"CLOCK2 "VTR Ident/Leader Clock #"V #I"V JGH: Tweeked for Windows (t" <,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,l 5(C) 1986 Alan Pemberton j 5(C) 1986 Alan Pemberton j 1000 angle%=angle%-1000 angle%=start_angle% xtrig(angle%)  3,1 finger(angle%): ON   *FX15  28,31,23,39,19  129:0 70,0)"SPACEBAR"'"to start"''" ESCAPE "'"for menu";  128:1 inkey=48 28,31,23,39,19,12  129:0 logic_control(angle%) (-time)100=0   &finger(angle%):angle%=156 flash finger(angle%-6): // angle%=96 19,1,7;0;  angle%=angle%-6 4logic_control(angle%) >tone(angle%) Htrig(angle%) Jfade%= angle%=108 fade Qt=+50:>t R(-time)100=0 \(0=32)(angle%<=90) fclear_bit(0) pangle%<=90 zA%=byte(151,96,0) finger(angle%): OFF take%=take%+1  take 19,1,7;0;   ?" @finger(angle%) J X,Y T3,1 ^!X=cos(angle%):Y=sin(angle%) h *FX19 r+ X*120/xs,Y*120/ys: X*400/xs,Y*400/ys | #'" #( legend #2 X,Y,legend$ #<down$=8+10 #F TPD #P #Z legend$,X%,Y% #dK legend$="IDENT" legend$="I"+down$+"D"+down$+"E"+down$+"N"+down$+"T" #nX%,Y%);legend$ #x legend$="" # '" ' box ' 29,0;0; '$28,20,17,38,0 '.30,1)date$;0,3)prog$;0,14)shot$;0,16)take$; '80,1 'B( 628/xs,1008/ys:21,1276/xs,1008/ys 'L> 21,1276/xs,466/ys: 21,628/xs,466/ys: 21,628/xs,1008/ys 'V' 628/xs,944/ys: 21,1276/xs,944/ys '`' 628/xs,592/ys: 21,1276/xs,592/ys 'j' 628/xs,528/ys: 21,1276/xs,528/ys 't centre '~ *" * date + *FX15 + prompt + 128:1 +box + date$=type(20,1,38,1) +" unprompt +*box +4 ." . prog . prompt .box .prog$=type(20,12,38,3) . unprompt .box / 2" 2 shot 2 prompt 2box 2shot$=type(20,14,38,14) 2 take%=1 2 unprompt 2 take 2box 3 6" 6 take 623,1,0,0;0;0;0; 6 128:1 628,20,16,38,16 6take%<1 take%=1 6'take$="TAKE: "+take%+13," "),18) 60,0)take$; 630 7 *FX15 7  :" : reset :Efinger(angle%):angle%=start_angle%:trig(angle%):finger(angle%) : >" >ݤyes_no(A$) > reply$ > A$" (Y/N) ?"; > *FX15 > >reply$=( &DF) > reply$="Y" reply$="N" >=(reply$="Y") Bg" Bh menu BrA%=byte(151,96,0) Bt unprompt Bvfinger(angle%) B| 128:1 B28,31,23,39,19,12 B28,21,16,39,1 B 29,0;0; B&24,636/xs;474/ys;1268/xs;1000/ys; B 0,129 B B23,1,0,0;0;0;0; B 128:1 B"Now press:"' B 129:0 B"1 Reset to 10 Sec." B"2 20" B"3 30" B"4 40" B"> Increment Take" B"< Decrement Take" B"D Re-type DATE" B"P "" PROG" C"S "" SHOT" C"F Auto/Manual Fade" C"B Blank display" C'"C Continue" C&"E Exit program"; C0 "1234F>0 C2 0,128: C4 128:1 C626 C:finger(angle%) CDbox CNclock(angle%+1000) CX FO" FP intro FZ23,1,0,0;0;0;0; Fd1"?w``+w``+w``+w``+w``+w``+"8 Fn8"5""o}0 ""o}0 ""o}0 ""o}0 ""o}0 ""o}0 ""o"8 Fx1"=,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,n"8 F1"5_~?! _~?! _~?! _~?! _~?! _~?! _~"8 F1"}wppxwppxwppxwppxwppxwppx"8 F1"5<,4<,4<,4l,40VTR IDENT/LEADER CLOCKj"8 F1"57`!7+1up5zp50by Alan Pemberton (c) j"8 F1"=,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,n"8 F1"5All the functions of this clock arej"8 F1"5available by pressing the j"8 F1"5appropriate key when the clock is j"8 F1"5at rest. Alternatively, a menu is j"8 F1"5displayed whenESCAPEis pressed.j"8 F1"5 j"8 F1"5In theDATE/PROG/SHOTmodes, youj"8 F1"5use the machine as a video type- j"8 G1"5writer, within the chosen window. j"8 G1"5Use the cursor, return and delete j"8 G1"5keys as normal. To exit each box j"8 G"1"5pressSHIFT + RETURN. j"8 G,1"5 `````````````` j"8 