &00:EQUB &05:EQUB &00:EQUB &05 :\ OSWORD 1-4 EQUB &04:EQUB &05:EQUB &08:EQUB &0E :\ OSWORD 5-8 EQUB &04:EQUB &01:EQUB &01:EQUB &05 :\ OSWORD 9-12 EQUB &00:EQUB &10:EQUB &20:EQUB &10 :\ OSWORD 13-16 EQUB &0D:EQUB &00:EQUB &08:EQUB &80 :\ OSWORD 17-20 .WordLengthsRx EQUB &05:EQUB &00:EQUB &05:EQUB &00 EQUB &05:EQUB &00:EQUB &00:EQUB &00 EQUB &05:EQUB &09:EQUB &05:EQUB &00 EQUB &08:EQUB &19:EQUB &00:EQUB &01 EQUB &0D:EQUB &80:EQUB &08:EQUB &80 \ Interrupt Handler \ ================= .InterruptHandler STA &FC:PLA:PHA :\ Save A, get flags from stack AND #&10:BNE BRKHandler :\ If BRK, jump to BRK handler JMP (IRQ1V) :\ Continue via IRQ1V handler .IRQ1Handler BIT TubeS4:BMI LFD3F :\ Data in Tube R4, process errors and transfers BIT TubeS1:BMI LFD18 :\ Data in Tube R1, process Escape and Events JMP (IRQ2V) :\ Pass on to IRQ2V .BRKHandler TXA:PHA :\ Save X TSX:LDA &0103,X :\ Get address from stack CLD:SEC:SBC #&01:STA &FD LDA &0104,X:SBC #&00:STA &FE :\ &FD/E=>after BRK opcode PLA:TAX:LDA &FC :\ Restore X, get saved A CLI:JMP (BRKV) :\ Restore IRQs, jump to Error Handler \ Interrupt generated by data in Tube R1 \ -------------------------------------- .LFD18 LDA TubeR1:BMI LFD39 :\ b7=1, jump to set Escape state TYA:PHA:TXA:PHA :\ Save registers JSR LFE80:TAY :\ Get Y parameter from Tube R1 JSR LFE80:TAX :\ Get X parameter from Tube R1 JSR LFE80 :\ Get event number from Tube R1 JSR LFD36:PLA:TAX:PLA:TAY:\ Dispatch event, restore registers LDA &FC:RTI :\ Restore A, return from interrupt .LFD36 JMP (EVNTV) .LFD39 ASL A:STA &FF :\ Set Escape flag from b6 LDA &FC:RTI :\ Restore A, return from interrupt \ Interrupt generated by data in Tube R4 \ -------------------------------------- .LFD3F LDA TubeR4:BPL LFD65 :\ b7=0, jump for data transfer CLI :\ Re-enable IRQs so other events can happen .LFD45 BIT TubeS2:BPL LFD45 :\ Wait for data in Tube R2 LDA TubeR2 LDA #&00:STA ERRBUF+0:TAY:\ Store BRK opcode in error buffer JSR WaitByte:STA ERRBUF+1:\ Get error number .LFD59 INY:JSR WaitByte :\ Store bytes fetched from Tube R2 STA ERRBUF+1,Y:BNE LFD59 :\ Loop until final zero JMP ERRBUF :\ Jump to error block to generate error \ Data transfer initiated by IRQ via Tube R4 \ ------------------------------------------ .LFD65 STA NMIV+0:TYA:PHA :\ Save transfer type, save Y LDY NMIV+0 :\ Get transfer type back LDA LFE70,Y:STA NMIV+0 :\ get NMI routine address from table LDA LFE78,Y:STA NMIV+1 :\ and point NMIV to it LDA LFE60,Y:STA &F4 :\ Point &F4/5 to transfer address field LDA LFE68,Y:STA &F5 .LFD83 BIT TubeS4:BPL LFD83 :\ Wait until Tube R4 data present LDA TubeR4 :\ Get called ID