Date : Sat, 02 Jul 2005 14:24:47 +0100
From : Mike Tomlinson <mike@...>
Subject: Re: Econet Real Time Clock
In article <CC307CC9FA81401F82EC2B0066B72288.MAI@...>,
BeebMaster <beebmaster@...> writes
>1. Does anybody have the original unadulterated Level 3 FS? I
>would like to try to see what happens without the clock.
I do. It says it can't find the clock and refuses to run.
The clock is an ugly effort - it's a small black module which connects
to the user port via a short cable. The contents are potted with epoxy
so near impossible to get at (well, the one I saw was.)
>2. Does anybody know how to either read or write to the clock
>inside the RTC module? OSWORD 14/15 when used on a BBC B
>do not seem to have any effect.
The L3FS clock module didn't use OSWORD 14/15. If you want a RTC
upgrade for a BBC B that is OSWORD 14/15 compatible, the Solidisk RTC
is. (it'll even allow TIME$ to work if you change the cpu for a 65C02
and fit a BASIC4 ROM.)