BLib.IP - IP Network Communication Library Routines =================================================== File: Net - Update: 1.00 Author: J.G.Harston - Date: 12-Feb-2009 The IP library provides IP network communication functions in a similar way to the Net library. Routine Summary =============== FNIP_Stn() - format network number FNIP_StnFixed() - format network number FNIP_StnNum() - read dotted network number string FNswap_16() - byte swap 16-bit value FNswap_32() - byte swap 32-bit value Networking Support Functions ============================ Various support functions are provided that convert values between human- readable strings and machine readable values. Network number display ---------------------- DEFFNIP_Stn(A%) DEFFNIP_StnFixed(A%) IP_StnFixed() and IP_Stn() returns a string containing the dotted network number. IP_Stn() returns the shortest possible string whereas IP_StnFixed() always returns the full 16-character string Network number input -------------------- DEFFNIP_StnNum(A$) IP_StnNum() converts the dotted network/station string into a network number. Byte Swapping ------------- DEFFNswap_16(A%) DEFFNswap_32(A%) swap_16() swaps the bytes of a 16-bit value, converting &ABCD to &CDAB. swap_32() swaps the bytes of a 32-bit value, converting &ABCDEF12 to &12EFCDAB.