from Tube R4 CPY #&05:BEQ LFDE7 :\ If 'TubeRelease', jump to exit TYA:PHA:LDY #&01 :\ Save transfer type .LFD93 BIT TubeS4:BPL LFD93 :\ Wait for Tube R4 data present LDA TubeR4 :\ Fetch and disgard address byte 4 .LFD9B BIT TubeS4:BPL LFD9B :\ Wait for Tube R4 data present LDA TubeR4 :\ Fetch and disgard address byte 3 .LFDA3 BIT TubeS4:BPL LFDA3 :\ Wait for Tube R4 data present LDA TubeR4:STA (&F4),Y:DEY :\ Fetch address byte 2, store in address .LFDAE BIT TubeS4:BPL LFDAE :\ Wait for Tube R4 data present LDA TubeR4:STA (&F4),Y :\ Fetch address byte 1, store in address BIT TubeR3:BIT TubeR3 :\ Ensure Tube R3 register is empty .LFDBE BIT TubeS4:BPL LFDBE :\ Wait for Tube R4 data present LDA TubeR4:PLA :\ Get sync byte from Tube R4, NMIs now ok CMP #&06:BCC LFDE7 :\ Exit if not 256-byte transfers BNE LFDEC :\ Jump with 256-byte read \ Send 256 bytes to Tube via R3 \ ----------------------------- LDY #&00 .LFDCF LDA TubeS3:BPL LFDCF :\ Wait for Tube R3 free .NMI6Addr LDA &FFFF,Y:STA TubeR3 :\ Fetch byte and send to Tube R3 INY:BNE LFDCF :\ Loop for 256 bytes .LFDDF BIT TubeS3:BPL LFDDF :\ Wait for Tube R3 free STA TubeR3 :\ Send final sync byte .LFDE7 PLA:TAY:LDA &FC:RTI :\ Restore registers and return \ Read 256 bytes from Tube via R3 \ ------------------------------- .LFDEC LDY #&00 .LFDEE LDA TubeS3:BPL LFDEE :\ Wait for Tube R3 data present LDA TubeR3 :\ Fetch byte from Tube R3 .NMI7Addr STA &FFFF,Y:INY:BNE LFDEE :\ Store byte and loop for 256 bytes BEQ LFDE7 :\ Jump to restore registers and return \ Transfer 0 - Transfer single byte to Tube \ ----------------------------------------- .NMI0 PHA :\ Save A .NMI0Addr LDA &FFFF:STA TubeR3 :\ Get byte and send to Tube R3 INC NMI0Addr+1:BNE LFE0F :\ Increment transfer address INC NMI0Addr+2 .LFE0F PLA:RTI :\ Restore A and return \ Transfer 1 - Transfer single byte from Tube \ ------------------------------------------- .NMI1 PHA:LDA TubeR3 :\ Save A, get byte from Tube R3 .NMI1Addr STA &FFFF :\ Store byte INC NMI1Addr+1:BNE LFE20 :\ Increment transfer address INC NMI1Addr+2 .LFE20 PLA:RTI :\ Restore A and return \ Transfer 2 - Transfer two bytes to Tube \ --------------------------------------- .NMI2 PHA:TYA:PHA:LDY #&00 :\ Save registers LDA (&F6),Y:STA TubeR3 :\ Get byte and send to Tube R3 INC &F6:BNE LFE32:INC &F7 :\ Increment transfer address .LFE32 LDA (&F6),Y:STA TubeR3 :\ Get byte and send to Tube R3 INC &F6:BNE LFE3D:INC &F7 :\ Increment transfer address .LFE3D PLA:TAY:PLA:RTI :\ Restore registers and return \ Transfer 3 - Transfer two bytes from Tube \ ----------------------------------------- .NMI3 