Links::Computing.BBC BASIC.History | Search |
+--About Advanced RISC Machines (ARM)
+--Acorn 6502 Microcomputer Kit - Interview with Sophie Wilson
+--Acorn Computers (Wikipedia)
+--Acorn Computers Ltd biography .ms
+--Acorn Cybervillage - The ARM scene
+--Acorn History (Stairway to Hell)
+--Acorn User Server - Documents
+--BASIC V for Unix, DOS, Windows and RISC OS We talk to author Dave Daniels about the spirit of B
+--BBC BASIC (Wikipedia)
+--Brandy BBC BASIC (Icon Bar)
+--Cambridge Computer Z88
+--Eureka Issue 1
+--Introduction + History (The BBC Lives!)
+--MMC RM Nimbus PC
+--Processor Types
+--R.T.Russell BBC BASIC History
+--Retro computing (
+--RTR's career in BBC Design Department
+--Sophie Wilson (Wikipedia)
+--The ARM and the Archimedes (1986 to 1988)
+--The ARM scene (Acorn Cybervillage)
+--The BBC Computer Literacy Project - The BBC Micro (1981)
+--The Domesday Project
+--The history of the ARM CPU
+--The Link website (DOS credit programs)
+--The start of the revival - The ARM and the Archimedes (1986 to 1988)
+--Theo Mattias/ RISC OS docs
+--Usenet Archive