Date : Fri, 10 Feb 2006 18:43:17 -0000
From : "David Harper" <dl.harper@...>
Subject: Re: Linux user-space DFS and ADFS tools?
"Jules Richardson" <julesrichardsonuk@...> wrote:
> Before I try to sling something together, has anyone got any user-space
> DFS and ADFS tools that will run under Linux? I just need something
> that'll pull all individual files out of raw floppy images and stick them
> under a subdir in the host filesystem, so nothing too complex.
> Failing that, what's a good reference for the DFS amd ADFS (as used on BBC
> floppies) formats? I've got the advanced disk user guide here, but it
> seems more concerned with the ROM interfaces to the filesystems than the
> filesystems themselves.
I was at one stage intending to write a program to do this simply under DOS.
(I could yet finish it!)
In preparation I did a bit of an examination of ADFS disk structure. The
results might as well be available for anyone interested, so I have just
converted the summary into HTML and stuck it on the web at:
Perhaps it may be of use.
David Harper