PHA:TYA:PHA:LDY #&00 :\ Save registers LDA TubeR3:STA (&F6),Y :\ Get byte from Tube R3 and store INC &F6:BNE LFE51:INC &F7 :\ Increment transfer address .LFE51 LDA TubeR3:STA (&F6),Y :\ Get byte from Tube R3 and store INC &F6:BNE LFE5C:INC &F7 :\ Increment transfer address .LFE5C PLA:TAY:PLA:RTI :\ Restore registers and return \ Data transfer address pointers \ ------------------------------ .LFE60 EQUB (NMI0Addr+1) AND 255:EQUB (NMI1Addr+1) AND 255 EQUB &00F6 AND 255 :EQUB &00F6 AND 255 EQUB &00F6 AND 255 :EQUB &00F6 AND 255 EQUB (NMI6Addr+1) AND 255:EQUB (NMI7Addr+1) AND 255 .LFE68 EQUB (NMI0Addr+1) DIV 256:EQUB (NMI1Addr+1) DIV 256 EQUB &00F6 DIV 256 :EQUB &00F6 DIV 256 EQUB &00F6 DIV 256 :EQUB &00F6 DIV 256 EQUB (NMI6Addr+1) DIV 256:EQUB (NMI7Addr+1) DIV 256 \ Data transfer routine addresses \ ------------------------------- .LFE70 EQUB NMI0 AND 255 :EQUB NMI1 AND 255 EQUB NMI2 AND 255 :EQUB NMI3 AND 255 EQUB NMI_Ack AND 255:EQUB NMI_Ack AND 255 EQUB NMI_Ack AND 255:EQUB NMI_Ack AND 255 .LFE78 EQUB NMI0 DIV 256 :EQUB NMI1 DIV 256 EQUB NMI2 DIV 256 :EQUB NMI3 DIV 256 EQUB NMI_Ack DIV 256:EQUB NMI_Ack DIV 256 EQUB NMI_Ack DIV 256:EQUB NMI_Ack DIV 256 \ Wait for byte in Tube R1 while allowing requests via Tube R4 \ ============================================================ .LFE80 BIT TubeS1:BMI LFE94 :\ If data in Tube R1, jump to fetch it .LFE85 BIT TubeS4 :\ Check if data present in Tube R4 BPL LFE80 :\ If nothing there, jump back to check Tube R1 LDA &FC :\ Save IRQ A store in A register PHP:CLI:PLP :\ Allow an IRQ through to process R4 request STA &FC:JMP LFE80 :\ Restore IRQ A store and jump back to check R1 .LFE94 LDA TubeR1:RTS :\ Fetch byte from Tube R1 and return \ Print embedded string \ ===================== .PrText PLA:STA &FA:PLA:STA &FB :\ &FA/B=>embedded string JSR LFEA9 :\ Print string JMP (&00FA) :\ Jump back to code after string : .PrString STX &FA:STY &FB :\ &FA/B=>string .LFEA0 LDY #&00:LDA (&FA),Y :\ Get character BEQ LFEA9:JSR OSASCI :\ Print if not &00 .LFEA9 INC &FA:BNE LFEAF:INC &FB:\ Increment address .LFEAF TAY:BNE LFEA0:RTS :\ Loop back if not &00 \ Null NMI code \ ------------- .NMI_Ack STA TubeR3:RTI :\ Store to TubeR3 to acknowlege NMI \ Spare space \ =========== EQUS STRING$(IOSPACE%-P%,CHR$255) \ I/O Space \ ========= EQUS STRING$(8,CHR$0) \ Tube I/O Registers \ ================== .TubeS1 :EQUB 0 :\ &FEF8 .TubeR1 :EQUB 0 :\ &FEF9 .TubeS2 :EQUB 0 :\ &FEFA .TubeR2 :EQUB 0 :\ &FEFB .TubeS3 :EQUB 0 :\ &FEFC .TubeR3 :EQUB 0 :\ &FEFD .TubeS4 :EQUB 0 :\ &FEFE .TubeR4 :EQUB 0 :\ &FEFF .LFF00 \ DEFAULT VECTOR TABLE \ ==================== .LFF80 