ANFS 4.18 is for the BBC See ROMs.Filing.Disk.Acorn for DNFS including NFS 3.40, 3.6x NFS 3.34 -------- OSARGS 1,0 returns incorrect command line, only returns 16-bit address OSARGS 2,0 returns A=2 Catalog in single column *I AM no hidden password *EXAM tries to do *EX AM Broadcast received in control block Can't send CHR$0 to printer Stations 240+ protected Enters code: If no Tube A=&00 Cy=1, if Tube present A=&FF Cy=1 Tube client looks wrong NFS 3.35D --------- Reported to exist. NFS 3.35K --------- OSARGS 1,0 returns correct command line, only returns 16-bit address OSARGS 2,0 returns A=2 Catalog in multiple columns, erroneous blank line if last row fills screen *I AM : implemented, DELETE doesn't work *EXAM tries to do *EX AM Broadcast? CHR$0? Stations 240+ protected Enters code: If no Tube A=&00 Cy=1, if Tube present A=&FF Cy=1 Tube client? NFS 3.35E --------- Electron NFS, reported as patched version of NFS 3.35D. NFS 3.40 within DNFS 2.00 ------------------------- MachinePeek returns 3.35 unless patched to 3.40 OSARGS 1,0 returns correct command line, returns &FFFFxxxx OSARGS 2,0 returns A=1 Catalog in multiple columns with no erroneous blank lines *I AM : implemented, DELETE doesn't work *EXAM tries to do *EX AM Broadcast? CHR$0? Stations 240+ not protected Enters code: If no Tube A=&00 Cy=1, if Tube present A=&FF Cy=1 Tube client? 8K NFS3.40 ROM has: "DFS," removed from ROM title JSR DFSServ removed Replacement PRHEX routine at end of code NFS 3.60 within DNFS 3.00 ------------------------- OSARGS 1,0 returns correct command line, returns &FFFFxxxx OSARGS 2,0 returns A=1 Catalog in multiple columns with no erroneous blank lines *I AM : implemented, DELETE doesn't work *EXAM tries to do *EX AM Broadcast received in data block CHR$0 can be sent to printer Stations 240+ not protected Enters code: If no Tube A=&01 Cy=0, if Tube present A=&FF Cy=1 Tube client fully working 8K NFS3.60 ROM has: "DFS," removed from ROM title JSR DFSServ removed Replacement PRHEX routine at end of code Default print server set to 0.254 NFS 3.62 within DNFS 3.02 ------------------------- NFS 3.65 -------- Supplied with Reuters Terminal Changes from NFS3.60: DFS/NFS shared service code removed Replacement PRHEX added to PRDEC Additional padding before Econet routines Additional 16-bit address due to overlapping page Additional code to disable NMIs NFS version: 3.34 3.35 3.40 3.60 3.62 3.65 ----------------------------------------------------- MachinePeek 3.34 3.35 3.35 3.60 3.62 3.65 OSARGS 1,0 brkn OK OK OK OSARGS 2,0 A=2 1 1 1 Catalog sing mult mult mult blank lines OK OK OK *I AM : no OK OK OK *EXAM -> *EX AM X X X X OK X Broadcasts ctrl data data data Print CHR$0 X OK OK OK Stations 240+ prot norm norm norm Enter code Tube client works works works 3.34 3.35 3.40 3.60 3.65 4.08 4.18 4.21 4.21M 4.25 4.25M OSARGS 0,0 -> A=&05 A=&05 A=&05 A=&05 A=&05 A=&05 A=&05 (A=& A=&05 (A=&05) A=&05 OSARGS 1,0 -> A=&00 brkn A=&00 16bit A=&00 32bit A=&00 32bit A=&00 A=&00 A=&00 (A=& A=&DC (A=&00) A=&DC OSARGS 2,0 -> A=&02 A=&02 A=&01 A=&01 A=&01 A=&01 A=&01 (A=& A=&01 (A=&01) A=&01 OSARGS 3,0 -> A=&03 A=&03 A=&03 A=&03 A=&03 A=&00 A=&00 (A=& A>&00 (A=&00) A>&00 OSARGS 4,0 -> A=&04 A=&04 A=&04 A=&04 A=&04 A=&00 A=&00 A=& A=&00 A=&00 A=&00 OSARGS 5,0 -> A=&05 A=&05 A=&05 A=&05 A=&05 A=&05 A=&05 A=&05 OSARGS &FF -> A=&FF A=&FF A=&FF A=&FF A=&FF A=&FF A=&FF A=&FF OSARGS &80 -> A=&80 A=&80 A=&80 A=&80 A=&80 error error error OSWORD &13,9 09,nn,80 09,nn,80 09,nn,80 OSWORD &13,10 0A,err 0A,err OSWORD &13,11 0B,err 0B,err OSWORD &13,12 0C,err 0C,err 10+ same as 10 Changes from ANFS 4.08 to 4.18 ------------------------------ Title string: "Acorn ANFS" Version string: "" Title string: "Acorn ANFS 4.18" Version string: "" 4.08: event calls OSEVNT 4.18: event calls EVENTV Superflous SEC removed at 83D7/83E2 Code in fs selection moved to subroutines Help title: "Advanced 4.08.53" Help title: "Advanced NFS 4.18" Checks for "&" in pathname Extra store to &0D71 at &8F2A Store to &0D72 removed at &8F65 Slight change at &8F8C Bad net checksum -> Bad net sum Slight change at &9520 Optimisation at &96F0 Optimisation at &9A46 Optimisation at &9C08 Optimisation at &9D1C Service 8 saves and uses &A9-&AF OSWORD 14 optimised Some changes between using (&F0),Y and (&AC),Y Some changes around &A802 &0D72 moved to &0D71 &F0/&F1 not saved when calling OSBYTE &13 "busy with station" -> "busy with" Some optimisation of file utils Tube Host reads &28D instead of calling OSBYTE &FD SEI during language transfer ANFS 4.0x implements: OSWORD 14,4: On entry: XY?0=4 On exit: f05 XY?0=BCD ((year-1981)MOD16)+81 f06 XY?1=BCD month f07 XY?2=BCD ((year-1981)DIV16)*32+day f08 XY?3=BCD day of week, returns &00 f09 XY?4=BCD hour f0A XY?5=BCD minute f0B XY?6=BCD second ANFS 4.21a has Tube host, no FindLib ANFS 4.21b has no Tube host