L[OPEN LOGO Published by BBC Publications Copyright (C) 1984 The Open University1.0(C)Open University 1984ZIBMAK OPEN LOGO.S 1.00 9HHH 恰 $ 恐{ LÀ-hhh`hhh``HHHȱ* t -Ω 8  H H- %%L L Àk+kp\n :֣J߯Աʹw|!\Q٧d{]aX̯z/ E )#Qޙw\v.3ę5ǂ݂>ȃԡȱ ` ݁ `8`Ll!ȱOoȱGg ȱOo`8`0`8``````````` (HH wh9h` (HH wh9ȥ9h`9HH h`h` w  ` Z89 ` o9 ` "9$ "9 "9 -9` Z:L o: ;LG Z 9:;HGh Lih 9:;h< `GLC Z o: ;9 ` w   ``a bc`d `abc / w9x .!/Y !X  090  x. /!X` H9h(`(l.99 轊ȱ `L~`3HYqÅӅ5Oa~؆.@Xx 2DUfp҈1NoTurn the machine OFF and then ON againNumber,word,or list expected=% expects some valueNumber expected=TRUE or FALSE expected=% expects a list% expects a name% expects a number or a wordCannot divide by 0Numbers too bigNegative number=Colours are 0 to 15Picture not saved in this modeTurtle cannot cross the fenceIn mode \ pens are 0 to ^Turtle off screen% requires MODE 0,1,2,4,or 5 EscapeCan't paint all thisCHOOSE has no TRUE conditionCannot change colours in mode 7Invalid procedure=% expects a procedure nameCan only JOIN two lists, or two strings& is a procedure=MODE numbers are 0 to 7Not enough space to change MODE& has no meaning=& is a procedure=Not enough inputCannot evaluate $UNUSED: Dont know what to do with last resultSystem error #. 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