EQUW Unsupported :\ &200 - USERV EQUW ErrorHandler :\ &202 - BRKV EQUW IRQ1Handler :\ &204 - IRQ1V EQUW Unsupported :\ &206 - IRQ2V EQUW osCLI :\ &208 - CLIV EQUW osBYTE :\ &20A - BYTEV EQUW osWORD :\ &20C - WORDV EQUW osWRCH :\ &20E - WRCHV EQUW osRDCH :\ &210 - RDCHV EQUW osFILE :\ &212 - FILEV EQUW osARGS :\ &214 - ARGSV EQUW osBGET :\ &216 - BGetV EQUW osBPUT :\ &218 - BPutV EQUW osGBPB :\ &21A - GBPBV EQUW osFIND :\ &21C - FINDV EQUW Unsupported :\ &21E - FSCV EQUW NullReturn :\ &220 - EVNTV EQUW Unsupported :\ &222 - UPTV EQUW Unsupported :\ &224 - NETV EQUW Unsupported :\ &226 - VduV EQUW Unsupported :\ &228 - KEYV EQUW Unsupported :\ &22A - INSV EQUW Unsupported :\ &22C - RemV EQUW Unsupported :\ &22E - CNPV EQUW NullReturn :\ &230 - IND1V EQUW NullReturn :\ &232 - IND2V EQUW NullReturn :\ &234 - IND3V .PrHexXY TYA:JSR PrHexA:TXA .PrHexA PHA:LSR A:LSR A:LSR A:LSR A JSR PrNybble:PLA .PrNybble AND #15:CMP #10:BCC PrDigit:ADC #6 .PrDigit ADC #ASC"0":JMP OSWRCH : EQUS STRING$(&FF95-P%,CHR$255) .OSSERV :JMP NullReturn :\ &FF95 .OSCOLD :JMP NullReturn :\ &FF98 .PRSTRNG :JMP PrString :\ &FF9B Print zero-terminated text at YX, returns A=0, Y corrupted .LFF9E :JMP NullReturn :\ &FF9E .SCANHEX :JMP ScanHex :\ &FFA1 Scan hex string at (&F8), returned in &F0/1 .DISKACC :JMP NullReturn :\ &FFA4 .DISKCCP :JMP NullReturn :\ &FFA7 .PRHEX :JMP PrHexA :\ &FFAA Print A in hex, A corrupted .PR2HEX :JMP PrHexXY :\ &FFAD Print YX in hex, A corrupted .USERINT :JMP NullReturn :\ &FFB0 .PRTEXT :JMP PrText :\ &FFB3 Print zero-terminated inline text, returns A=0, Y corrupted .VECDEF :EQUB &36:EQUW LFF80 :\ &FFB6 .OSQUIT :JMP CmdPrompt :\ &FFB9 Quit current program, enter supervisor .OSERROR :JMP NullReturn :\ &FFBC .OSINIT :JMP InitError :\ &FFBF Initialise MOS error handler, A corrupted .DISKRST :JMP NullReturn :\ &FFC2 .LFFC5 :JMP NullReturn :\ &FFC5 .NVRDCH :JMP osRDCH :\ &FFC8 .NVWRCH :JMP osWRCH :\ &FFCB .OSFIND :JMP (FINDV) :\ &FFCE .OSGBPB :JMP (GBPBV) :\ &FFD1 .OSBPUT :JMP (BPutV) :\ &FFD4 .OSBGET :JMP (BGetV) :\ &FFD7 .OSARGS :JMP (ARGSV) :\ &FFDA .OSFILE :JMP (FILEV) :\ &FFDD .OSRDCH :JMP (RDCHV) :\ &FFE0 .OSASCI :CMP #&0D:BNE OSWRCH :\ &FFE3 .OSNEWL :LDA #&0A:JSR OSWRCH :\ &FFE7 .OSWRCR :LDA #&0D :\ &FFEC .OSWRCH :JMP (WRCHV) :\ &FFEE .OSWORD :JMP (WORDV) :\ &FFF1 .OSBYTE :JMP (BYTEV) :\ &FFF4 .OS_CLI :JMP (CLIV) :\ &FFF7 .NMIV :EQUW NMI0 :\ &FFFA NMI Vector .RESETV :EQUW RESET :\ &FFFC RESET Vector .IRQV :EQUW InterruptHandler:\ &FFFE IRQ Vector ]:NEXT OSCLI"Save "+fname$+" "+STR$~mcode%+" "+STR$~O%+" "+STR$~load%+" "+STR$~load% ON ERROR ON ERROR OFF:END *Quit