Date : Fri, 05 Sep 2003 14:35:50 +1200 (NZST)
From : Michael Foot <mjfoot@...>
Subject: Re: newbie question
Quoting Bob Devries <bdevries@...>:
> I've just acquired a BBC Model B. It seems to work, but I'm having
> trouble
> getting a monitor to sync with it.
> I'm using a Commodore 1084, which has a composite video input, but I
> get
> multiple images of the text on the screen. Is this a fault of the
> computer,
> or is the monitor not compatible?
The monitor should be ok. The 1084 is a TV resolution monitor similar to the
type that were supplied with early Archimedes computers. I've used an
Archimedes monitor with a BBC before.
Not exactly sure what you mean by multiple images, but you could try changing
screen modes and see if the other modes are any better. From the BASIC >_
prompt you will need to type MODE <number> and press Enter. <number> is a
value between 0 and 7.
> Also, Can anyone tell me which ROMS go where in a *standard* BBC-B? I
> have a
> daughter board which has two Acorn ROMs on it marked 'HN613128PB04' and
> 'HN613128PB05' alongside a rom marked 'DFS 2.0 Solidisk' As well as that
The daughter board sounds like a sideways ROM board which allows the BBC to
contain more than 3 ROMs.
Looking at the BBC from the front with the keyboard removed, The bottom left
ROM socket holds the OS. This is the PB04 IC you have. The bottom right most
socket holds BASIC. This is PB05. The next socket to the left (ie. second from
the right) should hold the DFS 2.0 ROM. The OS must be in the left most
socket. The other ROMS are prioritised from right to left. illustrates this.
> I
> have ROMs marked VIEWMOD, WORDPLUS, and VIEWSHEET. The latter two I
> assume
> to be a word processor and spreadsheet.
View is the Acornsoft View word processor, ViewSheet is the Acornsoft
spreadsheet and WordPlus sounds like WordWise+ which is a word processor also.
> I have _NO_ disks for this unit. Is there anyway I can obtain/create
> some
> disks? I have a 40trk Teac 5.25" unit which will work, but I know
> nothing
> about how to format the disk.
Type *HELP and press enter. This will show you what ROM commands are
installed. I'm not sure about the Solidisk DFS, but if you then type *HELP DFS
or *HELP DISC and press Enter it should give you a list of commands you can
use for the discs. Usually it is *FORM or *FORM40 or *FORM80 or *FORMAT or
something similar to format a disc.
> Maybe I should remove all non-acorn extensions (for now) and leave only
> the
> acorn ROMs, but which sockets do they go into.
If the machine is starting up and working OK, I would leave the insides alone
for now. Due to the age of the machine it can be very easy to stuff things up
while changing bits around.
Michael Foot <mjfoot(at)paradise(dot)net(dot)nz> *
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