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Date   : Fri, 10 Feb 2006 15:09:35 +0000
From   : Stephen Hippisley-Cox <s.d.hippisley-cox@...>
Subject: Re: Linux user-space DFS and ADFS tools?

If you already have the images (ie don't need to read from the _actual_
floppies), then try bbcim (v0.103), by Wouter Scholten.  I often use
this under Linux to build DFS images to put on my GoMMC disk.

It's hard to find with google, but you can find it at

Steve H-C

Jules Richardson wrote:
> Andrew Benham wrote:
>> Jules Richardson wrote:
>>> Before I try to sling something together, has anyone got any
>>> user-space DFS and ADFS tools that will run under Linux? I just need
>>> something that'll pull all individual files out of raw floppy images
>>> and stick them under a subdir in the host filesystem, so nothing too
>>> complex.
>> One of the annoyances in this world is that there is an 'adfs' kernel
>> module, but as I recall it only supports the 'new' ADFS formats used
>> on the Archimedes onwards.
> Yep, that's my understanding too (I was looking at the source earlier
> but gave up :)
>> Hot news: I thought that these new formats were 'D' and 'E', so I googled
>> and came up with:
>> http://inputplus.co.uk/ralph/#adfs
> problem with the linux raw floppy interface is that it's not *that* raw;
> there's still a level of abstraction that gets in the way of trying to
> cope with damaged media and automatic format analysis.
> I'm currently reading floppies with a DOS-based tool that can do
> analysis/recovery, and then shifting the resulting images across to the
> Linux box for archive and (intended) inspection of contents.  Hardly
> ideal, but it looks like doing that sort of work on Linux is going to
> need a kernel-level driver, so I'm ignoring it for the moment :)
> JGH has DFS formats up on his website:
> http://mdfs.net/Docs/Comp/Disk/Format/DFS
> ... but apparently not ADFS (or Torch DFS, which I think is different
> yet again to the other DFS formats; I think I might have the spec
> somewhere and will try and hunt it out)
> Still, I'll get cracking with something to handle DFS disk images in the
> meantime I think!
> cheers
> Jules

Rev'd Dr Stephen Hippisley-Cox
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