G61"7ssc``s`ss3s3``c```7ss3c3c`3s3```c````k"8 G@1"5-lj jp5 5 = !j 5 5 uzjf = ! j j"8 GJ1"ussrsrpqpqpsqqprpppupqpqrrpqsqqpprppppz"8 GT 8); G^%笤yes_no("More instructions") Gh28,0,24,39,8,12 Gr1"5When the clock is at rest, pressingj"8 G|1"51sets the clock to 10 seconds. j"8 G1"52sets the clock to 20 seconds. j"8 G1"53sets the clock to 30 seconds. j"8 G1"54sets the clock to 40 seconds. j"8 G1"5>increments the TAKE number. j"8 G1"563 inkey%=inkey%&DF inkey%=inkey%16 Y" inkey%<>-1 inkey%<>66 20 Z+ inkey%>47 inkey%<53 finger(angle%) Z 9 inkey%=48 time=:finger(angle%):angle%=150 flash Z  inkey%=48 set_bit(0) Z8 inkey%=49 angle%=150:trig(angle%):finger(angle%) Z8 inkey%=50 angle%=210:trig(angle%):finger(angle%) Z(8 inkey%=51 angle%=270:trig(angle%):finger(angle%) Z28 inkey%=52 angle%=330:trig(angle%):finger(angle%) Z4/ inkey%>48 inkey%<53 start_angle%=angle% Z<) inkey%=70 fade%=fade%:auto(fade%) ZF* inkey%=62 take%=take%+1:take:reset ZP* inkey%=60 take%=take%-1:take:reset ZZ inkey%=83 reset:shot Zd inkey%=80 reset:prog Zn inkey%=68 reset:date Zx inkey%=69 exit Zz inkey%=66 19,1,0,0,0,0 Z =inkey% ]" ]auto(fade%) ]28,0,31,39,0 ]"fade% 2,0)"AUTO-" 2,0)5 ] a" a%ݤtype(left%,bottom%,right%,top%) a A%,C%,typed$ a23,1,1,0;0;0;0; a28,0,31,39,0 a31,left%+6,top% a *FX4,1 a aC%=: C%=8:C%=127 aC%=13 31,left%,+1 bC%=136 8 b C%=137 9 bC%=138 10 b C%=139 11 b*%C%=127 =left% 31,right%,-1,9 bHC%>31 C%<128 C% bR>right% 31,left%,+1 b\>bottom% 31,,top% bf( 270 byte("X000000X"): b0angle%<=270 angle%>210 byte("X000001X"): b/angle%<=210 angle%>180byte("X000010X"): c#angle%<=90 byte("X0000000"): c$angle%<=108 byte("X111100X"): c$angle%<=120 byte("X011100X"): c$$angle%<=126 byte("X001100X"): c.$angle%<=150 byte("X000100X"): c8"angle%<=180 byte("X000000X") cB e" eset_bit(power%) e Y% e*control_byte%=control_byte%(2^power%) eY%=control_byte% eA%=byte(151,96,Y%) e iw" ixclear_bit(power%) i Y% i0control_byte%=control_byte%(&FF-(2^power%)) iY%=control_byte% iA%=byte(151,96,Y%) i m_" m`byte(bit$) mj I%,I$ mtI%=1bit$ m~I$=bit$,I%,1) mI$="1" set_bit(bit$-I%) m I$="0" clear_bit(bit$-I%) m m qG" qHtone(angle%) qR(angle%=120 angle%=114 1,-10,100,2 q\angle%=108 1,-15,100,10 qf'angle%=102 angle%=96 1,-10,150,2 qpangle%=90 1,-15,150,10 qz u/" ytrig(angle%) y"(sin(((angle%+360)360)6)=(angle%) y$*sin(((angle%+354)360)6)=(angle%-6) y,.cos(((angle%+360)360)6)=1.084*(angle%) y.0cos(((angle%+354)360)6)=1.084*(angle%-6) y y" y prompt y 128:1 y28,31,23,39,19,12 y28,31,23,38,19 y 129:0: y."Press"'"SHIFT+"'"RETURN"'"to leavebox."; y 128:1 z: zC" zDunprompt zN 128:1 zX28,31,23,38,19,12 z z" z flash z *FX19 z19,0,7;0;19,1,0;0; z *FX19 z19,0,0;0;19,1,7;0; { { " {p fade {z colour%,colour$,C% {|colour$="73625140" {C%=1colour$ {colour%=colour$,C%,1) { *FX19 {19,1,colour%;0; { *FX19 { { {" | |" }=17menu }  }7 }3 }(*FX4 }2A%=byte(151,96,0) }<=17:"QUIT",os%=32): }F 31,0,10 }P:"at line"; } }ݤbyte(A%,X%,Y%) }+os%=6:ș "XOS_Byte",A%,X%,Y% ,X%:=X% }=((&FFF4)&FF00)256 ~, disp ~6xs=1:ys=1: os%<>32: ~@'ș "GetSystemMetrics", 0 xscreen% ~J'ș "GetSystemMetrics", 1 yscreen% ~T.ș "SetWindowLong", @hwnd%, -16, &16000000 ~^>ș "SetWindowPos", @hwnd%, -1, 0, 0, xscreen%, yscreen%, 0 ~h< 26,23,22,xscreen%;yscreen%;xscreen%40,yscreen%32,2,0 ~r)xs=1280/xscreen%/2:ys=1024/yscreen%/2 ~|