L0LSrVDU 4.10R(C) 1984 Univ of Leeds Comp ServiceLDBDLLTVI925VT52IBMCONFIGBASIC RUSSIANSpeedData bitsParityStop bitsIncorrect value Type RETURN to leave option unchanged ? gives help information 75150300120024004800960019200flv}؀Ql[e`XE85ךUwƕ=AHM9P(P((( Lc` *L}? "! ` s  `򅊥󅋄pLp ؀vp؀ъLƁ؀L`?  ]` ]` ] ] {  ߁ v Lv ] { $78 ߁ L1) Lh))8 ] { % QEO ߁ Ln L) ] { :1#2 ߁ L))L񂥎)L񂥎) L񂥎 LBH h n o p qL8 L[Ȋ`i` `Lqnrosptq ``   M M hh jk lm  M`jnakodlempipq\ Mdeneiolnmo LӃjnko8ppq\ Mdeneiolnmo L lnmopipq 8ml 8kj 8HH`[SDUMP   r`H h ` LpHqHrHsHtHuHvHwHxHyHwxy wFxFyLDŽL brs rA r rpq r* rw r r rL r@ r rvp t8&ur8yrsvvީ u xeppqqy errsL rs0Lᄩ r r@ r hyhxhwhvhuhthshrhqhp`MU I b  rć" r愆 LLp `p9`pA`pH`pM`pQ`p=`p[`HHKL^ъ hh`8$#`&%`('`    `H~~h!oH~~)h `H w h`   `a{8 ` L &)H @h~ӣ` IL ` 0H h`w L ɐ6)7Ĉ8ĉҦ Ī: ,L ж вɠUɔ) MU Lɗ87ɕLj )? `v)u.J8i?Ki L 12 JH ,? w  hL` i`H ,h w  LLZ /:9 ]<; ]>= ]`@? ]<; ]``ə ㆦyhyhphhh` L:ɘ `ɔwIw`ɖ  `ɰ ,)0L` ``ǰ)i Lzq{rfrfqfrfqzeqqre{r|s}tftfsftfs|esste}t uue q r s t `p  p  `pL ʊ ` 32 ]54 ]` `HHHpHyH' LIhyhphhh` iLqyp Dw 5 ȱ QCLȱ 80 vL> vLqL: h ЌpLߝ  ݩpLߝ zL} wL 2 wL D wL Lq $L ` 6 ]32 ] ] ] ],+ ] ]JI ] ]BA ] ]ZY ]Lq QKZp h# * z , V3Lq65 ]Lq0/ ]Lq21 ]Lq43 ]Lq ]Lq:9 ]<; ]>= ]Lq`yvX MU~z{|}ᢠ 䢰     v v  8fxy 6 /. ] *) ] e  L`LL l`$xܥ  Fx L Ią L7 ILO L/  Ią L L IąLO` 8fxH IhąH hL ~ $` ~`` 8 0" 01l)Lr9L+`8 𓅊񓅋l:*)Fx`J8 98`8  ` ``` Ip8p  I p p p𦆂 I膂   LO 񉩆    L! 񉩆    LO I    Lx I  ć  愆L` LO I L` ` 2L L( LoL؍  I)p8p `LLLL` / K ` I`L I` L IŅ`Lo Iă`LLb uKJ`)p fa``<@z)pz LU}p&}|)p|`p{f{fzf{fzf{fz`|)p|`)p`@ Ш 𒅊񒅋lz{L(` L^& ` L H72IP;`&af%16 %$``L[L[L4 L[ VL[)`H ph13`L[p L[LőpjjpjjHp phjjp p p L[p*H)h)H h L[h)iH h L[  |}z{ L +.   `L( ` ` L`@ `) 87`oS(ʍgb؍LoS␜g QllllllllllbbllllllllRRllbbl+llllhmlllllllllllَlrlll,llllllllllllllllllllllllllrllll,llllllllll!.:lllE),rlllllllllllll+ll QWERTY45 DCBA pqrstuvwxynMPQR P~KeysPress F0 for HELP TVI 920 (DT22) and TVI925 emulation Function keys 0 - HELP 1 to 9 - TVI F1 to F9 SHIFT / Function keys 0 - Screen dump on printer 1 - Char insert : 2 - Char delete 3 - Line insert : 4 - Line delete 5 - Line erase : 6 - Page erase 7 - Line send : 8 - Page send CTRL / SHIFT / Function keys 1 to 9 - TVI F10 to F18 CTRL / Function keys 0 to 3 - Select display mode 0 to 3 4 - Turns local echo on and off 5 - Sends 'BREAK' to mainframe 6 - Exit 4010 alpha mode 7 - VIEWDATA terminal 8 - Single BBC MOS command 9 - Exit emulator VT52 emulation Function keys 0 - HELP 1 to 9 - 0 to 8 alternate keypad mode SHIFT / Function keys 1 - alternate keypad 9 2 - alternate keypad . 3 - alternate keypad ENTER 4 - left blank key 5 - centre blank key 6 - right blank key Configuration options available Default values marked with < > Speed 75 150 300 1200 <2400> 4800 9600 19200 Data bits 7 <8> Parity Odd Stop bits 1 <2> Down-line loader Entered by command *DLL Normally the command is issued from inside the terminal emulator Provides terminal emulation until receipt of @ character when loader mode is entered. Accepts INTEL and MOTOROLA MIKBUG format Down-line loader for BASIC programs Entered by command *LDB Normally the command is issued from inside the terminal emulator Provides terminal emulation until receipt of @ character when the BASIC system is entered. ALL output to the BBC will be treated as BASIC commands. Include *FX2,0 in file to return control to the keyboard, *VDU to return to terminal emulator or press BREAK when loading finished. EPSON FX-80 screen dump Entered by command *SDUMP or SHIFT/F0 when in terminal emulator Leeds terminal emulator Terminal types emulated are TVI 920 (DT22) (default) TVI 925 VT52 Tektronix 4010 with RAMTEK 6211 colour VIEWDATA (PRESTEL) terminal Entered by one of commands *VDU n *TVI925 n *VT52 n n (optional) is required baud rate or C to enter configuration dialogue If omitted, 2400 baud is assumed Information on special keys is given by entering emulator and pressing F0 Graphical output will NOT be produced if MODE 3,6 or 7 is selected Help information also available on SDUMP, DLL and LDB KEY6 FOR X=0 TO 9: PRINT ~M+X;CHR$(32); ~M?X, ~M+X+10;CHR$(32); ~M?(X+10): NEXT Finished Loading uƝНXٝڝ $#  z8fx e@  8ݝޝ ]pLz ㆩ .- L eH hi 0i`u{p B q Beqptp{` e:IS e!"1,rt Xsezr X Lzzt XLz۝ܝ ]Lrt X e e0sezrLA