# > BLib.BFont 1.00 23-Feb-1991 :  Bitmap font routines ( ==================== 2( This version uses serial BGET/BPUT <: F: P# BFont_Load - Load bitmap font Z# ----------------------------- d A$ - filename to load n4 S% - start character to save or 0 for VDU file x: 2BFont_Load(A$,S%):in%,A%:in%=(A$):in%=0: :A%=0:S%:23,S%:S%=S%+1 %#in%:A%=(A%+1)7:#in%:#in%: : : # BFont_Save - Save bitmap font # -----------------------------  A$ - filename to save to " S% - start character to save E% - end character to save 5 R% - <>0 save as raw bitmap, 0 save as VDU file : DBFont_Save(A$,S%,E%,R%):out%,L%,X%,Y%,A%:out%=(A$):out%=0: CX%-1:Y%=X%256:A%=10::?X%=S%:&FFF1:R%=0:#out%,23:#out%,S% 2L%=18:#out%,X%?L%::S%=S%+1:S%>E%:#out%: