Date : Wed, 01 Mar 2006 11:30:07 +0000
From : Jules Richardson <julesrichardsonuk@...>
Subject: Re: OT: Central Heating
Jonathan Graham Harston wrote:
>> Message-ID: <200602281210_MC3-1-B967-F767@...>
> Neill_Simpson <Neill_Simpson@...> wrote:
>> We have a similar problem (actually, with underfloor heating, but
>> that is a minor detail). We recently had a new plumber investigate
> My boiler is on its last elbows and needs replacing, so it's
> something I'll ask the plumbers to look into.
Make sure you haven't had the cowboys in - there's very little to go wrong
with a boiler, other than the thermocouple / igniter / pilot jet clogging up.
I hear that most engineers recommend a complete new boiler though as that's
where they can make more profit.
Igniters are reasonably expensive (and I wouldn't fit one myself);
thermocouples cost about 15 quid and are dead easy to fit yourself, and the
pilot jet you can clean out yourself if you feel like it.
Old boilers aren't brilliantly efficient - but a new one will be rather
expensive, plus subject to modern siting regulations which may even mean its
location has to be changed ($$$).
uk.d-i.y seems to be populated by several people clued-up on central heating
systems by the way, so you might want to ask there about the radiator problems.
>> I'm not sure how to bring this back on topic. Perhaps you would
>> write a little program to model the system?
> To bring it back on topic, I've just ordered a MiniB, which Sprow
> describes as usable as a central heating monitor and controller ;)
Hmmm, I almost fancy getting one too but I really can't think what I'd use it
for. Or maybe I should go the other route and saw a BBC B board in half and
fold it over on itself to get a reasonably compact unit ;)