Date : Sat, 10 Sep 2005 13:02:19 +0100
From : Mike Tomlinson <mike@...>
Subject: Re: checking ROMS.
In article <1126349255.6331.0.camel@...>, Tom Drage
<drage@...> writes
>Just wondering what the command for the BBC B is to list the installed
>ROMs, I couldn't find it in the manual?
There isn't one. You can use this little program:
10 DIM space% 10
20 PROCassem
30 FOR Y%=15 TO 0 STEP -1
40 Y$=STR$Y%:IF LENY$=1 Y$="0"+Y$
50 PRINT Y$"> ";
60 PRINT FNrom
80 END
90 DEF FNrom
100 IF Y%?&2A1=0 := "(vacant)"
110 A%=&8009
120 a$=""
140 ?&F6=A% MOD 256
150 ?&F7=A% DIV 256
160 CALL start
170 IF ?&70>31 AND ?&70<127 a$=a$+CHR$?&70
180 A%=A%+1
190 UNTIL ?&70=0
200 :=a$
210 :
220 DEF PROCassem
230 P%=space%
240 [OPT 2
250 .start
260 JSR &FFB9
270 STA &70
280 RTS
290 ]